What did you eat yesterday?

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A phone call from my youngest brother, one of my sisters, not the one visiting today, is in a hospice in England dying of cancer! Prognosis of 3 weeks!
So sorry to hear this sad news Lanny, my thoughts are with you and I'm sending you hugs xx
B - oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
D - wholemeal ham and garlic and herb Philadelphia sandwich and a salted caramel protein bar
T - ham and mushroom omelette, charlotte potatoes, fine beans and a bar 85% moser roth
3 pints water throughout the day x
B: 2 Allinson seedy bloomer toasted, pan fried mushrooms and 2 fried eggs, milky coffee.
L: Covent Garden skinny chicken & veg soup, mixed fruit, mullerlight yogurt, tea
T: Gammon steak, garden peas, chippy chips.
Glass of wine
Had some very distressing news! A phone call from my youngest brother, one of my sisters, not the one visiting today, is in a hospice in England dying of cancer! Prognosis of 3 weeks! She’s been ill for some time & didn’t tell anyone but, her husband & son! I’m still in shock but, know when it hits my BS will drop like a stone!
When my mum was dying of cancer in Hong Kong June to July 2015, I had the distraction of taking my shift looking after her, with my other siblings. But, it hit really hard afterwards when I got back after her funeral in August 2015 & there were sudden drops in BS. I was SO ANGRY FOR SO LONG! I couldn’t do anything then & I can’t do anything now!!!

Sorry to hear that, thoughts are with you.
Monday 30/4
FBG (5.30am) - Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk), plums,
blueberries, hazelnuts {290 Cal / 38.0g Carbs}
.....................................2 mile walk
.....................................5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, sliced), scrambled egg, ham,
mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans / Juice from one orange {324 Cal / 27.2g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {67 Cal / 15.2g Carbs}
.....................................5 km on rowing machine

Lunch (12pm): Vegetable broth {94 Cal / 17.1g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad, hummus, figs {231 Cal / 13.7g Carbs}
Peach, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {168 Cal / 9.6g Carbs}

.....................................2 mile walk
Snack (4pm): Chocolate cake (small piece, hot from the oven) {104 Cal / 12.0g Carbs}

BG (6pm) 4.6

Dinner (6pm): Roast chicken, roast potatoes (3 small), carrots, turnip,
cauliflower, green beans, redcurrant jelly {408 Cal / 35.1g Carbs}
Dessert : Strawberries, raspberries, chocolate ice cream, pecans {188 Cal / 15.5g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1958
Carbs 192.6g
Protein 109.8g
Fat 71.7g (Sat Fat 18.4g / Trans fat 0.8g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
2 toast
Ham & boiled egg sandwich with salad cream
Cheese egg black pudding on toast(so much better than olives and avocado,Vince_UK)
100g natural yoghurt with a small banana and satsuma
1 nougat bar,
Lanny my thoughts are wth you and your family.
My Yesterdays.
B –
Mid Morning –
L – Out
Labour Day annual holiday here 3 days. Decided to visit a water town 2 hours drive from here. BIG mistake. Found a nice restaurant in Suzhou.
Eggplant, water spinach, egg and tomato, Pork stuffed eggroll with pak choi.
Mid Afternoon -
D – Wholemeal bread experiment again.
2 Fried free range and 2 slices of whole meal, well butteres with a little HP Brown sauce.
Mid Evening –
½ bar Ritters Extra Fine Dark
About 2.0 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx. 0.5l.
1x550ml Sprite Fiber +
End for today.

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B - Porridge with nuts and berries

L - Home made leek and potato soup, small slice of wholemeal bread with cheese

D - Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages (a bit tasteless), mustard mash, cauliflower and broccoli. Banana

Packet of Hippeas
2 sticks of celery with peanut butter
10pm last night - 3 vanilla thin biscuits
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
D - wholemeal sandwich with garlic & herb Philadelphia and a chicken breast fillet and a salted caramel protein bar
T - chicken breast fillet marinated in chilli oil since last night 😛, charlotte potatoes, roast sprouts and a mushroom and a square Lindt 90%
3 pints water during the day xx
T - chicken breast fillet marinated in chilli oil since last night 😛, charlotte potatoes, roast sprouts and a mushroom and a square Lindt 90%
3 pints water during the day xx

Ooh! 😛 breaking out into something different there, @Kaylz! 🙂
Tuesday 1/5
FBG (5.30am) - 3.9
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk), pear,
blackberries, walnuts {301 Cal / 36.4g Carbs}
.....................................2 mile walk
.....................................5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, sliced), avocado, scrambled egg, ham,
tomatoes / Juice from one grapefruit {394 Cal / 24.1g Carbs}
.....................................5 km on rowing machine

Lunch (12pm): Eating out so quantities are estimated
Tapas: Wood pigeon, truffle & parmesan bruschetta, king prawn & chorizo skewers,
venison carpaccio, garlic & lemon squid, broad bean hummus, polenta fries /
Prosecco (10 oz) {572 Cal / 26.2g Carbs}
Churros, chocolate sauce / Moscatel Dorado (3oz) {327 Cal / 32.8g Carbs}

Stuffed full to bursting

Dinner (6pm): Moussaka [leftovers, from the freezer] {389 Cal / 15.8g Carbs}
........................................4 mile walk
Dessert : Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, almonds {126 Cal / 10.5g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 2167
Carbs 152.3g
Protein 116.0g
Fat 81.9g (Sat Fat 19.3g / Trans fat 0.9g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
@Midnightrider you always eat so exotic! haha, the likes of us cant compete with you and Vince! :D xx
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