06/09/18 Diabetic review day. Couldn’t sleep until past 06:00 then, slept a few hours.
11:05 BS 9.3. 18 units of Novorapid 32 units Levemir Breakfast:- 2 sausages cookstown, 1 slice veg roll hulls, 1 cup twinings everyday with longlife almond milk & herb, cheese & mushroom omelette. Was just finishing eating when I realised I may have given myself too much insulin! I don’t have time to do my exercises & bathe before heading to the hospital so, my BS will not be as high as usual because I’m not exercising yet! So, ate 2 slices of buttered toast ( 2 kingsmill no crusts 50/50 & 10g butter kerrymaid. 13:08 BS 9.1. Umm! First time my after breakfast reading is lower than the before reading. So, it seems I was right about the toast: wouldn’t want any risk of being lower without it; out & about!
14:10 to 16:10 hospital diabetic review. Doctor seemed pleased but, told me to split my Levemir dose into 24 units at lunchtime & 6 units at bedtime, around midnight, to bring the morning figures down & cut the chances of hypos later in the day! So, will start that from tomorrow & have another review in 6 months time!
Then saw my DSN & team afterwards. Which took ages because the DSN, the head of department, is on annual leave, the nurse under her is moving to ICU & training her replacement. I hadn’t seen the dietician since mid May! They were all pleased with my blood sugar readings, considering the injury, & will send me out an appointment to start seeing them again for more management help.
17:15 BS 10.5 12 units Novorapid, increased dose for exercises, Lunch:- bought at hospital chicken & bacon sandwich on white bread & bottled water. Exercises, hot bath & 19:27 BS 10.3.
Knackered & slept. Woke after midnight & ate dinner. Technically the next day so, will post that with today’s meals later.
@Midnightrider, actually I felt stiff the whole day until I did the exercises when I got home!

They were a breeze & really didn’t need the bath after but, had already switched on the immersion heater for the water. I did a couple of extra repetitions of each exercise & in the bath afterwards tried the chin tucks again. No! Definitely can’t do those!
You know, I’m finding it more empowering to have the physio completely in my court!
Have a great day everyone!