What did you eat yesterday?

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Wonderful stuff :D
I think I have said this previously. My Chinese friends eat chicken feet, scorpions and all sorts of wonderful concoctions but they wil not eat Dark Chocolate or Cheese.
So, I am going to melt some chocolate and dip some blue cheese in it to coat it and tell them it is a famous UK delicacy and I will highly offended if they don't eat it.:D

editted typos as usual lol
Sounds a little cruel Vince...but it made me laugh:D
Eaten them many time Escargot with garlic butter, Big Yummy.:D The French eat a lot.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...snails & olives Vince...is there no saving you😛.
Hmmmm gorgonzola
I love Gorgonzola not sure I could eat it with the dark chocolate...although the more I think about it...the more it appeals.
Yesterday. Monday.
250mls warm boiled water with slice fresh lemon
B. Decaf coffee
L. Zilch
Evening meal:-
Braised steak & onions in gravy; broccoli; carrots; cauliflower; 2 baby new potatoes; small glass Rosè🙂
1 Tangerine + two rich tea biscuits!
Decaf coffee
250mls warm boiled water with slice fresh lemon before bed

1ltr water throughout the day
B: Cream cheese pancakes with a berry coulis & squirty cream
L: Chicken salad & 1 slice low carb protein bread
D: Bacon carbonara & 2 slices low carb garlic bread
Pud: 1 choc/peanut butter cup
B - egg sandwich on wholemeal bread, tea

L - cheese & ham toastie with salad, latte

D - rib eye steak, caramelised onions, broccoli, carrots & cauliflower, few new potatoes and fresh spinach & ricotta ravioli in mascapone sauce

Snacks - cuppa and a few pieces of Moser Roth chocolate

Supper - satsuma

B- Greek yoghurt (100g)
L- toast, pate, Brie, ham, salad - bistro mix,baby gem, peppers, cucumber, cherry tomato, celery. Coleslaw and guacamole
D- meatballs & wholemeal spaghetti.
B: Banana chia pudding, 2 boiled eggs, milky coffee
L: Prawn & marie rose sauce butty on wholemeal, 4 chips and salad (in local pub with friends), coke zero.
T: Tesco lightly battered cod, sweet potato chips & peas, coffee.

Saw diabetes nurse today for routine appt. HbA1c is 48, foot check done & all good, lost 3kg. She is happy with my diabetes control and told me to carry on with what I'm doing diet wise, so I'm a happy bunny tonight.
Tuesday 24/4
FBG (5.30am) - Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk), pear,
blackberries, walnuts {317 Cal / 39.3g Carbs}
.....................................2 mile walk
.....................................5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast 2 (8am): Toast (one slice, walnut bread), avocado, mushrooms,
tomatoes, fried egg yolks / Juice from one orange {339 Cal / 22.0g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {57 Cal / 13.0g Carbs}
......................................5 km row

Lunch (12pm): Roast beef [slow cooked brisket], Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes,
squash, turnip, cauliflower, green bean [leftovers] {349 Cal / 12.2g Carbs}
This was low carbs as it was mostly beef with just a few veggies
Peach, raspberries, yoghurt, hazelnuts {185 Cal /11.1g Carbs}

...............................2 mile walk
BG (6pm) 4.1
Dinner (6pm): Corn fed poussin stuffed with orange & basil, celeriac mash, carrots,
swede, red cabbage, peas {313 Cal / 31.3g Carbs}
Dessert : Plum, strawberries, yoghurt, macadamias {138 Cal / 11.3g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1751
Carbs 146.3g
Protein 99.9g
Fat 74.3g (Sat Fat 17.5g / Trans fat 0.9g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
10pm last night - 4 vanilla Viennese thins 😱 (this was needed for a 4.8 bedtime test)
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries, knob of butter and a coffee
D - wholemeal ham and g&h philly sandwich, salted caramel protein bar
T - chicken breast marinated in chilli oil, charlotte potatoes, roasted sprouts and a mushroom, 1 square Lindt 90%
3 pints water during the day xx
Well done @scousebird. Brilliant news.
B: Banana chia pudding, 2 boiled eggs, milky coffee
L: Prawn & marie rose sauce butty on wholemeal, 4 chips and salad (in local pub with friends), coke zero.
T: Tesco lightly battered cod, sweet potato chips & peas, coffee.

Saw diabetes nurse today for routine appt. HbA1c is 48, foot check done & all good, lost 3kg. She is happy with my diabetes control and told me to carry on with what I'm doing diet wise, so I'm a happy bunny tonight.
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