Wordle - Quordle Thread

Pedestrian result here (5+21+68=94). Couldn’t get into it this morning for whatever reason.


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Poor result for me too today throughout, but just happy I completed them all....

Wordle in 5
Quordle 3 5 7 8 = 23
Octordle for 66

Total for the day = 94
Looks like I am first today. Not a good start to the week as although I started Octordle well I ran out of letters and had multiple choices!

Wordle in 5
Quordle in 8 for 23 (8, 5, 6, 4)
Octordle in 12 for 56

Total Score 84!
Another dismal showing today (4+24+71=99). Weekly in 25.

Time for another break from these puzzles I think as they have become more annoying than enjoyable….


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Another dismal showing today (4+24+71=99). Weekly in 25.

Time for another break from these puzzles I think as they have become more annoying than enjoyable….
My New Year's resolution was to have a break from them….we're now in February and I haven’t yet. Was sorely tempted after my last run in the 90s, then I had a really good day and got sucked back in.
A 5 on Wordle for me after leaving the right last letter to the third guess of three, a good Quordle with a 6, 3, 4, 5 18, and ending with a 56 on Octordle though kicking myself for not choosing a better option at word 7. Total of 79.

Now.... just to remember to use the correct starting word on the weekly challenge.
Reverting to my usual wooden spoon position after a few out of character days where I did reasonably well...

Wordle in 5
Quordle I played a bit of a blinder with 6 4 2 5 = 17
Octordle I then blew it with 1 life left on the last word and 2 options of which of course I chose the wrong one, so a DNF for me.

Off to attempt the weekly challenge and see if I can STEAL some glory....
No glory for me but at least I didn't bomb out....
6 7 8 3 = 24
Weekly Challenge in 8 for 22 (6, 8, 5, 3) tying with @Rob Oldfield!

I have appointments for the next three days so may post late or just Wordle as I have a good streak going (101)I

I don't generally look at my Wordle stats but your comment prompted me to have a look and my current streak is 291... No doubt I will blow that tomorrow now that I have publicly declared it, although I am sure others will have better stats.

Good luck with your hospital transport running to time and hope the hospital appointments show some improvement Mikey. Fingers crossed!
I don't generally look at my Wordle stats but your comment prompted me to have a look and my current streak is 291... No doubt I will blow that tomorrow now that I have publicly declared it, although I am sure others will have better stats.

Good luck with your hospital transport running to time and hope the hospital appointments show some improvement Mikey. Fingers crossed!

I had got to 383 on my previous phone when it failed. In total I am at 501 games played! I doubt I will ever get a 100 streak on Quordle or Octordle as you are doing multiple games!
Think I am in line for my usual award today, although there were some tricky words which might catch people out..
Anyway, I scraped through all 3 but with a cricket score....

Wordle in 4
Quordle 8 7 6 4 = 25
Octordle by the skin of my teeth for 73

Looks like 102