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What did you eat yesterday?

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Was delicious Amigo. Truth was I was lazy to cook anything lol.
I adore blue cheese.and I need to get these perishables out of the fridge before I depart on Saturday night for Newcastle. I will leave the steaks etc in the freezer for my return.:D
I have not lost any weight this week steady at 83.5kgs BUT I have not gained any either.

Weather not too bad for your return home Vince. Around 7 daytime and maybe 4 at night.

The family won’t recognise your new slimmed down figure! :D
0C here this morning Amigo.. Ruddy cold bbbbbrrrrrrrr...
B: Out at local cafe - 2 wholemeal toast, 2 fried eggs & 2 bacon. Tea.
L: Turkey butty on Hovis low carb wholemeal
T: Meatballs in pasta sauce with wholemeal spaghetti, 1 G&T
Tea during the day
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries and a coffee
9:30 - coffee
D - wholemeal toastie with 2 thick slices Gouda, onion and a dark praline
2 - coffee
T - sea bass, charlotte potatoes, huge serving of petits pois and a square Lindt 90%
After t - coffee x

B- scrambled egg & wholemeal toast
L- 2x potato waffles with bbq sauce (major craving - turns out not a good choice for initial spike even with 20 mins pre bolus), a slice of ham and some cherry tomatoes
S- salt and vinegar French fries
D- chicken tikka masala with 4 poppadoms (still less than 25g of carbs!), 5 (I’m tired!) Thornton’s chocolates... can I blame Christmas or the baby?!
My Yesterdays
B –
ala Ditto, soaked flaxseed and full fat milk.
Coming to the end of my All-Bran only 4 days supply left.
A VERY BIG pot of black coffee again.
Factory Lunch
Strip Tofu with Lettuce, a kind of Cabbage, Pork with black fungus and Asparagus Lettuce, Pork meatballs.
D –
Boiled Ham a little Mustard, steamed ½ Onion and 6 Brussels Sprouts with a little butter.
I found an import supermarket selling sprouts and also corned beef, corned beef tomorrow.
Made a change.
Before Bed –
Blue Cheese, Olives and 2 Tomatoes.
Blue Cheese all gone.

About 2 litres of coffee.
Water approx. 1 litres.
Drinking more coffee than water still hydrating I hope.


End for today.
Rib Beef, Steamed Pork with Cucumber, Spicy skewers, Antler Mushrooms, Mapo Tofu again I love it, Rapeseed stems, Spicy Beef, Black Fungus, Duck, wonderful baked Fish in a very spicy sauce. Chinese Tea.
That lot lifted my levels from 5.2 pre to 5.7 post. No change at all.
Making me hungry......
B - 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice wholemeal toast & tea

L - small panini filled with Brie and bacon, latte. Banana

D - grilled, flattened chicken breast marinated in garlic, herbs and olive oil, broccoli chopped into small amount of cous cous, coleslaw

Chocolate Peanut butter cup, tea (6.7 afterwards)

Snacks - 1 Dutch crispbread with crab stick spread on & vodka & Diet Coke :D

A could do better day maybe.
B - 2 boiled eggs, 1 slice wholemeal toast & tea

L - small panini filled with Brie and bacon, latte. Banana

D - grilled, flattened chicken breast marinated in garlic, herbs and olive oil, broccoli chopped into small amount of cous cous, coleslaw

Chocolate Peanut butter cup, tea (6.7 afterwards)

Snacks - 1 Dutch crispbread with crab stick spread on & vodka & Diet Coke :D

A could do better day maybe.

6.7 ain't bad
You're pushing the boat out there Amigo. the chicken sounds lovely, I have a weakness for garlic, love it and eat whole cooked cloves in dishes.
I have a Chinese associate in Shenzhen who regularly chomps away on raw garlic bulbs lol. I tried that once and only once, couldn't quite get away with it.
regularly chomps away on raw garlic bulbs
Got a batch of fermented garlic which I'm waiting to break open...... Made a great batch of pickled garlic back in November...
Got a batch of fermented garlic which I'm waiting to break open...... Made a great batch of pickled garlic back in November...
I am told, and I have no idea whether it is true or not Martin, it is good for controlling Cholesterol.
Not hugely well behaved this weekend, had pizza out on my works meal on Friday, and had some party food Saturday night (very beige!). Sunday I wasn't paying attention and had toast and tortilla chips for tea and ended up over 10. Very much more behaved yesterday though.

