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Who will be the next Prime Minister?

And certainly not for the money a pm is paid. Not sure why anyone would willingly want to do what is probably the most stressful job in the country and the previous one was Type 1 diabetic.

Poisoned chalice is job, mind might not get paid much now but afterwards rewards are huge, look at how much Blair Cameron have made on public appearances giving talks, bungling Boris could make 150k at each one according to some sources.
Anyone else reckon D.C being brought back into tories to replace Sunak as Prime Minister?
Anyone else reckon D.C being brought back into tories to replace Sunak as Prime Minister?
I think it's very unlikely. Might be worth a bet (I think you can get good odds on him). I doubt he wants the job (who would?).

Much more likely is they stick with Sunak, lose the election pretty badly, and then go into a slump, probably choosing someone mad (like Braverman) before returning to a more normal right wing Party with a more nearly sane leader.
I wouldn't want any of them !
I feel Truss didn't have enough time to settle into things. Perhaps give her another 36 minutes.
I feel Truss didn't have enough time to settle into things. Perhaps give her another 36 minutes.

I'd rather have had the lettuce!
I actually have a small bet with somebody that this will happen.
Bet you a small low carb sticky bun that it will not.

More interesting is what will come first, a new Prime Minister or a general election. Difficult to work out the odds on that one.
Bet you a small low carb sticky bun that it will not.

More interesting is what will come first, a new Prime Minister or a general election. Difficult to work out the odds on that one.
Or which come first: general election or Labour blowing itself up once again.
Well if there was a chance that they'd lose next election before those odds will dramatically increase should BoJo return to office.
As I understand it the plan is that Priti Patel becomes PM, wins the GE, and then hands it over to Johnson (who has won a safe by-election somewhere).

(Every step of that seems rather unlikely to me. I think Nigel Farage and Richard Tice are somehow involved but I've not actually read the DM article so I'm not sure how.)
As I understand it the plan is that Priti Patel becomes PM, wins the GE, and then hands it over to Johnson (who has won a safe by-election somewhere).

(Every step of that seems rather unlikely to me. I think Nigel Farage and Richard Tice are somehow involved but I've not actually read the DM article so I'm not sure how.)
Both to be sent to the Lords and given big jobs according to the wingnuts.