Wordle - Quordle Thread

Yes, I was beavering away. Really trying to be a little less impulsive and think all the options through and it may just have paid off....

Wordle in 3
Quordle 3 6 2 7 = 18
Octordle with one life left and a score of 57

My total for todays 3 puzzles might just be a winner at 78

I also qualified for the Quordle Weekly Challenge and got 3 6 8 9 = 26

You have left me holding the Spoon of Wood but hopefully only temporarily! :rofl:
A bit myeuh from me but ok. And I'm sure better than had I attempted last night . Trouble is I'm finding hard work guessing the meal content while eating out at the moment. First world problems I know...

4 7 5 8

Makes all the 8s 88
DNF here, due to Octordle, partly because that American word threw me off.


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Well my usual inconsistency prevails. Gold star position yesterday, wooden spoon today...

Wordle in 5
Quordle 8 6 X 4 = No score for me today
Octordle with one life left and a score of 58.

Hope you guys do better than me. Not difficult I think!
I really struggled on Wordle and Quordle probably as as a result of being in a none too good mindset after a none too brilliant podiatry session and a horrendous wait (>4.5 hours) fir the return journey so slept on it with good result!

Wordle in 6
Quordle in 8 for 25 (4, 6, 8, 7)
Octordle in 11 for 53

Total Score 84! Probably not enough after a horrendous start! :(
Struggled on all of them today, but managed to scrape through. Found Quordle the least worst, funnily enough.
Wordle in 6
Quordle in 6,3,4,7
Octordle in 68
Total 94
Wordle in 6
Quordle 7 4 5 6 for 22
Octordle in 63

Makes 91
Im with you @Robin in finding Quordle the least bad. Wordle was tense!
Pretty disappointing grand total of 100 (6,20,74) here.


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Not sure how I won that after my struggles with Wordle and Quordle in the early hours. With Wordle the only used letters were Q, W J, Z and X! I wonder how people would get on with SQUIZ?
Interestingly I didn't get any letters with my first or second guess at Wordle which I don't think has ever happened before!
Then I got 2 green with my 3rd and 4 green with my fourth and from there I only had 2 possible options for the first letter, one of which was a slang abbreviation which I was uncomfortable about using, so I went with the only other option which I also had misgivings about, but for once I made the right choice! Sadly my luck didn't hold out for Quordle. I think a lot of it depends on your starting word. I wonder what would happen if we all agreed to use one of our starting words each day, so mine one day and Mikey's starting word another morning etc so that we were all starting from the same starting word each day, but the word was varying.
Hmm interesting idea although I do change my starting words fairly frequently. What a crazy cat I am
Maybe we should give that a whirl on the weekly Quordle one which feels a bit more throwaway than the high stakes, cut throat daily ones??
Hmm interesting idea although I do change my starting words fairly frequently. What a crazy cat I am
Maybe we should give that a whirl on the weekly Quordle one which feels a bit more throwaway than the high stakes, cut throat daily ones??
Good idea, because I compete with my son on Wordle, and we both always start with the same fixed word. Also because we play hard mode, I don’t have a 'go to' second word, because it depends what I’ve got in the first go, as I have to use correct letters in subsequent goes.
Is @rebrascora lurking I wonder. Well a pity disastrous evening on all three games.

Wordle in 5
Quordle to the wire for 28 (8, 6, 5, 9)
Octordle in 12 for 63

Total Score 96! Potential Spoon of Wood but not Gold! :(
Hang on! Just about to look at them...

Going rather well so far. Wordle was tricky... but got it in 4
Quordle I made up for my fail yesterday by playing an absolute blinder... for 18
Daily Quordle 577
Octordle was unfortunately right down to the wire but I scraped through with a 74

So my total for the day is a rather disappointing 96 in the end, despite my very good start.

Looks like my mate and I will be sitting in the corner together sharing the dunces hat and the Spoon of Wood! Can't imagine better company though!
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Decent score by my standards today, I finished them all, for a start! What are the odds of the same word turning up in two of the puzzles?
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7,8,5,4
Octordle in 63
Total 90
Happy enough with my score being just one behind @Robin (total 91 : 3,23,65) as there were some challenging words in the mix today I thought.


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Hang on! Just about to look at them...

Going rather well so far. Wordle was tricky... but got it in 4
Quordle I made up for my fail yesterday by playing an absolute blinder... for 18
Daily Quordle 577
Octordle was unfortunately right down to the wire but I scraped through with a 74

So my total for the day is a rather disappointing 96 in the end, despite my very good start.

Looks like my mate and I will be sitting in the corner together sharing the dunces hat and the Spoon of Wood! Can't imagine better company though!

So we are back in the kitchen together later which is rather appropriate as I am "oven ready" to go to the imaging department. Now remember no squirting cream around or I might have to place strategic flourly handprints! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Well that's a wrap from me
And 5 makes 87

Not sure if everyone has finished yet so I won't name it but I've word in there I haven't heard of again
Not sure if everyone has finished yet so I won't name it but I've word in there I haven't heard of again
Congratulations on yet another good win of a challenging set of quizzes. I take it you mean the first word in Octordle, which interestingly goes with the second word.

@Robin I too was a bit suspicious and hesitant of the same word appearing in two puzzles on the same day! It's like looking a gift horse in the mouth and thinking there must be a catch here somewhere!