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Wordle - Quordle Thread

And it's back - at least for me.

Due to this morning's issues I took the outrageous decision to do the puzzles in reverse order. Started with a 52 for Octordle, then a 6, 3, 4, 7 for a Quordle 20, and finally a 4 on Wordle. Total of 76.
Well I did reasonably well again. Bit gutted as I was so close to another win with a score that could have been in the 40s with Octordle, but like @MikeyBikey I had 2 choices of letter on my final word and chose the wrong one first.

Wordle in 4
Quordle 8 6 7 3 = 24
Octordle for 53

Total for the day = 81
Middle of the road result today (3+21+61=85).


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I have chosen RESIN as next week's Quordle Weekly Challenge. I worked with various ones in my tgwenties when I started in ICI as a Laboratory Assistant working my way up Experimental Physicist before I with many thousands was axed. John Harvey-Jones as Chairman had no idea how to run such a large company in axing so many skilled people. After him there were many totally stupid decisions until ICI disappeared in 2008. I have been hoping someone would write a book or do a documentary on the years 1983 - 2008 as an example on how not to run a large company. J H-J went on to present BBC's Troubleshooter where he advised companies om forward strategy. The only company that survived long term was Morgan Cars who told him he was speaking rubbish (and he usually did)!
Not my best day today. Wordle wasn't responding again when I tried it just after midnight so went in reverse order again. Octordle really didn't want to behave so came out of there with a 67. Quordle was better with a 7, 4, 3, 5 for 19 and then, with Wordle now responding moved onto that. Got three letters nailed down on word 2, but then lots of options still in play and ended up with a 5. Overall total of 88.
A rather impressive cricket score for me today but at least I finished all 3. Sadly we are not playing cricket so definitely not a winner.... well apart from my usual trophy... I must be in with a good shot at winning the spoon of wood today!

Wordle in 4
Quordle for a max score 6 8 7 9 = 30
Octordle for 71

Total = 105
Wento bed just before mid-night without checking BG and woke up an hour layer at 2.7. Five JBs and a slice of toast brought me back to a rising 5 so started the Wordles.

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 8 for 23 (5, 7, 3, 8)

Will leave Octordle for breakfast time as not thinking 100% clearly but Wordle just jumped out at me!
Wento bed just before mid-night without checking BG and woke up an hour layer at 2.7. Five JBs and a slice of toast brought me back to a rising 5 so started the Wordles.

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 8 for 23 (5, 7, 3, 8)

Will leave Octordle for breakfast time as not thinking 100% clearly but Wordle just jumped out at me!

Tackled Octordle as a distraction from the phantom pain which the painkiller is starting to ease. 🙂

Octordle in 12 for 63

Total Score 89!
Started bad, picked up a bit, then into a brick wall for me. Wordle nailed down two letters at word 2, then spent the rest trying the options before finally getting there at guess 6. Quordle ran into problems choosing the right one of options ending with a 7, 6, 3, 8 for 24. Octordle started well with correct words on lines 3 to 6 but that left me with options on all the others where the letters in play were different. Guessing muscles shut down at that point and crashed out only having room for 2 of the 3 options for the last word.
Well, at least I am in good company.....

Poor Wordle for 5 after getting nothing from my first or second lines.
Much better at Quordle with 5 2 6 4 = 17
Then I struggled to get going with Octordle, picked up a bit in the middle and started to feel optimistic that I would finish but was left with 2 choices on the last 0word and only 1 life and of course I went for the wrong one, so it is a DNF for me too.
Can’t load Wordle at the mo, will try again later.
Scraped Quordle, had three possibilities for the middle letter of the last word, and for once picked the right one.
Quordle in 8,9,4,5 = 26
Octordle in 66.

Edit. Finally! Wordle in 4 giving a total for today of 96
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In went back to sleep from about 7:00 to 9:00 after being rudely disturbed by a hypo and phantom pain. I did Wordle while i was having a cuppa and painkillers but now it just freezes and does not load.

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 8 for 25 (6, 4, 7, 8)
Octordle in 12 for 61 (ended up with three possible words for my last word but fortunately got it second time)

Total Score 90! Think only @littlevoice359 and @Mumpie_olgran can challenge now.
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Hey @MikeyBikey thanks for the nudge
Rubbish Wordle for 6
Then 61 Octordle and a 6 7 3 8 makes 24for Quordle for a "grand" total of 91...
Which I thought might have been a win-by-one until I checked @MikeyBikey arithmetic and actually it's a lose-by-one because of his Quordle sums!