What did you eat yesterday?

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Thursday 26/4
FBG (5.30am) - Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Weetabix (made with almond milk), blueberries,
raspberries, pecans {270 Cal / 33.6g Carbs}
.....................................4 mile walk
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, sliced), poached duck egg, ham, tomatoes,
mushrooms, baked beans / Juice from one orange {382 Cal / 25.6g Carbs}

Lunch (12pm): Three bean soup {131 Cal / 11.8g Carbs}
Prawn & avocado salad, ryvita, hummus {242 Cal / 13.6g Carbs}
Peach, blackberries, yoghurt, walnuts {144 Cal / 10.3g Carbs}
.....................................3 mile walk

Dinner (6pm): Saddle of hare, celeriac mash, roast squash, turnip, peas,
red cabbage, red wine & shallot jus {401 Cal / 40.5g Carbs}
Pinot noir {100 Cal / 3.1g Carbs}
Dessert : Strawberries, plum, yoghurt, hazelnuts {125 Cal / 11.2g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1876
Carbs 158.9g
Protein 111.0g
Fat 65.2g (Sat Fat 13.5g / Trans fat 0.4g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Thank you Heath ~ that saved me trawling through the reams of info that Vince posted 😱:D(No disrespect Vince!!🙂🙄)
Was looking for them last year when collecting few mushrooms in woods,couldn't find any though,x
2 toast(high protein)
1 slice high protein bread with cheese spread
1 bacon 1 egg 2 Cumberland sausage 2 slices black pudding
Piece of dark chocolate
Bowl of ice cream

B- 100g Greek yoghurt, coffee
Two more coffees
L- pizza (at pizza express, one of the skinny ones with salad in the middle) & mini cheesecake with coffee.
D- chicken panang curry with Thai crackers (no rice)

B- 100g Greek Yoghurt, coffee
One more coffee
L- 2x slices wholemeal toast with pate, coleslaw and some cheddar.
S- Cinnamon Swirl (jusrol naked at home)
D- Sausages & Mediterranean Veg, gravy. Weight watchers yoghurt. Squirty cream. Piece of dark hotel chocolat chocolate
B. 2 slices of wholemeal toast and peanut butter and coffee.
L a small amount of Watermelon and sparkling water.
D. 3eggs scrambled with a few dashes of of Worcestershire sauce a splodge of milk and some butter on a slice of wholemeal toast and a Coke Zero
S. Large coffee and I actually managed to avoid the gingernuts this time 🙂.
Water through the day.
My Yesterdays.
B –
Medium banana
Mid Morning –
L –
Factory Lunch
Asparagus lettuce with lotus and egg, spinach and celery, tofu and green veg, soy pork.
Mid afternoon –
D –
A chunk of blue cheese and I mean a chunk, 4 vine toms, a few OLIVES, 5 buttered sesame crackers. They are slightly larger than a Digestive biscuit.
Raspberries and whipped cream.
6sq Heidi 75%
Mid Evening –
About 2.5 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx. 0.5l.
1x550ml bottle Sprite Fiber
End for today.
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
D - smoked farmers sausage and garlic and herb Philadelphia wholemeal sandwich and a salted caramel protein bar
T - ham and mushroom omelette, charlotte potatoes, green beans (fresh instead of the usual frozen, so much tastier, hoping the rest of the pack stays ok in the fridge until tomorrow) and a bar Moser Roth 85% 😳
3 pints water throughout the day
10pm - 4 and a half vanilla thins 😱 and half a pint water xx
B: 1 slice toasted burgen
L: 2 mini frittatas
D: 3 sausages, mushrooms, beans & chips
Pud: choux bun
27/04/18 (1112.72cals)
07:02 woke up (BS 10.4) 3 units Novorapid know will continue to rise.

Over treated near hypo yesterday. Oatcake was enough & peanut butter was too much. Typical: it was VILE!

08:06 Breakfast (BS 9.9) 326.82cals 4.03g carbs 5 units Novorapid +3 is a total of 8 same as yesterday.
2 poached eggs 158cals 0g carbs
100g smoked salmon tesco 159.22cals 2.83g carbs
1 cup tea twinings everyday 0cals 0g carbs
40ml longlife almond milk 9.6cals 1.2g carbs

10:15 (BS 10.1) walked 3000 steps for a cheeky little madam with no respect for her elders! :D You know who you are! 😛 🙄

12:37 Lunch (BS 10.1) 312cals 34.7g carbs 3 units Novorapid 28 units Levemir & all other meds.
2 cheese & ham sandwiches 286cals 34.7g carbs
200ml unsweetened almond milk 26cals 0g carbs

Giving cheese another go!

