What did you eat yesterday?

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B. My usual but the coffee was made with more that a dash of cream it’s Lactofree because of the unfortunate effects lactose has on me.
L. sparkling water.
D. A Yummy Minted lamb shank , broccoli, 4 small halves of frozen roast potatoes and a Coke Zero.
S, walnuts and far to many bacon flavoured corn snacks
Water throughout the day.
04/09/18 A mixed day of slight miscalculations because a) there was no hangover headache & b) physio was SO much easier: a precursor to lower insulin needs I’ve noticed.

08:41 BS 9.6. 18 units Novorapid followed by exercises that barely hurt. Breakfast:- 2 sausages cookstown, 1 slice veg roll hulls, 100g baked beans heinz, 150ml pure apple juice tesco growers harvest & herb, cheese & mushroom omelette. Hot bath then, 11:00 BS 10.0.

13:33 BS 7.6. 8 units Novorapid, cautious reduction, 32 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 1 serving chicken casserole & bottled water. 15:52 BS 13.5. Yikes! Shouldn’t have reduced the Novorapid & over 13 so, immediate correction! Was torn between 2 or 4 units: corrections before injury were always 2 but, post injury are 4. Rightly or wrongly, I went with 4 units.

Ate the last serving of chicken casserole & will make a new recipe with a whole chicken next time!

18:53 BS 4.4. Sigh! Not quite hypo & don’t feel unwell but, will need to eat an hour earlier as there’s still an hour of active insulin left! Poured half can 165ml coke & sipped while I decided what’s quick? Decided on tempura prawns that only take 15 minutes in the oven. 19:11 BS 5.6. After a few sips of coke. Phew!

19:25 6 units Novorapid, same as yesterday, Dinner:- 1 pack 8 frozen tempura prawns tesco & the rest of the half can of coke. A SLIGHT headache as I finished eating & receded quickly so, JUST managed to head off a hypo there? 21:07 BS 10.0.

Tired now & will go to bed soon! Start of a new week with app. with physiotherapist tomorrow, on Wednesdays. Hopefully after 3 weeks of daily exercises, she CAN finally lay hands on me for extra stretching I can’t do myself! Then, there’ll be a fortnight break as she takes her annual holidays. She may well also give me extra daily exercises now I’m more flexible! So it’s a whole new week & I will be relying on my meter to tell me what insulin I need?

Goodnight everybody!🙂
B. My usual but the coffee was made with more that a dash of cream it’s Lactofree because of the unfortunate effects lactose has on me.
L. sparkling water.
D. A Yummy Minted lamb shank , broccoli, 4 small halves of frozen roast potatoes and a Coke Zero.
S, walnuts and far to many bacon flavoured corn snacks
Water throughout the day.

Oh, yum!😛 I love lamb too! I think I’ll get a serving from the freezer to defrost in the fridge for tommorow!😛
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B: Mushroom omelette, milk
L: Cheese & pickle butty on wholemeal, 2 plums, strawberries, Mullerlight Greek yogurt.
T: Roast chicken, 3 roasties, peas, gravy.
4 squares of 85% chocolate.
Monday 3/9
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
blackberries, blueberries, pecans {290 Cal / 34.8g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast (7am): Toast (one slice, seeded),mackerel /
Tangerine {248 Cal / 20.0g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {61 Cal / 14.0g Carbs}
………………………………...5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Squash & chilli soup {119 Cal / 15.9g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad {234 Cal / 5.4g Carbs}
Plum clafoutis, yoghurt, hazelnuts {231 Cal / 23.2g Carbs}

……........................................2 mile walk
Dinner (7pm): Moussaka {430 Cal / 20.8g Carbs}
Strawberries, raspberries, yoghurt, almonds {118 Cal / 10.5g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1795
Carbs 153.1g
Protein 117.0g
Fat 67.9g (Sat Fat 13.7g / Trans fat 0.7g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Oh, yum!😛 I love lamb too! I think I’ll get a serving from the freezer to defrost in the fridge for tommorow!😛
What time shall I come round :D

I hope your Physio goes well today and isn’t too painful.
B. My usual but sadly no cream for my coffee.
L . Sparkling water.
D. 2 slices of wholemeal toast topped with some luscious soft roe, washed down with a Coke Zero.
Late night S. The last of the walnuts (more coming today🙂) and some more of those bacon flavoured corn snacks
Note to self, must remember to eat fruit and veg
Water throughout the day
What time shall I come round :D

I hope your Physio goes well today and isn’t too painful.
What time shall I come round :D

I hope your Physio goes well today and isn’t too painful.

