Wordle - Quordle Thread

Pretty poor grand total of 97 for me this morning, but I think I was lucky to finish all three puzzles, as I found Octordle quite challenging. As ever, better luck to you all.

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Same here, I went down to the wire with Oct. having made a decent start, there were some horrible words. And I was lucky on the others.
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7,4,3,5
Octordle in 65.
Total 87
Well I flunked Octordle so no score for me.

Wordle in 3
Quordle 3 6 8 7 = 24
I am in the middle ground today! Thought I would bomb in Octordle for a while but saved by repeats of recently used words. 🙂 Anyways

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 8 for 23 (5, 7, 3, 8)
Octordle in to the wire for 68

Total Score 95

And it's University Challenge, the second semi-final, tonight. At this stage of the program I start to feel dim although in a recent IQ test I got 143
No grand total today, as I bombed out in Quordle. Doubtless I will get the dreaded wooden spoon, but such is life. Better luck to you all.


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Good morning. First up? No, @littlevoice359 sneaked in while I was typing, It was Octordle I found hard this morning, went to the wire..
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 6,4,8,5
Octordle 68
Total 94
I'm sure that’ll be beaten.
I'm sure that’ll be beaten.
Not by me because I dipped out in Octordle again...

Wordle in 2
Quordle 7 5 3 8 = 23
Possibly a good time for Mumpie to come back to life...

Wordle 5
Quordle 24
Octordle 60
For an 89

Wordle 703 5/6*

Daily Quordle 484
Daily Octordle #484
Score: 60
A little better this morning. Grand total 87.


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Sneak appearance again from my morning commute...
Score: 56
Daily Quordle 485
Wordle rather letting it down in 6
For grand total of

Well, I am bringing up the rear yet again today unless @MikeyBikey has a catastrophe.

Wordle in 3
Quordle 7 5 6 4 = 22
Octordle.... At least I finished to day but it was a close call and down to the wire with a score of 70.

Total for the day 95

Looking good for a "Mumpie" win 2 days in a row, but you are more likely to be robbed of your victory by Mikey than I am my last place. 🙄
Well, I am bringing up the rear yet again today unless @MikeyBikey has a catastrophe.

Wordle in 3
Quordle 7 5 6 4 = 22
Octordle.... At least I finished to day but it was a close call and down to the wire with a score of 70.

Total for the day 95

Looking good for a "Mumpie" win 2 days in a row, but you are more likely to be robbed of your victory by Mikey than I am my last place. 🙄

Well it's " @MikeyBikey in the Middle" trailing @littlevoice359 by one who himself trails @Robin by one. So congratulations to @Mumpie_olgran and commiserations to @rebrascora!

Wordle in 4
Quordle in in 9 for 23 (6, 9, 3, 5)
Octordle in 12 for 62

Total Score 89




I finished after breakfast but then got continual interrupts to the point I even boiled the eggs to go with my kippers dry. Saving them till tomorrow as I need my Omega-3! 🙂
Better luck this morning, with a grand total of 81.


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Found it hard today, kept getting one letter wrong and taking two goes to get several words.
Wordle in 4
Quordle in 6,3,8,7
Octordle in 68 at the last gasp
Total 96