Confession is good for the soul.
Christmas Day and I enjoyed the food, it was marvellous, but I was a tad frightened the whole time I was eating it! No point to that is there? I don't think I'll go off the Atkins once I've got this holiday over. I can't be doing with being worried and scared every time I put something in my mouth.
Menu for Sunday 251216
BG 6.0 on getting up @ 7.25 - Bottle water with fibre / a buttery Ryvita, who else craves Ryvitas? I'm crazy.
Breakfast: Whisky Marmalade on very buttery toasts (2) - Bottle Aspirin water, meds and vits.
A large Gordon's with Slimline Tonic.
Dinner: Roast Turkey and all the trimmings with apple sauce not cranberry coz I read it contained ginormous amounts of of Prosecco.
Straight after we had a slice of Aldi chocolate log cake, never had anything so sweet and sickly in my life. Gorgeous but a no no...

My sister and I encourage each other in being stupid, she's on Metformin.
A half hour later we had M&S luxury Christmas Pudding with brandy butter and single cream...first time I've had brandy butter, so sweet!
Before bed a glass of Andrews which made me feel worse!
Bottle of water and a Levothyroxine. Too scared to do any measuring.