What did you eat yesterday?

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Breakfast - low carb toast with fried mushrooms and tomato...Lunch - subway chicken tikka salad... Dinner - 2 jerk sausages 50g new potatoes mixed veg(kale cauliflower courgette spring onion)....Snacks - 1 small peach 4 G&B chocolate and orange....BGL Breakfast 4.4-4.2 Lunch 4.2-4.6 Dinner 5.3-4.3
B. My usual.
L . An apple and sparkling water.
D. Roast chicken, 4 teeny halves of roast potatoes, greens , tomato Ketchup, a Yakult and a Coke Zero.
S. Coffee and a florentine.
Water throughout the day.
B: 2 sausages, 2 bacon, tomatoes, egg & 1 slice toasted Burgen
S: Nature Valley Protein Bar
D: Tikka Masalla marinated chicken with roasted radishes, sweet potato, aubergine, courgette, cauli & carrots (all done on barbecue)
Pud: Lime jelly & berries on a sponge base topped with lemon cream & chocolate drizzle
Hugs @Lanny . Hope you have some good time with your sister.

Up at London this weekend, had some fairly decent food too.

B: Oats So Simple Porridge Bar
L: Mozzarella, tomato and pesto flatbread, salad, latte. The place we went into for lunch had sugar free tray bakes on the counter, Nutella-type-flavour one, and a peanut butter one. I bought them to try and they were lovely. Only a marginal spike as well when I had them, about 1.5 up. I'm going there again.
D: Bunless Chicken Pesto burger at Gourmet Burger Kitchen.

B: Hotel buffet breakfast - small bowl of muesli, lots of bacon, egg, and mushrooms.
L: Pasty. Caved, but there isn't much selection at Paddington station.
D: Two pieces of Low Carb Hovis Wholemeal toast and butter. Loads of walking over both days, did about 26,000 steps over the two days.

Monday and Tuesday have been fairly normal in food. Have bought food to experiment with a meatball bake later on in the week, so hopefully it'll go well.
Sugar free traybakes? That would be good if in London. Can you remember the name & area of shop please?
My Yesterdays.
AVOCADO a little mayo, prawns, Piccolo toms and 2 very small buttered home baked low carb rolls
Mid Morning –
Low carb cheese scone with ham, Stilton and Piccolo toms
Bar MR 85%.
The cheese version of the low carb scones doesn’t dry out and they stay nice and moist.
Mid Afternoon –
D –
Rump steak with a blue cheese melt I discovered in ALDI, Ardennes pate, AVOCADO “ala” @Benny G which is delicious and goes very nicely with a steak.
Piccolo toms.
Strawberries and double cream.
Mid Evening –
2 small low carb rolls buttered with Stilton.
Bar of MR Milk I bought in error 13gr carbs.
About 2 litres of coffee.
About 0.5 litre of water .
Approx 1ltr Alpro unsweetened, maybe more.
2 Double espresso.
End for today.
@Vince_UK how is the avocado done with steak? One of my fave foods so always looking for new ways to serve it
8.4 ain't so bad, I would settle for that lol
Exactly, it was a rise of just under 2, so I'm very happy. But I have to remember it's not carte blanche for me to go ahead and get back onto pasties, but that if I'm really stuck, I've got an option.

Just got 12 days worth of readings written into my monitor diary for my DSN phone-in tomorrow from this thread: been very lazy about writing them in! Realised it was MUCH easier than getting them from the meter as I know, from posting here, what reading corresponds to before or after meals etc.

I'll do that in future as I got a few readings written in the wrong slot a fortnight ago! Lazy not to write diary entries straightaway &, to be truthful, it'll continue! BUT, I'll have them written here with the doses of insulin so, no more mistakes: VERY useful! 🙄
I am useless with my diary these days, but I'm about to change my monitor to one with bluetooth so hopefully that'll keep me better informed!

Sugar free traybakes? That would be good if in London. Can you remember the name & area of shop please?
Yep, it's Toi & Moi in Soho. I took a picture of the sign so I'd remember if I'm back that way again.

B: 50g Muesli, semi-skimmed milk
L: Pub Carvery; pork w/crackling, beef, cauliflower cheese, peas, 2 small stuffing balls, one yorkie and 2 small roast potatoes, with gravy.
D: 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with cheese and marmite, 100ml of caramel Halo Top.
@Vince_UK how is the avocado done with steak? One of my fave foods so always looking for new ways to serve it
It is a recipe from @Benny G
Mashed avocado with spring onion and a little garlic and lemon juice.
Where do I find this please Vince? You know what I’m like for searching for recipes on threads 🙂
I will have to look Sally I cannot remember
I am sure @Benny G will message you with it
11/06/18 Weekly weigh-in 72.7kilos.
08:05 BS 9.1. 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 2 boxes 200g microcips mccains, garlic salt, good splash malted vinegar & 150ml pressed pear juice granini. Forgot to test after.

13:32 BS 11.6. 4 units Novorapid 29 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 2 78% meat beef burgers hulls, 100g baked beans heinz & bottled water. Again forgot to test.

