Wordle - Quordle Thread

So a bad day in Wordleland. Got Wordle in 4 before falling asleep after first two guesses in Quordle. This morning both Quordle and Octordle to the wire scoring 28 (6, 5, 9, 8) in Quordle and 76 in Octordle! :(



Wordle in 3 first thing this morning. Waited til I’d watched daughter at riding (I’m giving my creaky pelvis another week before taking to the saddle again, it’s fine, just a bit achey now) and thawed out again before tackling the others.
Quordle in 8,4,6,7
Octordle in a not too shabby (for me) 60 with two lives left.
Yeah! I have done tomorrow's in 4!

Wordle 589 4/6


Sorry it's not reproducing well but will PM answer if you want to know before midnight! :rofl:
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Yeah! I have done tomorrow's in 4!

Wordle 589 4/6


Sorry it's not reproducing well but will PM answer if you want to know before midnight! :rofl:
How can you do tomorrow's Wordle today??
Ah!! I managed to wait thanks.... I am not tech savvy enough to tinker with time zones.

Anyway a mixed bag for me again...

Wordle in 4
Quordle I was far too rash and crashed and burned on not one but two....the 2nd and 4th words! Too many options and I kept choosing the wrong ones. 🙄
Octordle was much better but I could have had a personal best if I hadn't chosen the wrong option for my penultimate attempt at the last word .... anyway I finished with 2 lives left and a very respectable score of 53.
Lucky to solve Wordle in 4, considering I had only 2 correct letters after 3 tries. Decent enough 22 in Quordle and last-gasp 71 in Octordle.
Screenshot 2023-01-29 at 07.37.10.png
So a mixed Wordleday at the end of the Wordleweek! A better pic of my Wordle in 4. Quordle was stuck on 1 and 4 after 6 goes and put in a constanant chaser that only confirmed a vowel! Lucky guess for 1 but wrong choice on 4! :( Octordle in a reasonable 11 with a score of 56! :(



Wordle in 4

Daily Quordle 371
So a pretty decent score of 18 and 3 lives left, which almost makes up for my total disaster yesterday! 🙄

Octordle with one life left and another mediocre score of 65.
Poor result for me this morning I'm afraid. Should have waited until after breakfast I think...
Screenshot 2023-01-30 at 07.31.18.png
Middle of the road today.
Wordle in 4
Quordle in 5,4,8,6
Octordle in 66 with one life left, did the usual of guessing a word all except one letter a couple of times.
After nearly finishing my Wordle run when I needed 6 for today's Wordle yesterday rather better today.

Quordle in 7 with a score of 22 (5, 6, 4, 7) or (4, 5, 6, 7) going clockwise from lower left.

Octordle in 12 with score of 61. Problem was last word has three options (I could think of) after 10 goes so I put in a sacrificial word to find the missing letter which turned out to be the one I first thought of! :(


Anyone else notice that quordle.com is now mirriam-webster.com. Apparent Mirriam Webster brought it a week ago. Hope it doesn't mean the dreaded paywall! :(
Anyone else notice that quordle.com is now mirriam-webster.com. Apparent Mirriam Webster brought it a week ago. Hope it doesn't mean the dreaded paywall! :(
Yes, I noticed the other day when @rebrascora was having difficulty getting the right website, see post #597. I assume there were a few teething problems at changeover.
Wordle in 3

Daily Quordle 372
I was absolutely flying but then got bogged down with too many options for the 3rd word and made 2 wrong choices before I selected the right final letter. Still my best score I think of 16 with 2 lives left.

Octordle with one life left but again I got a brilliant start and then needed 3 attempts at the final word (no 3 again 🙄 ) before I got the correct letter. Still a pretty impressive score of 54 and probably my best results i one day over the 3 puzzles so far.

Off to bed now.
Not too bad this morning - better than yesterday for sure! 🙂
Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 07.34.41.png
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 8,3,7,4, not quite as good as @rebrascora , also got bogged down in the middle and made wrong choices on words one and three.
Octordle in 54 with one life left. Just like you, @rebrascora , I was playing a blinder, then took three attempts to get the third word!