Wordle - Quordle Thread

I think it is another Mikey in the Middle performance with a few tricky words along the way!

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 8 for 23 (5, 8, 6, 4)
Octordle in 11 for a Heinz 57

Total Score 84!
Well it looks like I am first on the dance floor, but not an impressive score....

Wordle in 5
Quordle 9 7 8 5 = 29 and a ticket to the DISCO
Octordle for 65

Grand total = an ice cream with flake and monkey's blood.

Weekly Challenge 6 5 8 4 = 23 but took me a lot of time and head scratching
I see Mikey pipped me to it whilst I was typing. Looks like I will be eating my ice cream with a wooden spoon. 🙄
Bad start and a good recovery today. A pesky 6 for Wordle just trying to nail down the many options but followed that with a 5, 6, 3, 4 for a Quordle 18 and a 51 on Octordle. Total of 75.
Better start than @Rob Oldfield but then downhill with typos giving valid words in Octordle to probably the Spoon of Wood!

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 8 for 24 ((7, 8, 5, 4)
Octordle to the wire for 72

Total Score - a Ton Up!

Now dreams of riding a Triton again! 🙄
Poor effort from me once again and I must be on the back of your Triton Mikey or riding your coat tails as I am also a "Ton Up"

Wordle in 5 yet again! That is 3 fives on the trot! 😡
Quordle 4 7 6 5 = 22
Octordle for 73....only just 2 behind Rob's total score 🙄
Poor effort from me once again and I must be on the back of your Triton Mikey or riding your coat tails as I am also a "Ton Up"

Wordle in 5 yet again! That is 3 fives on the trot! 😡
Quordle 4 7 6 5 = 22
Octordle for 73....only just 2 behind Rob's total score 🙄

We are nearly Wordle Twins as we drew on the Weekly Challenge. My Triton also had a Triumph 650 'twin' with a few mods. Hand controlled Triton Trike I wonder. Waiting to come back from podiatry. Was quite relieved to get here in a timely fashion. BTW a friend in the '59' Club has suggested I get a trike! 🙂
Thank goodness, I have done a bit better today! Still mediocre but better than the abysmal results of the last few days...

Wordle in 3
Quordle 4 5 7 3 = 19
Octordle for 60

Total for the day = 82
I will have some of what you had @rebrascora as aftger an average Mikey in the Middle start Octordle disintegrated! And so fast!

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 7 for 22 (5, 4, 7, 6)
After a good start Octordle to the wire for 69

Total Score 95! (5F in Hex but @rebrascora got 52 that way!)
I will have some of what you had @rebrascora as aftger an average Mikey in the Middle start Octordle disintegrated!
It was a spiced rum and coke. :D After months of no alcohol, I treated myself and clearly this is what I have been missing with my Wordle efforts.
Another iffy result on Wordle followed by decent scores on the others for me. Wordle I have a 5 after missing the best way of attacking it, Quordle a 3, 4, 7, 5 for 19 (spent ages trying to come up with a decent option for the last word - eventually got there!), and ended with a 52 on Octordle. Comes out to a total of 76.
Usual middle of the road for me. Was cross with myself for Octordle, I had two inspired guesses in the middle, both of which turned out to be wrong!
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 4,7,6,5 = 22
Octordle in 64
Total 89
Well I started off really well 😎 ...... and then did progressively less well as I went on 🙄...

Wordle in 2
Quordle 4 7 6 3 = 20
Octordle for 70

Makes for a total of 92 :(
Woke early as physio this morning (if transport arrives). Done the first teo now rushing around!

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7 for 22 (5, 6, 4, 7)

Running Total 26. Need 66 or less to avoid the Spoon of Wood :rofl:
Woke early as physio this morning (if transport arrives). Done the first teo now rushing around!

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7 for 22 (5, 6, 4, 7)

Running Total 26. Need 66 or less to avoid the Spoon of Wood :rofl:

Whilst I am still on tenderhooks waiting for Patient Transport I will let the Three R's off theirs! :(

Octordle to the wire for 63!

Total Score Two Fat Ladies 88! Thus avoiding the Spoon of Wood!; :rofl:
