What did you eat yesterday?

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Eh! You had a GREAT birthday bash meal, @MrsPeel!😛:D😎

I wonder if your user name is from The Avengers: John Stead & Mrs. Emma Peel? A tv show kind of like James Bond with the early series in black & white & ran until the 70’s or 80’s with the young Joanna Lumley as the last Avenger girl!😎

I can see that we’re going to get a breath of fresh air from your daily menus! I DO tend to stick to the same things & can do woth dome changes at times.🙄

Welcome to this thread, @MrsPeel & glad to have you on board!🙂

I’m feeling much better today & will get around to posting later! Did a LOT of sleeping & just woke up & ate!😱
21/09/18 Felt a lot better today!🙂

00:00 BS 10.2 not much of a drop. Midnight Levemir 6 units. A bit of a struggle to sleep & only lightly dozed.

05:55 BS 6.7. 20 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- 4 slices toast kingsmill no crusts 50/50 with 200g baked beans heinz & 100g grated mature cheddar dromona & 1 cup tea twinings everyday with longlife almond milk. Only ate 2 thirds of the toast! 07:54 BS 7.7.

08:58 BS 8.2. A slight rise, the cheese, & hungry again. 16 units Novorapid, guessing the reduction, Early Lunch:- the other third left of breakfast earlier, reheated, & bottled water. 10:41 BS 8.0. Yay! Seems I got the dose bang on the nose!🙂 Was REALLY tired so, 24 units Levemir & all other meds before sleeping! Yawn emoji.

21:19 BS 8.5. Had a GREAT sleep & woke up MUCH better: no sniffy nose!🙂 20 units Novorapid Dinner:- 1 serving chicken casserole, 1 serving reheated baked potato mash & 2 cups twinings everyday with longlife almond milk. 23:00 BS 10.9. A wee bit high!

Moving around, I’m still a wee bit short of breath with a dry throat & slight cough! So, not completely out from under the weather, yet!

Will be up for a while now & will have my midnight Levemir soon!

Hope you all had a good day & hope you sleep well!🙂

In the words of Scarlet O’ Hara: “Tomorrow is another day!”:D

Edited to add:- Oh! Finished the strike book: very tense ending!😱🙂😛 Just in time to start the newly out Dick Francis book: still called that even though it’s now written by his son Felix after his passing! There’s a free audible book interview & Felix has been writing them on his own even though they were under his father’s name & this is now his 13th.book! He’s just as good as his dad, if not better!🙂
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@Lanny Glad you’re beginning to feel better.
I know it’s not tomorrow yet but as I’m here I’ll post today’s meals
B. 2 slices of that lovely white bread 2509682B-237D-47D0-B2F1-07B268FC63DF.gif toasted to black with some peanut butter and a very large mug of coffee
L. Was rather naughty here, had two more slices of that wonderful white bread 2509682B-237D-47D0-B2F1-07B268FC63DF.gif (we’re doing our best to use it up quick) with fair bit of cheese and lots of strong raw onions between the 2 slices. Sparkling water , the cheese n onion was wonderful just a shame about the casing
D. Gammon , peas pud and a Coke Zero
After dinner Snack Due to quite a miscalculation of carbs , directly after dinner I needed to imbibe 300 mls of full fat Coke then a bit later 3gingernuts I was awash with Coke lol
S. will probably have some walnuts
I know it’s not tomorrow yet but as I’m here I’ll post today’s meals
B. 2 slices of that lovely white bread View attachment 9892 toasted to black with some peanut butter and a very large mug of coffee
L. Was rather naughty here, had two more slices of that wonderful white bread View attachment 9892 (we’re doing our best to use it up quick) with fair bit of cheese and lots of strong raw onions between the 2 slices. Sparkling water , the cheese n onion was wonderful just a shame about the casing
D. Gammon , peas pud and a Coke Zero
After dinner Snack Due to quite a miscalculation of carbs , directly after dinner I needed to imbibe 300 mls of full fat Coke then a bit later 3gingernuts I was awash with Coke lol
S. will probably have some walnuts

That’s ok, @Ljc!🙂 I do it all the time! I can’t remember what I ate yesterday when it’s being confused by what I ate today!:confused: That’s why I post what I ate today at the end of the day!😱

That made me laugh!:D The AWFUL white bread! Your puking emoji!
Saturday 22/9
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with Alpro coconut milk),
raspberries, blackcurrants, pecans {329 Cal / 36.6g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine (24 min 09 secs)
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), scrambled eggs, mushrooms,
tomatoes / Juice from half a grapefruit {284 Cal / 21.7g Carbs}

Snack (10am): Banana {58 Cal / 13.2g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Eating out so quantities are estimated
Oysters x4 / Picpoul (4oz) {195 Cal / 8.8g Carbs}
Fish soup / Picpoul (4oz) {183 Cal / 5.2g Carbs}
Braised ox cheek, parsnip puree, foraged mushrooms / Malbec (4oz) {302 Cal / 13.8g Carbs}
Brownie, ice cream, salted caramel sauce {225 Cal / 29.2g Carbs}

BG (6pm) 4.6 [extra reading after heavy lunch]
Dinner (7pm): Celeriac & chestnut soup {69 Cal / 9.9g Carbs}
Turkey & avocado salad, hummus {293 Cal / 9.1g Carbs}
Nectarine, blueberries, yoghurt {85 Cal / 10.2g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 2082
Carbs 164.5g
Protein 113.2g
Fat 68.9g (Sat Fat 19.3g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask

00:23 Midnight Levemir 6 units.

03:55 BS 7.2. 20 units Novorapid Late Supper:- 1 serving beef casserole & bottled water. 05:55 BS 9.8. Just out of target range!

Lightly dozed!

08:40 BS 7.6. 22 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- 3 oatcakes nairns, 75g mature cheddar dromona & 200ml coconut, pineapple & lime juice cracker drinks co. Out of apple juice till Tuesday tesco delivery. 10:14 BS 7.4.

Feeling tired & dropping off. My right ear feels like it’s underwater & there are odd gurgling noises. Dabbed it with a cotton bud soaked in tea tree oil.

11:00 24 units Levemir & all other meds then, off to bed!

17:24 BS 6.4. Awake & ear is very noisy. 22 units Novorapid Lunch:- 2 chicken sandwiches (1 serving cold chicken casserole & 4 slices Kingsmill no crusts 50/50) & 200ml mango & passion fruit juice cracker drinks co. More tea tree oil in ear after eating: before & I’d be tasting it as permeates the ENT tract! 19:09 BS 7.7. Had to dash off in the middle of Strictly to wash hands for test!

22:07 BS 6.8. Just after bath & going to bed! Applied more tea tree oil in ear! Might have to get antibiotics from GP after all for an ear infection: playing it by ear!😱:D

REALLY enjoyed Strictly Come Dancing tonight but, was struggling to stay awake at the end & actually dozed off & missed the last dance! Just watched that last dance on BBC iPlayer on the iPad!

Going to sleep now! Goodnight everybody!🙂
B. 2 more slices of that lovely 😡 white toast well burnt slathered with peanut butter and coffee with cream.
L. I know I ate something but am scratching my head now. Sparkling water.
D. Cheats jacket potato (frozen mash) with chilli con carne and a Coke Zero.

During the early hours lots of thing for a stubborn hypo.
@Ljc I also like raw onion but not sure I would eat them whilst chopping...I'm usually crying my eyes out LOL but love them in salads or burgers or whatever I can stick them in raw too!

what I love about the Brazilian Rodizio is that I can eat for my diabetes without going into huge "bad stuff" , isn't a thing we can do often as it is (I think at the moment) £26 per person and then you pay drinks and desert...we went because we got a discount voucher from the Brazilian free magazine...and it w`s my 60th so.... we didn't mind spending a bit more !!!!

@Lanny thanks!!!! I'm feeling a LOT better about keeping a good behavior for my diabetes with you guys here.... plus the whole site usually give me the answers I need, so, in the right path <3

the MrsPeel thing : YES!!!!! only my MrsPeel was Diana Rigg- we were living in Argentina , I was 10. The program went on air Tuesdays at 10pm, so I would cheat and try to make myself ill so I wouldn't go to school and my parents would let me watch TV!!!!! My mum even made me a black cat suit out of plastic bags for a play we wrote and performed in school!!!
I watched a couple of years, some of it was the b&w, some color... I refused to go see the film they did with Uma Thurman, I liked Joanna Lumley but in my heart, Diana Rigg is THE MrsPeel! 🙂

OK now.... I was REALLY bad yesterday.
Breakfast was ok, coffee with semi skimmed milk, a Warburtons Thin slice with lightest Philadelphia cream cheese and a piece of water melon-
Then I ate couple of apricots mid morning and lunch ... there was nothing in our house that could be eaten without at least 40 minutes prep and cook, so I found some polenta, had that with a bit of Flora and dried oregano, parsley & black pepper...
from there everything got nuts as I couldn't find anything and couldn't stand for longer than 5 minutes as my pain levels were high and my hands would not obey... found a tin of sardines I thought werte with tomnato sauce, but not onlky I splashed my clothes with oil on trying to open it, I realized it was tikka sauce and not tomato...
I went to Deliveroo and got me a Fat Burger with fries. That got me down £10 (included delivery)because I had a £3 OFF coupon.
I also texted my daughter for her to order me a Mc Donalds apple pie (I dont have Uber Eats) but (Thank God!!!! LOL) I gave up because the pie is £0.99...but they charge £3.50 delivery!!!!

I'm being good today: coffee with a couple of wholemeal granary bread, one with flora and marmite (dots of it, can't take too much of , so never spread it) another one with a low sugar Morrisons marmalade.
I had a box of 80g blueberries and now a friend of mine is coming over to help me cook a couple of meals, so I'm hoping not to get out of the good stuff this week!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!
Sunday 23/9
FBG (5.30am) 4.0
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Apple (half), walnuts {96 Cal / 8.8g Carbs}
……………………………….5 mile walk
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), garlic mushrooms, tomatoes /
Juice from half a grapefruit {262 Cal / 29.6g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Sweet potato & chorizo soup, sourdough croutons {145 Cal /23.2g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad {239 Cal / 5.1g Carbs}
Strawberries, blueberries, yoghurt, cashews {114 Cal / 11.8g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Roast lamb, fondant potato, carrots, swede,
broad beans, parsnip crisps / Malbec (3oz) {538 Cal / 38.9g Carbs}
Vanilla panna cotta, summer fruit, biscotti {206 Cal / 20.1g Carbs}

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {163 Cal / 16.9g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1841
Carbs 165.4g
Protein 96.3g
Fat 69.9g (Sat Fat 17.6g / Trans fat 0.9g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
00:00 Midnight alarm BS 8.6. 6 units Levemir & back to sleep!

08:24 BS 7.7. 22 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- 1 serving reheated baked potato mash, 100g baked beans heinz & 200ml coconut, pineapple & lime juice cracker drinks co. 09:44 BS 7.8.

Prepared & put lamb curry in the slow cooker for dinner later.

Recipe for lamb curry 8 servings
2x375g bags frozen diced lamb asda
4 sticks of carrots sliced
3 onions diced
6 large baking potatoes cut into 2 inch chunks
Full pot 200g curry concentrate dragon foods brand
1 pint water
3tsp mixed herbs schwartz
60 grinds of garlic santa maria
3 grinds black pepper schwartz
Slow cooked on med for 9 or 10 hours.

Dozed off after breakfast & the midday alarm woke me.

12:00 24 units Levemir & all other meds. Went back to bed!

19:55 BS 4.3. Hadn’t meant to sleep so long! Jumped up & staggered to switch off the slow cooker! Was light headed & a wee bit dizzy before I tested! Knowing this new meter, GlucoRx , is about 0.3 higher than the, much missed, Freestyle, I’m hypo I dished up some curry right away!

