Wordle - Quordle Thread

Tried a different starter word in Quordle this morning and bombed as a result. Not too bad for the other two puzzles though.
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Started well with Wordle but then both Quordle and Octordle went to the wire despite getting first words early with nothing for 3/4 words respectively.

So the scores are Wordle in 3, Quordle in 9 with a score of 26 (8, 9, 3, 6) and Octordle in 13 with a score of 66! :(



It was a good start and a nerve wracking finish on Octordle for me as I had two options left for the last life.

Wordle in 3
Quordle 8 6 3 5 with a total of 22 and one life left
Octordle was down to the wire but with a surprisingly reasonable score of 60

So a total of 85 for today.
Last to report yesterday, first today!
Wordle in 4
Failed Quordle, had too many options and too few lives left at the end
Octordle in 69, one life left, again, two options for the last word and chose the wrong one, at least I had lives left.
Lucky with Wordle, but not so much with the other two.
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Well, I had a disaster this morning. Clearly being another year older has done for my remaining brain cells.

Wordle in 3 but it should have been 2. In my excitement at thinking I was going to get it in 2 because a word jumped right out at me from my first line I put 2 gold back in exactly the same position next to the green and didn't stop and think that those letters needed to move, not remain where they were.. Doh! 🙄

Then, I played the other 2 puzzles very rashly and crashed and burned on both and in the case of Octordle, I ended up with not one but 2 red squares!! 😡 Roll on tomorrow!
Well, I had a disaster this morning. Clearly being another year older has done for my remaining brain cells.

Wordle in 3 but it should have been 2. In my excitement at thinking I was going to get it in 2 because a word jumped right out at me from my first line I put 2 gold back in exactly the same position next to the green and didn't stop and think that those letters needed to move, not remain where they were.. Doh! 🙄

Then, I played the other 2 puzzles very rashly and crashed and burned on both and in the case of Octordle, I ended up with not one but 2 red squares!! 😡 Roll on tomorrow!

Giving you a Like would be inappropriate with your results. So here is a cake! :rofl:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA!birthday-cake-lots-of-candles-birthday-cakes-asta-cake-y9eq4rwxb0-birthday-cake-with-lots-of-c...jpg
Giving you a Like would be inappropriate with your results. So here is a cake! :rofl:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARBARA!View attachment 24188
Blooming heck! I am not that old Mikey!!! Having had a quick count I think there may be about 3 candles too many there 😉 Absolutely love the thought though, which is really all that matters.
And a somewhat better day for me. Wordle in :4, Quordle in 7 with a score of 20 (7, 3, 6, 4) and Octordle in 11 with a score of 59. Wish I could get under 20 and 50 on Quordle and Octordle respectively.



Did worse today after a refreshing nights sleep than I did yesterday after a poor night.
Failed Wordle, too many choices having got 4 correct letters by Go 3.
Scraped Quordle in 8,6,7,9
Octordle, 67 at the last gasp.
Better Wordle today but then downhill!! :( Scores are Wordle in 3, Quordle in 8 with score of 23 (3, 7, 8, 5) and Octordle to the wire with a score of 67. Went wrong way twice in Quordle and just too many options in Octordle!



Started on a flyer in both Wordle and Quordle but then lost it a bit. Still a much better day than yesterday...
Wordle in 2

Quordle 7 2 3 8 with a score of 20

Octordle with 2 lives left and a score of 55

So a total for the day of 77 which may be a personal best.
Mixed set of results today. Wordle in 3 as the answer leapt out at me, Quordle to the wire with a score of 27 (9, 6, 5, 7) and a middling Octordle in 12 with a score of 67!
I am getting fed up with disappearing stats. When Quordle was taken over a few days later I noticed that my stats and achievements had gone but it said you could import your old ones. This did not work and I went back to zero again. Then a few days ago I got an update which necessitated a reboot and guess what. Both my Quordle and Octordle stats were wiped. Just for additional fun it logged me out of this and another forum I usually stay connected to. I am getting fed up with iffy updates on my devices!
Mixed bag again this morning. As to disappearing stats, @MikeyBikey, I've given up on those. Each time I clear my browser history, my stats vanish and I get logged out of any site I'm logged into. Probably the same thing happens when I have to reboot my computer, as in your case.
Screenshot 2023-02-15 at 07.50.29.png
Wordle in 5.
Quordle in 8,9,5,7, stupidly I didn’t notice for ages that I’d got a correctly guessed letter in one of them.
Octordle in 63, but down to the wire. I was flying, but then it took three attempts to get my last remaining word.
Wordle in 5
Was sure that I was done for in Quordle but just scraped through on the last life with 9 7 4 8 and a total of 28.
Wasn't so lucky with Octordle and crashed and burned on the home stretch.