B: Greggs bacon roll
L: Hovis LC white sandwich with laughing cow and salad cream, wotsits, small cheese potion and some mixed seeds (back down to 4.7 by lunch!)
D: Boil in the bag cod with butter sauce and mixed veg. One coconut lindor for dessert, and twenty minutes on the exercise bike now that I can breathe again!
I am told, and I have no idea whether it is true or not Martin, it is good for controlling Cholesterol.
To be honest, I have no idea, I just take my lead from the fact that I like the taste...... However, taking my lead from "minimally processed" it must be good!!!!!🙂

A memory from my past..... My Dad sung baritone in a choir; on choir nights Mum would use a whole bulb of garlic in dinner.....:D
B - jumbo oats, almond milk, raspberries and coffee
10:30 - coffee (late due to being out at an appointment lol)
D - wholemeal toastie with 2 gouda and onion (was going to treat myself to Bavarian ham on it too but SOMEONE lost my ham!!) and a dark praline
3 - coffee (again late due to an appointment)
T - baked eggs with ham and petits pois, charlotte potatoes, fine green beans and a square 90%
After t - coffee x
My Yesterdays
Worked from home.
B –
Bacon, Eggs and Beans
2 VERY BIG pots of black coffee I think maybe 3.
Boiled Ham, Cheddar Cheese and 2 vine Toms
Snacked on some cheese mid afternoon. Was hungry.
D –
Sausage, Onion and Bean casserole slow cooked with 6 steamed Brussels Sprouts. I am one of life’s oddities who happens to like Sprouts.
Before Bed –
About 2 litres of coffee.
Water approx. 1 litres.
No Pics today only boring English food lol

End for today.


B- scrambled egg and toast
L- tuna & cheese toastie (wholemeal bread), cherry tomatoes, piece of 85% dark chocolate
S- Mince Pie
D- kfc and lots of it - corn on cob, hot wings, strips & popcorn chicken (my hospital days reward)
S- Thornton’s chocolates x5 (theory being once they are eaten they are gone)
My Yesterdays
Worked from home.
B –
Bacon, Eggs and Beans
2 VERY BIG pots of black coffee I think maybe 3.
Boiled Ham, Cheddar Cheese and 2 vine Toms
Snacked on some cheese mid afternoon. Was hungry.
D –
Sausage, Onion and Bean casserole slow cooked with 6 steamed Brussels Sprouts. I am one of life’s oddities who happens to like Sprouts.
Before Bed –
About 2 litres of coffee.
Water approx. 1 litres.
No Pics today only boring English food lol

End for today.


I honestly believe you could afford to add a slice of wholemeal bread to your lunch Vince or some low carb oatcakes to keep the hunger at bay.
I honestly believe you could afford to add a slice of wholemeal bread to your lunch Vince or some low carb oatcakes to keep the hunger at bay.
I would try Amigo if I could find any here that A) i could trust to be genuine wholemeal and not sawdust sweepings and B) wasn't Chinese in origin.
I have hunted the place for a decent believable wholemeal bread to no avail.
I will try the Burgen when I get back home for sure or Morrisons LowCarb Bread. Made a shopping list would you believe.
I am developing a kind of over sensitivity to anything with carbs in or anything that could possibly have higher carbs than stated on the packing.
Aldi, Morrisons, LIDL, Tesco and even ASDA will get a damn good hammering when I get back.
First port of call Sunday after landing will be Aldi followed by Morrisons which I guess will be a nightmare as it is Xmas Eve and closing early I guess.
Straight from the airport before home.
It would seem very easy to develop a sort of phobia regardngi carbs and I need to avoid that.
This thread is now closed. Please contact Anna DUK, Ieva DUK or everydayupsanddowns if you would like it re-opened.