Wordle - Quordle Thread

Trailing @Robin by 1 (5+22+70=97), having also just scraped home.


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Ooh! I might be in with a shout again today.... I haven't totaled mine up yet but look competitive I think...

Wordle in a disappointing 5
Quordle 7 6 5 8 = 26
Octordle in 56

Oh, so close, but just shy of @Mumpie_olgran 's total on 87. Well done!

@littlevoice359 and @Robin You will have to fight it out or come to an agreement on next weeks starting word for the Weekly Challenge.
Ooh! I might be in with a shout again today.... I haven't totaled mine up yet but look competitive I think...

Wordle in a disappointing 5
Quordle 7 6 5 8 = 26
Octordle in 56

Oh, so close, but just shy of @Mumpie_olgran 's total on 87. Well done!

@littlevoice359 and @Robin You will have to fight it out or come to an agreement on next weeks starting word for the Weekly Challenge.

How about @Robin and @littlevoice359 do battle over today's Daily Sequence? 🙂
Yet again woken by pain (this time the wounds on my poorly foot) in the early hours! So tried the Wordle distraction!

Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7 for 20 (4, 3, 7, 6)
Octordle in 12 for 60

So a Total Score of 83! Think it would have been sub-80 if I was more focussed! :(
All was fairly smooth until I hit a rough patch with too many options at the end of Octordle, fortunately had enough lives left to sneak home on a few wrong choices.
Wordle in 3.
Quordle in 5,4,6,7
Octordle in 62
Total 87
Similar story to @Robin for me
Wordle in 5
Quordle in a healthier 5 4 6 3 = 18
And a scrappy Octordle of 64

For another 87. @MikeyBikey keeps his nose in front!
Disappointing result (4+19+72=95) here, mostly due to a slew of unlucky guesses in Octordle.


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Total disaster for me....

Wordle in 4
Quordle I managed to fail on not just one but 2... 7 5 X X
Octordle I had a very good start but then just scraped through on the last life and had a choice of 2 at the end and picked the right one for once but could have gone either way. Anyway my score was 60

No total for me today though.

Congratulations to @MikeyBikey on your win despite your pain distraction. Hope it has eased now.
Both Quordle and Octordle were going well until thee last word in Quordle and the mid-point in Octordle when a lack of constantans floored me! :(

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 9 for 21 (4, 9, 5, 3)
Octordle to the wire for 70

Total Score 95
Wasn’t doing too badly until a couple of rash guesses half way through Octordle left me scraping home.
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 5,8,6,2
Octordle in 70
Total 94, just sneaking ahead of @MikeyBikey
Steady eddy here
Quordle in 4 7 5 6 = 22
Octordle in 60
For 86 on a very washed out morning
Good luck all
Started well with an inspired second guess, but struggled with the multiples, scraping home with both.

Wordle in 2
Quordle 9 7 4 8 = 28
Octordle with a score of 67

Total score for the day 97 and so winning the Spoon of Wood Trophy yet again!
After struggling through Wordle and Quordle on a 4.9 I had a caffeine infusion and a Lotus biscuit and hit 5.3. Must have boosted my brain as sailed through Octordle.

Wordle in 5
Quordle in 8 for 24 (6, 7, 8, 3)
Octordle in 10 for 52

Total Score 81 but have Wordle and Quordle undone my chance of the Gold?!