This is going be a long post but, I realise that some explanations are in order.
The chinese love to have sweet soups, literally that, soups that are sweet made with things like red beans, bean curd, a different much softer kind of tofu & even a crackers in hot water & sugar sweet soup that my late mum used to love!
Our family restaurant’s chicken sweetcorn soup was always sweet made with sugar & thickened with lots of cornflour & it’s the same at restaurants in Hong Kong: my experience is it’s always sweet! It was just like the curry that would send my blood sugars sky high & I would just have to take the extra novonorm tablets, I was still on then, for it. I modified it with less sugar & beat the egg/s for 20/25 minutes by hand, while the soup is cooking, for the soufle effect to thicken the soup without the cornflour & it didn’t effect my blood sugars much.
As to the meat, it’s only this past month that I’ve started to eat meat at all again! Six years ago, around the time I switched to insulin, I was diagnosed with a fatty liver & couldn’t process fats at all. My digestion got increasingly slowed down, blocked & throwing up lumps of white sticky clumps of vapor rub like fat! The GP advised me to go on a low fat diet but, not to cut it out altogether as there are some essential nutrients needed. Cut out obvious sources of fat like pastry, cakes, eggs, butter & spreads, cheese, red meat etc. Which I did & the relief was almost instant!
I stopped eating any meat at all & only had seafood & a little pancetta in soups. Six years on, with the info that I’ve soaked up on these forums, I tried eating sausages again, which I used to love, & it didn’t cause me any problems. Was a bit surprised by that but, didn’t question it: I CAN eat it!
The butter I’m having on toast doesn’t seem to affect me now either: even more surprised by as the proccessed low fat spreads CAN & I have to watch the intake of! I had problems with double cream & cheese, though!
I, very recently, read a post by
@Vince_UK where he mentioned that a fatty liver can heal itself if it’s not stressed when certain foods are cut down or out of the diet!
I can eat sausages now so, decided to try chicken & see how that goes with a mind to eating lamb again, also used to love! Being single & living alone, I didn’t want to get big packs of raw chicken, which I’ll have to freeze anyway, & went for the more convenient chicken chargrills, also used to love! Dosen’t seem to be a problem either & down to the last few! Had decided to buy raw chicken & freeze the excess! Will try lamb too at some point but, expecting some problems as it’s much fattier!
As for eggs, again I haven’t touched one in 6 years & didn’t have chicken sweetcorn soup, also for 6 years, because of the egg in it! Eggs haven’t been a problem either now & last week, when craving sweet things, I made the soup & LOVED it!
This week, without the sweet cravings, the soup is tasting TOO sweet & I’d already decided not to add any sugar in it & use raw chicken: can be made with cooked but, raw is always best!
As to my lessening requirements for insulin now, the DSN thinks there are a few factors influencing it. Yes, HbA1c results are dependant on a normal blood profile with normal levels of iron. I was low in iron, don’t know for how long, & getting ill. Now that my iron levels are being replenished with iron tablets, that’s affecting things: only time will tell by how much! The weight I’m losing, & now the inches too, maybe lessening my insulin resistance & I don’t need so much!