Thanks, @Ljc🙂

You’re welcome anytime! There’s more capacity in the new slow cooker & more portions made each time! There’ll be loads & loads with a whole chicken next time!😛:D
Oh, another case of my slow typing & someone posting while I’m still typing!😉

Oohh!😛 @Ljc, those bacon flavoured corn snacks are becoming an addiction!:D

Being a supertaster, I find walnuts to be bitter! In case you don’t know, supertasters have more than the average tastebuds on their tongues. Certain veggies can taste bitter, fruits too tart, have you noticed that I don’t eat fruits apart from drinking fruit juices, & walnuts taste bitter to me. Love pecan nuts though & I Love danish maple pecan plaits!😛 But, can’t go near one at the moment!:(
Thanks, @Ljc🙂

You’re welcome anytime! There’s more capacity in the new slow cooker & more portions made each time! There’ll be loads & loads with a whole chicken next time!😛:D
I Love danish maple pecan plaits!😛 But, can’t go near one at the moment!:(
I love them too but dare not touch them ever, I wouldn’t be able to stop till I was .... oops nearly tmi lol
Strangely I don’t need to Bolus for the bacon corn snacks , I sure don’t need the calories though .

I agree about walnuts tasting bitter, I don’t remember them tasting so bitter when I was a youngster , luckily though I’ve found Fudco extra light walnuts that are only slightly bitter to me, but I’m not a super taster. They’re not cheap though .
Wednesday 5/9
FBG (5.30am) 3.8
Exercise free day today

Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), avocado, scrambled egg,
mushrooms, tomatoes / Juice from half a grapefruit {378 Cal / 26.3g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Parma ham, honeydew melon {108 Cal / 9.4g Carbs}
Moussaka [leftovers] {430 Cal / 20.6g Carbs}
Nectarine, blackberries, yoghurt, pecans {155 Cal / 12.7g Carbs}

Dinner (7pm): Salmon fillet, sweet potato wedges, peas, sweetcorn {412 Cal / 34.2g Carbs}
Kiwi, blackcurrants, yoghurt, hazelnuts {130 Cal / 12.8g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1692
Carbs 126.9g
Protein 118.4g
Fat 66.8g (Sat Fat 14.4g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
05/09/18 Another odd day all round that didn’t go the way I thought it would both BS wise & Physio wise.

07:42 BS 8.8. Yay! My lowest waking BS in some time! 18 units Novorapid & exercises that barely hurt except for one! The chin tucks were making me gag & it was a REAL struggle to do the 5 as each one made me gag harder! Was I just anxious about the upcoming Physio appointment? No, I finally connected the nausea I felt the last few days & my headache, the other day, to this exercise! I was feeling REALLY distressed & knew this MUST affect my after breakfast reading so, 08:22 BS 10.6 just before Breakfast:- 1 serving lamb casserole & a cup of twinings everyday with alpro longlife almond milk. 10:25 BS 12.2. High because I didn’t have a bath as I’m saving that for after physio!

12:09 BS 10.6. 32 units Levemir & all other meds. Had to decide if I was going to cook lunch before heading off to physio. Decided not to have lunch until after as I wasn’t hungry & wanted to check I’m not in danger of a hypo!

13:30 Physio app. Told physiotherapist my difficulty with the chin tucks, my GP telling me about the xrays showing up a rare congenital neck abnormality, in only 8% of the population, that can only be fixed by surgery! I posted about this on my return to the forum under the thread “An Update After My Break From The Forum After Injury” in the General forum. She knew from the results I picked up from the GP & gave to her at my first appointment but, couldn’t tell me without my GP speaking to me first! No need to do the chin tucks anymore because of my extreme reactions & she knew from the initial assessment that she couldn’t lay hands on me as I hurt more the longer she touched me: should get easier! I won’t be doing anymore extra exercises, just more repetitions of the same ones as my neck gets stronger & will see me for assessment only! My own body using my own strength to move myself! It’s up to me to do how many repetitions at what resistance & if anything hurts; stop: chin tucks! In a way, I’m relieved as it will help with the BS control knowing that their won’t be anymore additional pain with extra, exercises or the therapist moving & stretching me at each appointment! I wished her a happy holiday & will see her again on 24/09/18.

14:45 BS 11.6. 12 units Novorapid Lunch:- shop bought chicken & bacon sandwich on white bread & 450g veg soup mckees. Hot bath then, 17:13 BS 11.0.