14:47 (BS 13.3) not unduly worried as will be trampolining later after digestion. Lowered dose of Levemir for the exercise to come!

16:00 12 minutes on the trampoline. Wanted to do 15 but, remembered why I stopped at 10 last time: jumping jack flashes with arms & legs out! Doing 2 minutes of THAT tired me out: even modified, for senior citizens, stepping instead of bouncing! But, not as long to recover afterwards this time: 15 minutes! No snack either & can wait to have dinner!

17:11 Dinner (BS 9.2) 473.9cals 31.31g carbs 3 units Novorapid.
1 serving chicken casserole 384.9cals 24.31g carbs
1 raspberry chocolate cup asda es 89cals 7g carbs
250ml bottled water

Ooh! 😛 SO wanted another salted caramel cup but, I’m TRYING to be good! 🙄 with a whistle!

19:02 (BS 9.3) umm! Jury’s still out on cheese? Will see what it does later, if still awake, & what BS is in the morning?
B: 2 small slices of Burgen toasted, AVOCADO & 2 fried eggs, milky coffee.
L: same bread ham & tomato butty, nectarine & mullerlite yogurt.
Nine bar
T: Chinese takeaway - Satay chicken skewers, BBQ spare ribs & a few prawn crackers. 2 glasses red wine.
2 G&T's

Off in the motorhome tomorrow for the night. Going to a local village where the pub has got live music tomorrow night. I will try my best to be a good girl 🙄. Have a good weekend folks.
They should be fine
sure hope so as I forgot to check them tonight when I did the shopping list! lol, ah well, I'll take the risk anyway haha 🙂 xx
Done want post this but today I have ate to much of the bad side
2 toast
3 scones with squire cream and jam
4 biscuits
2 homemade wraps
Chicken peppers mushrooms
1 block dark chocolate 100g
1 slice of toast with cheese spread
And 2 make it worse no exercise had lazy day,due to sore shoulder
What does oyster sauce taste like and can you buy from super market
I love it with chicken in an oyster sauce & lots of different mushrooms! It’s also in a vegetarian dish used in Chinese New Year celebrations, religious reasons for some only eating vegetables that day, that even carnivores like! One of my nephews calls himself that as he CAN’T do without meat! Delicious!
What does oyster sauce taste like and can you buy from super market

Bottled oyster-flavored sauce is a rich, concentrated mixture of oyster extractives, soy sauce, brine and assorted seasonings. The brown sauce is thick, salty, and strong. It is used sparingly to enhance the flavor of many dishes that have a long list of additional wet and aromatic ingredients.

Yes you can buy it in bottles from most supermarkets.
My Yesterdays.

B –
Medium banana
Mid Morning –
9 small sq’s Germany dark chocolate off a colleague, I just couldn’t say no.
L –
Factory Lunch
Very sour and spicy green beans, very nice indeed, 3 egg roll pork stuffed parcels again nice, cabbage and asparagus lettuce with black fungus and a smidgen of pork.
Mid afternoon –
D –
Le Terroir Cheese vine toms and buttered sesame crackers, 6 of them. I wonder if you can get these in the UK.
Strawberries and whipped cream.
And the compulsory 5 sq of Heidi 75%
Mid Evening –
About 2.5 litres of coffee.
Water with Lemon approx. 0.5l.
1x550ml bottle Sprite Fiber
End for today.

What does oyster sauce taste like and can you buy from super market
Doesn't go well with AVOCADO or OLIVES but then again I haven't tried that combo yet.🙂
I eat it in the dishes they prepare here and I do like it.
Go On @Heath o Try it :D
@Heath o, @Amigo, says it all! Blue dragon brand is available at asda. Lee Kum Kee is available at tesco. I use the Lee Kum Kee premium brand, also from tesco, which is less sweet, more concentrated & in a smaller bottle. Some brands can be very sweet & doesn’t have much actual oyster taste! Stored out of the fridge is fine unopened but, opened: needs to be kept in the fridge. Also, don’t be alarmed when reaching the bottom of the bottle, it turns very thin: constant shaking of the bottle to get it out; like constant stirring thins cornflour in soups!
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