I can have any nuts except pistachios, evil things, had anaphylactic shock twice through those. The first time I just thought I might be having a heart attack! Second time I thought oh noes, it must be the stupid nuts, damn Lidl! I had to go to the cinema too and just sat there numb and tingling.

Daughter was laughing!
Did Buddha eating today or tried to, just two meals...albeit huge ones, can't get the portion thing right. I'm just plain greedy.
B: Bacon, lg Tomato, 2 fried Eggs, portion Mushrooms and 2 thick toasts which I didn't mean to have, they were horrid as well. I don't know why I lust after bread, I really don't. It's proper nasty once you've eaten it.
D: Pork strips (too many), pkt Brussels Sprouts roasted, steamed Cabbage.