19:00 BS 10.3. 6 units Novorapid Dinner:- 450g veg soup mckees. 21:09 BS 6.2.

Will be going to bed soon & try to get a goodnight’s sleep before my diabetic review at the hospital tomorrow!

Goodnight everybody!🙂
Back from hospital review! Went very well! Wiped ou with tiredness now as couldn’t sleep, never can before reviews, until past 06:00 this morning & slept a few hours! Delayed exercises & bath until I got back from hospital! Had a VERY late lunch, exercised & bathed & dropping off now.

So, a very early goodnight to you all & I’ll post my meals later after I get some sleep!🙂 HUGE yawn!😱
Back from hospital review! Went very well! Wiped ou with tiredness now as couldn’t sleep, never can before reviews, until past 06:00 this morning & slept a few hours! Delayed exercises & bath until I got back from hospital! Had a VERY late lunch, exercised & bathed & dropping off now.

So, a very early goodnight to you all & I’ll post my meals later after I get some sleep!🙂 HUGE yawn!😱
Some good positive stuff today, I bet the exercise change is a relief.
B: 2 x wholemeal toast with 1/2 avocado, 2 bacon & 2 fried eggs, milk
L: Ham & cheese ploughman's in a box, peach, mullerlight Greek yogurt.
T: Bunless burger with fried onion, sweet potato chips, water.
Red bush tea
06/09/18 Diabetic review day. Couldn’t sleep until past 06:00 then, slept a few hours.

11:05 BS 9.3. 18 units of Novorapid 32 units Levemir Breakfast:- 2 sausages cookstown, 1 slice veg roll hulls, 1 cup twinings everyday with longlife almond milk & herb, cheese & mushroom omelette. Was just finishing eating when I realised I may have given myself too much insulin! I don’t have time to do my exercises & bathe before heading to the hospital so, my BS will not be as high as usual because I’m not exercising yet! So, ate 2 slices of buttered toast ( 2 kingsmill no crusts 50/50 & 10g butter kerrymaid. 13:08 BS 9.1. Umm! First time my after breakfast reading is lower than the before reading. So, it seems I was right about the toast: wouldn’t want any risk of being lower without it; out & about!

14:10 to 16:10 hospital diabetic review. Doctor seemed pleased but, told me to split my Levemir dose into 24 units at lunchtime & 6 units at bedtime, around midnight, to bring the morning figures down & cut the chances of hypos later in the day! So, will start that from tomorrow & have another review in 6 months time!

Then saw my DSN & team afterwards. Which took ages because the DSN, the head of department, is on annual leave, the nurse under her is moving to ICU & training her replacement. I hadn’t seen the dietician since mid May! They were all pleased with my blood sugar readings, considering the injury, & will send me out an appointment to start seeing them again for more management help.

17:15 BS 10.5 12 units Novorapid, increased dose for exercises, Lunch:- bought at hospital chicken & bacon sandwich on white bread & bottled water. Exercises, hot bath & 19:27 BS 10.3.

Knackered & slept. Woke after midnight & ate dinner. Technically the next day so, will post that with today’s meals later.

@Midnightrider, actually I felt stiff the whole day until I did the exercises when I got home!:( They were a breeze & really didn’t need the bath after but, had already switched on the immersion heater for the water. I did a couple of extra repetitions of each exercise & in the bath afterwards tried the chin tucks again. No! Definitely can’t do those!😱

You know, I’m finding it more empowering to have the physio completely in my court!:D

Have a great day everyone!:D
Thursday 6/9
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
blackberries, strawberries,walnuts {280 Cal / 34.6g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast (7am): Toast (one slice, seeded),scrambled egg, mushrooms,
tomatoes, baked beans / Juice from one orange {253 Cal / 26.2g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {62 Cal / 14.2g Carbs}
………………………………...5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Sweet potato & chilli soup {127 Cal / 15.9g Carbs}
Tuna & avocado salad {287 Cal / 5.5g Carbs}
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, pecans {152 Cal /12.2g Carbs}

……........................................2 mile walk

BG (6pm) 4.1

Dinner (6pm): Coq au vin, celeriac mash, green beans {419 Cal / 29.4g Carbs}
Spiced plums, ice cream, biscotti {163 Cal / 25.4g Carbs}

3 cups of coffee too

Calories 1822
Carbs 173.9g
Protein 103.5g
Fat 65.6g (Sat Fat 12.8g / Trans fat 0.3g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
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