17:59 BS 6.7. 4 units Novorapid Dinner:- Ham sandwich & bottled water. 20:33 BS 5.9 just after bath before bed! Correction snack 1 oatcake nairns.

A little pacthy testing again today! Low after dinner reading was a surprise & I just have 1 last oatcake left. But, have a tesco delivery tomorrow! More oatcakes & dumplings! 😛 Who knew that oatcakes would turn out to be so useful! My sister-in-law, also a T2 for 30 years, introduced me to them to me & it took me some time to acquire a taste for them: thought they were bland cardboard! But, now with low BS & not eating breakfast sometimes, they’re very useful & tasty! I have them in a little tupperware box on my bedside table with a jar of no sugar peanut butter: also very useful but, haven't needed in a while! Ate 3 full meals today! 🙂
Monday 11/6
FBG (5.30am) 3.9
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
pear, blackberries, walnuts {277 Cal / 36.0g Carbs}
......................................2 mile walk
………………………..5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Duck egg, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado,
toast (one slice, seeded) / Juice from one grapefruit {264 Cal / 17.7g Carbs}

………………………..5 km row
Lunch (12pm): Chicken & veg casserole [leftovers], sweet potato,
cauliflower, green beans, sweetcorn {319 Cal / 32.6g Carbs}
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, hazelnuts {128 Cal / 10.6g Carbs}

Snack (3pm): Mango ice cream {137 Cal / 14.6g Carbs}

Dinner (6pm): Lemon shrimp orzo {334 Cal / 44.7g Carbs}
White Rioja (94 Cal / 2.4g Carbs}
………………………...2 mile walk
Honeydew melon, strawberries, yoghurt, pistachios {116 Cal / 11.4g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1726
Carbs 176.0g
Protein 86.9g
Fat 53.9g (Sat Fat 12.9g / Trans fat 0.4g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Overtired rubbish day:

B- Greek Yoghurt
L- Scrambled egg and sausage
S- uh-oh - 2x protein chocolate and peanut bars & bowl of cornflakes (such a craving for them)
D- chicken tikka skewers with salad and mozerella. Weight watchers yoghurt.

Tomorrow will be better, ideally without the snacks
Today ...

Breakfast: fage yoghurt and mixed berries (raspberries, strawberries and bueberries). I could eat this every day.
Lunch: Peter's Yard crispbreads, cream cheese and smoked salmon (treat from all the money I am saving on crisps and biscuits)
Afternoon snack: Apple and babybel cheese
Dinner: Baked fish and greek salad

Yesterday was atrocious ...
Roast chicken, roast potatoes and veg is all I will admit to😛
My Yesterdays.
Mid Morning –
Some hot smoked salmon flakes at Seahouses
Fish, chip mushy peas and a slice of bread and butter.:D
Mid Afternoon –
D –
ALDI pork sausages, beechwood smoked bacon, fried free range and 2 slices Hovis lower carb bread.
Raspberries and extra thick cream
Mid Evening –
Low carb cheese scone with Stilton.
About 1 litre of coffee.
About 1.0 ltr of STUR Blueberry Cordial..
2 Double espresso.
End for today.

Breakfast - yogurt and raspberries...Lunch - 1 jerk sausage tomato and spring onion wrapped in lettuce hotdog 1 small peach...Dinner - burger bowl. 1 burger 1 smoked bacon 1 slice jarlsberg cheese fried onion between 2 little gem leafs. Salad.... Snacks - 2 G&B chocolate and orange...BGL breakfast 5.1-4.9 Lunch 4.8-4.3 Dinner 4.7-3.9
B: Scrambled egg on 1 slice toasted Burgen
L: Chicken salad
D: Chicken & Chorizo paella (half Bulgar Wheat, half cauli rice)
Pud: What I had yesterday
B: Greggs bacon roll and latte
L: Small chicken pasta salad, apple splices with peanut butter.
D: Cod bites with peas. Bowl of what was essentially just raspberries and cream for dessert! Raspberries sent my way up though, so I am going to have to rethink my portions.

Damnit, my boss has just bought everyone cakes for his birthday. He knows I can't eat the pigging thing :(
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All these people with fish and chips are just making me very hungry :D
12/06/18 Woke up cold & sneezing! Under the weather with a cough!
07:26 BS 8.3. Put on heater for 30mins & back to bed.

09:30 6 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 1 pack steam prawn gzoya itsu & bottled water! No dip this time as the vinegar annoyed me! 11:13 BS 13.1. 29 units Levemir & all other meds. Back to bed!

Started to cough, get wheezy & short of breath! Stayed internally cold too so, wrapped up in a quilt & stayed in bed all day!

16:59 BS 8.1. 6 units Novorapid for the cold? Lunch:- 1 cup instant rice noodles itsu satay flavour, 1 pot of mint aero chocolate mousse & bottle water! 19:19 BS 10.8. Tired & going to sleep soon! I'm feeling bloated & feel like a slosh bucket from all the water I've drank today! Breathing is getting harder & took the 2nd. inhaler: blue one for attacks! Hope I can head this off with a good rest & this passes quickly! Hope I'm better tomorrow!

Good night all!
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