Group 7-day waking average?

hi everyone,7.3,this morning BUT after eating a pastie with rosties for tea my sugar was 22.5 yes 22.5,but after drinking volumes of water by bedtime i'd got it down to 9.1,binned the rosties and frozen pasties this morning,got to bed at 1.30am,what a shock to my system that was.
It probably doesn't help that I have some other conditions that when then flair up can cause simpler symptoms of a hypo. Like yesterday I was almost sure I was having on because I got sundellu hot and dizey. e and I checked I wass 11.3(which I'm still bit confused about)
OMG... and it's migraine?
Some call it migraine babble (there's a few different official names for it) and I never knew it was even a thing until I had it and was trying to google the symptoms.
For me it isn't like I can't have a conversation, its just odd words coming out, well, odd lol.
It always happened with other migraine symptoms and as never just a case of saying some funny words on its own without other things indicating a migraine was on its way or already in full swing.
I think the general consensus is if its a new thing then get help as it could be something more sinister.

and started lecturing me on eating low fat according to the NHS "eatwell plate".
I phoned GP about fluid retention and about 80% of the callback was a lecture on still vaping a little bit after quitting a 20 cigs a day habbit and staying off them for 2-3 years.
Its like if they have nothing useful to say about why you are seeing them, they will pick something else to moan at you about.

@harbottle Yay to you too on the HS 🙂
@Kaylz {{{big hugs}}}
@Kev79 sometimes the downside of a meter and testing food is not being able to stay blissfully ignorant of what's terrible for us :rofl: (but better that we know).
@Gruers Hope you keep making improvements and recovery is all heading in the right direction x
It probably doesn't help that I have some other conditions that when then flair up can cause simpler symptoms of a hypo. Like yesterday I was almost sure I was having on because I got sundellu hot and dizey. e and I checked I wass 11.3(which I'm still bit confused about)
I get this with anxiety, proper medical consultants will insist I’m hypo and assume I have the hypo confusion when I say I’m not, until I test in front of them and show them the results.
OMG... and it's migraine? I have had those exact symptoms 3 times and the two last times (in 2019 and 2020) hubby has called an ambulance because I was struggling to speak coherently. I was rushed to A&E where they did CT scans and could find nothing wrong, no evidence of a stroke or TIA. Eventually 2 days after the last hospital incident this horrible woman doctor who had never met me in person rang to say that in her opinion I had had a TIA (which is now on my medical records) and started lecturing me on eating low fat according to the NHS "eatwell plate". I politely said I ate "lowish carb" being a diabetic. She then launched into a rant about how unhealthy my diet was and how I didn't eat fruit or veg, without ever asking what I do eat. I filed a complaint about her through PALS as she upset me so much. I got an official apology. I digress... my father was a martyr to migraines, he got them twice a week on his days off and had to lie in a darkened room. Nausea, vomiting the lot. I had some infrequent aural migraines in my late 20s, but not since then. I feel rather relieved to see your post!

Well... better get on... we have lunch guests today.

6.2 on waking at 8 am.

CONGRATULATIONS to @Sitosea, @harbottle and @goodybags on your HS... Stars of the firmament known as "the forum".
I did learn this week that migraines are often genetic. To be honest that made me doubt mine are migraines since I don’t really fit the typical migraine symptoms and have no genetic history of them at all!
I did learn this week that migraines are often genetic. To be honest that made me doubt mine are migraines since I don’t really fit the typical migraine symptoms and have no genetic history of them at all!
Not everyone has the same symptoms (as with a lot of medical stuff).
If anything just ask whoever diagnosed you how they came to that diagnosis if it will put your mind at ease.
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Not everyone has the same symptoms (as with a lot of medical stuff).
If anything just ask whoever diagnosed you how they came to that diagnosis if it will put your mid at ease.
I think my frustration is more that I’ve been given a pile of migraine medication (which has stopped the cycle) and not told anything about whether this is a temporary or permanent issue, if i need the medications long term or just to break this cycle, if it’s normal to have had a virus for more than a month etc. Just keep being told to take another week off work. Have made a GP appointment for Friday to ask some of these questions before hopefully going back to work next week. It’s been a month of feeling rubbish and being unable to work so I think my frustration has just been building up!
I get this with anxiety, proper medical consultants will insist I’m hypo and assume I have the hypo confusion when I say I’m not, until I test in front of them and show them the results.
Opps i posted this in wrong thread it was suppose to in my test strips thread.
firstly @Lucyr hugs.
Totally understand how frustrating it is to be felt like you are in the dark about your own treatment.
Defo a good plan to speak to the GPs and find out what they didn't tell you. Crappy that you need to but hope it gets you the answers you need.
Morning folks 6.4 today and must dash again. Will catch up on posts later. Have a good day all x
Morning folks.
Lots of police sirens last night in a prime example of one of the joys of living in central London. Kept waking me up all night.
Still managed a 6.8 this morning so not too bad at all.

Update from the police about the third suspect… they are still having trouble locating him and are pursuing a number of inquiries to determine his whereabouts. They say that these inquiries may take “some time” so I guess I just have to normalise being patient. I have to shift my mindset to more of a space where I accept that que sera sera and I’ll happen in its own time.

Anyway… time for a doze I think.
Good morning - 9.7
5,0 for me this morning!

Yesterday I was so exhausted that I spent pretty much all day in bed. I had to have a lie down to recover from watching the tv on the couch, level of exhausted.

Today I’ve woken up full of beans. Going to attempt to pace myself and rest most of the day, but also try and walk up to the village for a coffee later. Did that on Saturday and have been exhausted since, but all the drugs with “fatigue” as a side effect must be wearing off now, and hopefully the 5.0 means I’m getting over the infection.