22 units Novorapid Lunch:- 1 serving lamb curry & bottled water! Found I wasn’t very hungry & only ate half of it! Oh no, the insulin is already on board! Will have to keep a close eye on! 21:23 BS 5.1. Too low Correction Snack:- 2 scoops salted caramel ice cream carte dor. Oatcake is too slow, fruit juices, newly changed recipes, not enough carbs so, tried a compromise of the ice cream for the combination of sugar & fat for sustained release?

The curry worked this time & was delicious but, just didn’t have much of an appetite! I actually DIDN’T enjoy the ice cream as I was feeling bloated & full: just a necessity to avoid a hypo!

22:45 BS 7.9. 23:33 BS 7.0. Seems I made the right choice!🙂

I hope you all had a good day & I bid you goodnight!🙂 Will have my midnight Levemir & off to bed! Physio assessment tomorrow after lunch at 2pm!
B. 2 more slices of that gorgeous 14AF0BA2-843B-4E94-B54C-B73E29E3C979.gif bread well burnt, smothered in peanut butter had a huge coffee with cream. Swiftly followed by two small cans of full fat Coke.
L. Another speedily drunk small can of full fat Coke and three necessary gingernuts.
S.. even more full fat Coke
D. Roast chicken breast, 4 small roast potatoes, broccoli and a Coke Zero, I bolussed very conservatively only gave myself half the units I normally would have and
S. another small can of full fat Coke and three gingernuts.
S . A small handful of walnuts, this was a treat.
Water throughout the day.
After today shenanigans I’m going to make sure I’ve got plenty of dropping room.
B. 2 more slices of that gorgeous View attachment 9899 bread well burnt, smothered in peanut butter had a huge coffee with cream. Swiftly followed by two small cans of full fat Coke.
L. Another speedily drunk small can of full fat Coke and three necessary gingernuts.
S.. even more full fat Coke
D. Roast chicken breast, 4 small roast potatoes, broccoli and a Coke Zero, I bolussed very conservatively only gave myself half the units I normally would have and
S. another small can of full fat Coke and three gingernuts.
S . A small handful of walnuts, this was a treat.
Water throughout the day.
After today shenanigans I’m going to make sure I’ve got plenty of dropping room.

Crikey! @Ljc, You had a worse day than me!:confused:😉

I think I’ll have to lower my doses now too! Now that I’m over my cold! The ear has settled down too! Hope things get better for you tomorrow!🙂
Well the weekend wasn't great food wise. We were in Liverpool visiting Alan's parent's, his dad is just recovering from cancer.
Alan's mum gets the no sugar bit but doesn't understand the low carb bit of a diabetic diet so we had a fairly high carb weekend 🙄

Anyway, we're home now and can try to be good o_O
00:00 Midnight alarm BS 8.6. 6 units Levemir & back to sleep!

08:24 BS 7.7. 22 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- 1 serving reheated baked potato mash, 100g baked beans heinz & 200ml coconut, pineapple & lime juice cracker drinks co. 09:44 BS 7.8.

Prepared & put lamb curry in the slow cooker for dinner later.

Recipe for lamb curry 8 servings
2x375g bags frozen diced lamb asda
4 sticks of carrots sliced
3 onions diced
6 large baking potatoes cut into 2 inch chunks
Full pot 200g curry concentrate dragon foods brand
1 pint water
3tsp mixed herbs schwartz
60 grinds of garlic santa maria
3 grinds black pepper schwartz
Slow cooked on med for 9 or 10 hours.

Dozed off after breakfast & the midday alarm woke me.

12:00 24 units Levemir & all other meds. Went back to bed!

19:55 BS 4.3. Hadn’t meant to sleep so long! Jumped up & staggered to switch off the slow cooker! Was light headed & a wee bit dizzy before I tested! Knowing this new meter, GlucoRx , is about 0.3 higher than the, much missed, Freestyle, I’m hypo I dished up some curry right away!

