Who will be the next Prime Minister?

The only two sentient beings in the Tory Party are Jeremy Hunt and Tom Tugendhat. Hunt is suspect because he once co-authored a book showing how NHS England could be privatised. He may have grown out of that idea because it is political poison. Tom Tugendhat has a military background, as does Rory Stewart, both sensible old fashioned one nation Conservatives. Both would have been natural figures In MacMillan’s cabinet. That’s what conservative governments used to be like. The current government (or Boris, I should say) is a hop and spit from fascism.
Well that rules out rest of tory ministers.

Just watching PMQ on sky, Boris yet again lying thru his teeth but backlash in commons is huge & embarrassing for him & govn, should fall on his sword & resign.
don't think this is the place for comment such as this- you obviously don't care for the Tories but they are the democratically elected government, comment also libellous...
don't think this is the place for comment such as this- you obviously don't care for the Tories but they are the democratically elected government, comment also libellous...
There will be no democratically government in England because of its persistence with the “first past the post” voting system, abandoned by Scotland and Northern Ireland to ensure that every vote counts. That is how Sinn Fein won the recent election there.

In England half the votes, presumably representing the view of the voters, are wasted.

And Boris can’t help lying through his teeth. If you think this comment is libellous, there are multiple journalists making the same comment who seem to have escaped libel actions.
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There will be no democratically government in England because of its persistence with the “first past the post” voting system, abandoned by Scotland and Northern Ireland to ensure that every vote counts. That is how Sinn Fein won the recent election there.

In England half the votes, presumably representing the view of the voters, are wasted.

And Boris can’t help lying through his teeth. If you think this comment is libellous, there are multiple journalists making the same comment who seem to have escaped libel actions.
think Sinn Fein emerged as the largest party - whether that amounts to an overall win is doubtful as they, as far as one recalls, did not have a majority of the seats, really think you should confine your posts to diabetes that we are all suffering from, politics is altogether too divisive....Boris is my MP and I was pleased to campaign for him, as it happens, in the last election but I'm not willing to get involved in politics here.

think you should bear in mind, any MP who accuses another of lying in parliament is sanctioned by the Speaker and requested to leave the Chamber.
Well, maybe nobody has ever lied, but nobody in the UK government has ever lied so persistently and frequently as Boris and his acolytes.
Well, maybe nobody has ever lied, but nobody in the UK government has ever lied so persistently and frequently as Boris and his acolytes.

The outright lies I can cope with, but what is more worrying is the tendency to scrat around the information until you can come up with a vague half truth and then shout it very loud, totally ignoring the big pile of evidence countering the assertion being made. If you want to see what I mean, look at the way an obscure and convoluted employment figure is being used to prove that the economy is doing well. It seems that ever increasing interest rates, massive inflation, falling pound, smaller GDP, increasing poverty can be dismissed if you can show, by carefully picking your time periods, that the number of people on payrolls has increased by a tiny amount.

The argument is mad but no lies are told and provided you control the media you can get away with it. It is how fascists gain power.
I can thoroughly recommend this book. It's a clinical breakdown of the PMs behaviour, with shedloads of footnotes referencing evidence to back up what it says.

A rule of thumb for someone lying is it's because they don't want or feel they can tell the truth. The obvious question would be what do they not want you to know and why? Also, in a supposed free and transparent democracy, why is it the norm to lie, mislead and tell untruths? What sort of example/model is this for a society. What sort of society does this create?
The book does include comments on Tony Blair, comparing reasons behind their behaviour. I think one of the key things we'll hopefully get from Johnson's premiership is an appreciation of just how important truth actually is.
PM wouldn't know truth if it smacked him in the face.

Man is totally arrogant, his own party, admittedly not all want shot of him but he just carrys on regardless believing he is popular & doing a good job at running country, he is getting more & more like Trump as weeks pass.
I might apply. My qualifications? 0 parties during lockdown....
PM wouldn't know truth if it smacked him in the face.

Man is totally arrogant, his own party, admittedly not all want shot of him but he just carrys on regardless believing he is popular & doing a good job at running country, he is getting more & more like Trump as weeks pass.

I believe both are mentally ill as they both want to cling to power. Disappointingly both UK and US elected clowns!
The rot set in when the Conservatives got back in at a time when the previous Gov had brought in some measures to update the NHS - staff concurred that though they'd all been very doubtful indeed about the changes, actually they were working and staff morale generally was the highest in living memory. Before then, I'd never really bothered to think very much at all, about Government of the country in any detail. Since then, I've paid more attention and can't say I've enjoyed doing so. I have always had difficulty understanding why people in general could possibly be so persuaded by all the tomfool fabrications of fact that have bounded about out of politicians' mouths, in the meeja and on antiSocial platforms. At that - the majority of people in England since things they voted for were carried.

And that nasty woman (?) Nadine - trying to REDUCE the time for people to terminate pregnancies legally. She is an absolute insult to the female population of this country. Not that I could ever claim to have ever rivalled the Pankhursts on 'what I've done for wimmin' - but I really hoped we'd come a long way in the right direction since I was regarded as being a chattel rather than a person in my own right so I could enter a HP agreement in my own name. Equal pay for equal jobs and full rights over our own bodies - I personally ticked those boxes decades ago thanks both when on the negotiating body of a trade union and as a normal UK Voter. I can well do without the likes of her slapping me and all MY mates in the face for voting those things in, thankyou.
I've not seen that either when I have been a hospital inpatient or when Pete has but what I have noticed is a severe lack of overmanning! Mainly staffed by HCA's rather than nurses.
I dislike Sunak for his money grab by removing the triple lock temporarily at a time of high inflation when my energy bills have gone up 50%, and for not resigning sooner showing a lack of backbone. However, I dislike Truss more as she like Trump and BoJo is as nutty as a fruitcake and could cause major issues is our relationships with other countries!
Pity that Lynda Snell in The Archers is only a fictional character - the way she turned down Oliver's offer to fund the village fete after he closed down Grey Gables was both classic and classy. Her ability to get people involved and even enjoying joining in with the success of all her endeavours, just about, would help a lot.
If she'd been in charge here when we joined the EU the whole of Europe would have been driving on the left and morris dancing in no time.
Hasta la vista..... What else does Arnie say? Oh yes:

I'll be back!

I wonder........