Wordle - Quordle Thread

Took me 4 lives to get the first word but was away after that and only needed 2 for one other, with a final score of 66.

Was it the third word? Checking my mental arithmetic here!

I will forgive you for beating me as you are my Good DF! :rofl:
Thought I would start early but gave up after Wordle. Must be weirdest word ever and only got there as had three place letters placed. Even weirder than Squiz!
While I won't win any prizes (apart from the dreaded wooden spoon) today, at least it was better than yesterday's shambles. Grand total 92. A pretty rare word and what I consider an Americanism in the mix this morning.

Screenshot 2023-04-09 at 07.51.40.png
Thought I would start early but gave up after Wordle. Must be weirdest word ever and only got there as had three place letters placed. Even weirder than Squiz!
I am 3 lives in and totally flummoxed with Wordle and came here to see if I am just being totally stupid or if others struggled, so I am somewhat relieved. I have 2 green and a gold and I was sure I had the only possible word that it could be with my 3rd try. Nope!
Just gone back to it and put in something that I dredged out of an unused corner of my mind and got it in 4 but really not at all impressed and I am certain that it doesn't feature in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Well I made a really good start with Octordle, then got cocky and very nearly blew it, but just scraped through...

Wordle in 4.... Still not happy. Feel like we should boycott it for a day or two in protest.
Quordle 3 8 6 7 = 24
Octordle somehow gave me a score of 62 despite finishing with no lives left.

Total for the day a nice round "Top of the shop blind 90"
Well hard this morning. I had three Golds after third guess but struggled for over ten minutes thereafter. Quordle in a poorish 8 and struggling with Octordle with four lives and four words left. I can see the dreaded Wooden Spoon. I need to snatch Victory from the Jaws of Defeat! :rofl:
Well that was weird..
Wordle in 4 It’s an Acronym, not a proper word.
Quordle in a cautious 8,6,9,4
Octordle in 54 with one life left. At one point I thought I was going for a record 3 lives left, but the last word (bottom left) tripped me up and I took two more attempts to get it. It’s not how I'd spell it.
Total 85.
Well I nearly did the Wordle answer today struggling through to revert yo being a Ton Up Boy (miss those days! :( Anyways:

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 8 for 24 (8, 3, 7, 6)
Octordle to the wire scoring 72

Total score the Ton (100)



Sequential Quordle 3 4 5 6 = 18
Sequential Octordle 60
Sequential Quordle 3 4 5 6 = 18
Sequential Octordle 60
Seq. Quordle 3,4,6,8
Seq Octordle 72
You win! Must stop making a habit of those two, I already do Globle with my son and Waffle as well as the usuals, I need a life!
Seq. Quordle 3,4,6,8
Seq Octordle 72
You win! Must stop making a habit of those two, I already do Globle with my son and Waffle as well as the usuals, I need a life!
I also do Squaredle most days which takes up far more time than I have to spare.... Must wean myself off some rather than add more. 🙄 You guys are leading me astray! 😱
I also do Squaredle most days which takes up far more time than I have to spare.... Must wean myself off some rather than add more. 🙄 You guys are leading me astray! 😱
My sister tried to get me hooked on Squaredle. I think it helps that it’s not available til 11am, and I’m usually sidetracked on daily life by then.
I also do Squaredle most days which takes up far more time than I have to spare.... Must wean myself off some rather than add more. 🙄 You guys are leading me astray! 😱

When I was about 20 I lead a young horsey girl astray. Her father didn't approve of "this biker chap" and she ended up married to an accountant. She recognised me about fifteen years ago although I hardly recognised her. We both wondered what might have been but divorced for a second time she said she had no interest in men and all that malarkey!
Middle-of-the-road result this morning. Grand total 91.
Screenshot 2023-04-10 at 07.46.06.png
Well, I am back to my usual form ie. failure 🙄 . I think I was spurred into a false sense of confidence by Wordle and Quordle and then got too "Gung Ho" in Octordle and ran out of lives. My BG levels were also borderline low, so perhaps my brain wasn't getting enough fuel to work effectively. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it.

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 3 4 7 5 = 19
Octordle I crashed out on the 4th word. It gave me a score of 73 (to give a final score of 95) in case there is any arguing over who gets the wooden spoon, but I am happy to claim it.