What do u take on holiday for hypos?

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tryin to get rid of me :O and there was me being nice to you 😛
!! now then, I wasn't trying to get rid of you! But I bet you are looking forward to the holiday, with all this prep!

Lol Im only kiddin mr rossi mac 😛 I am indeed :D lol just wantin to make sure im all sorted :D since ur all experts hehe
just wondered if you lot phone the airport your flying from to tell them about your diabetes and ask about the security there or do u just wait until you get to the airport and then find out what happens...

just wondered if you lot phone the airport your flying from to tell them about your diabetes and ask about the security there or do u just wait until you get to the airport and then find out what happens...


I've only flown the once, and from that experience and what others have said on this here forum I wouldn't bother, other than to put your mind at rest.

I mentioned it at check in, passport control, and security check, each time they didn't want to here me talk, couldn't care less! So next time I won't mention it at all, but I will have my sharps letter at the ready if anyone mentions it. Actually I probably would still mention it at check in, as they normally ask.
just wondered if you lot phone the airport your flying from to tell them about your diabetes and ask about the security there or do u just wait until you get to the airport and then find out what happens...


Just turn up, have the letter packed from your GP packed with your medication - have it all in one container in your hand luggage.

If they ask you if you have anything, just say you're a diabetic and you have your medication. If they want to know more, see more or check it out they will ask you.

I've flown a couple of hundred times since using insulin and haven't once been asked any questions, searched or anything. I might even find the letter from my GP is empty!

Have the information they will need, but don't complicate things, just present what they want to see.

Pack as much as possible a couple of days before, ideally make a checklist, tick it off as you go.

Get to the airport with plenty of time, park the car, check-in, get through security and have a great flight and holiday.

By doing everything to a check list and as far in advance as possible, getting there with time to spare you only need to worry about waiting for the plane 😉 :D
hey all,

Just wondered what u lot take with u on holiday to overcome a hypo??
are u aloud to take glucose tablets on board or do the airport people check them incase there drugs or somethin lol


Well I have been a little miffed when I have had to leave my lucozade in the bin for not allowed. However, as soon as you are through bag check and passport control, there are shops in the departure lounge, where you can purchase lucozade ( W H Smith). However you can always take your usual glucose tablets, which are always a handy thing to have. All the times I have travelled, there has not been a real problem re not having the glucose needed. I find that even the small packets of sugar served with tea/coffee, have sometimes been just the thing that I need!!! If you need to take glucagon injection, again, no problem. As long as you have the necessary letter to cover you, re being a diabetic, I'm sure all will be fine. I go out to Spain quite alot, and have never encountered problems.
hey all,

see when you put your insulin and needles and meter etc in your hand luggage, do you need to put it all in a clear bag??? or does it matter if its just chucked in your hand luggage bag??

Here's a link to the official British government webpage for airport security / hand luggage. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Publictransport/AirtravelintheUK/DG_078179

"You are allowed to bring medical equipment if it is essential for your journey. The equipment will be screened separately and must be accompanied by supporting documentation from a qualified medical professional, such as a letter from your doctor." In practice, all the times I've flown with insulin, blood glucose meter etc, it's gone through the normal X ray machine, inside my hand luggage, and not received any further attention, but I do carry a GP's letter in case I'm ever asked.
Just got back from holiday yesterday and I told them before my bag went through xray that it had insulin needles in it, they weren't bothered. My medic-alert did set the alarm off so got frisked :D

Only had the 1 hypo whilst there after misjudging my dinner insulin and just had some glucose tablets
Just got back from holiday yesterday and I told them before my bag went through xray that it had insulin needles in it, they weren't bothered. My medic-alert did set the alarm off so got frisked :D

Only had the 1 hypo whilst there after misjudging my dinner insulin and just had some glucose tablets

Hi Nikki,

Pretty much my experience, hope the frisking wasn't visibly too enjoyable 🙄 They aren't allowed to do anything that could cause pleasure...

Hope you had a great time, its so easy when eating out not to know how much insulin to take and then of course the heat as well to account for.

My last holiday hypo was after a day at Aqualand where I did every ride three times - once with each of the kids and a few with my other half - those steps in that heat catches up soon!
Just got back from holiday yesterday and I told them before my bag went through xray that it had insulin needles in it, they weren't bothered. My medic-alert did set the alarm off so got frisked :D

Only had the 1 hypo whilst there after misjudging my dinner insulin and just had some glucose tablets

aww did you have a nice time ??? 🙂 where did you go????

Im doing a 1:10 ratio the now for the carb counting, but how will I know what amount of insulin to take while abroad?? Im going to spain so will the packaging be in spanish and what about eating out at restaurants?? any advice???

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