22 units Novorapid Lunch:- 1 serving lamb curry & bottled water! Found I wasn’t very hungry & only ate half of it! Oh no, the insulin is already on board! Will have to keep a close eye on! 21:23 BS 5.1. Too low Correction Snack:- 2 scoops salted caramel ice cream carte dor. Oatcake is too slow, fruit juices, newly changed recipes, not enough carbs so, tried a compromise of the ice cream for the combination of sugar & fat for sustained release?

The curry worked this time & was delicious but, just didn’t have much of an appetite! I actually DIDN’T enjoy the ice cream as I was feeling bloated & full: just a necessity to avoid a hypo!

22:45 BS 7.9. 23:33 BS 7.0. Seems I made the right choice!🙂

I hope you all had a good day & I bid you goodnight!🙂 Will have my midnight Levemir & off to bed! Physio assessment tomorrow after lunch at 2pm!

I think we’ve all done the same, jabbed for a portion of something and when it came time to eat it wasn’t hungry, I Hope we both have a better day today, being in hypo central is not nice at all. I still use juice for hypo’s, I just have more juice, but mostly I use small cans if coke.
Hope your Physio assessment goes well today, will they be adding more exersizes, hope you’re not in too much pain afterwards.
I think we’ve all done the same, jabbed for a portion of something and when it came time to eat it wasn’t hungry, I Hope we both have a better day today, being in hypo central is not nice at all. I still use juice for hypo’s, I just have more juice, but mostly I use small cans if coke.
Hope your Physio assessment goes well today, will they be adding more exersizes, hope you’re not in too much pain afterwards.

Thanks, @Ljc!

I wouldn’t mind more exercises & even stretches now: nevk is so much stronger now! And I’d like a bit more movement, especially backward, in my left arm which can only come with stretches by the physiotherapist that I can’t do on my own! I’ll put it to her & see what happens: if neck reacts, hopefully not?
B: Raspberries & Greek Yogurt, 2 poached eggs on Hovis small wholemeal toasted, water.
L: 6 Ryvita wholegrain crispbread, cheese spread, pate, Activia NAS yogurt.
T: Minced beef & sweet potato stew with cabbage, coffee.
Monday 24/9
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with Alpro coconut milk),
peach, raspberries, almonds {279 Cal / 39.3g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), mackerel / Tangerine {226 Cal / 16.4g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {61 Cal / 14.0g Carbs}
……………………………...7.5km row

Lunch (12pm): Celeriac & chestnut soup {74 Cal / 10.5g Carbs}
Chicken & avocado salad, hummus {368 Cal / 11.3g Carbs}
Strawberries, blackcurrants, yoghurt, hazelnuts {132 Cal / 9.4g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Kit Kat {104 Cal / 13.7g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Albacore tuna steak, new potatoes, butternut squash,
peas, green beans {403 Cal / 40.1g Carbs}
Nectarine, raspberries, yoghurt, pecans {158 Cal / 12.1g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1874
Carbs 177.6g
Protein 106.0g
Fat 68.5g (Sat Fat 17.4g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
05:01 BS 7.8. 22 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- the other half serving lamb curry, 1 serving reheated baked potato mash & 200ml longlife almond milk. 06:59 BS 8.7.

10:48 BS 5.1. Dropped quite a bit. 16 units Novorapid, cautious reduction, Lunch:- 1 serving chicken casserole, 1 serving reheated baked potato mash & bottled water. 12:48 BS 10.6. A bit high. 24 units Levemir & all other meds.

14:00 Physio appointment. Very quick assessment as it still hurt a bit when examined by laying hands on me! Continue with the daily exercises & she’ll see me one last time on 15/10/18 when I’ll be discharged! I’ll need to continue with the daily exercises but, there’s nothing else that needs assessment!

Got home around 14:45 & slept!

23:27 BS 9.5. Not hungry yet! So, will post what I eat, when I do, in tomorrow’s post.

Hope you all had a good day!🙂
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