Rob Oldfield
Well-Known Member
- Relationship to Diabetes
- Type 1
Late entry today with a 3 on Quordle, a problematic Quordle with a 9, 7, 4, 6 for 26, and a 56 on Octordle. Total of 85.
No great scores on Wordle and Octordle, and Quordle seems to have hung whilst going badly!
Wordle in 4
Octordle to the wire for 63
Running Total 67! And if Quordle stops playing up the best I can get is 25!
Having an axe to grind I have only done the Quordles. The Daily was tricky again and CHAFE did no favours in the Weekly Challenge. I actually went to bed early as I feel shattered by woke after less than an hour with the screaming adjabs of Phantom Pain. It feels like a bunsen is being applied to the top of my foot, my ankle is broken and I have cramp in the toes - i.e. it's eff'ing awful!Anyway:
Quordle to the wire for 26 (4, 6, 9, 7)
Weekly Challenge in 8 for 24 (5, 7, 8, 4). Clue - rebus, inept and axiom are not amongst the answers.
Wordle and Octordle at breakfast!
Having Internet problems and no time to do them on my phone, so radio silence from me for a few days.