what did you eat today?

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can i just ask is it that bad to miss brekkie ? sometimes if i run late on a morning i got to get me and son ready for school and in by half eight then i got an hour to get to tesco and then i begin work at 10 , i dont have time how can i work around it ?

Don't you have to take your metformin with food steff? Maybe, if you're in a big rush, just slap some peanut butter on a slice of granary bread and eat on the go - not ideal, but barely takes a minute to prepare. I've only missed two meals in my first year of diagnosis, both were lunches when I was out boozing instead😱 Before diabetes I was fairly chaotic with my mealtimes and often missed them. I don't think the occasional one missed is going to hurt, just like the occasional treat won't hurt, but in the long run it's probably worth 'reserving' at least 15 minutes in the morning where you know you HAVE to have breakfast, and let nothing interfere with that! Easier said than done, I'm sure, with a little one to get ready. Why not nick his breakfast - you need it more than him! (Only joking!!!!!:D)
yukkk at peanut butter lol , i do take metformin with food but it comes with me and i take it with fruit at work. ahh maybe i could find an alternative to peanut butter ?
breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a huge reason. it is the first time that day your body gets its fuel and without it your body will resort to breaking down fat reserves and we all know what happens to us diabetics when thta happens. also if you dont eat breakfast on a regular basis your body will STORE more of the fats in the foods you do eat due to the fact it doesnt know when it will be fed next. hence why i always have a nice big breakfast.
yukkk at peanut butter lol , i do take metformin with food but it comes with me and i take it with fruit at work. ahh maybe i could find an alternative to peanut butter ?

You don't like PB?😱 Anything would do, really - even just spread, as the bread can taste nice on its own. The PB would slow the digestion though, so a slow release and no spikes. What about Nutella?
yukkk at peanut butter lol , i do take metformin with food but it comes with me and i take it with fruit at work. ahh maybe i could find an alternative to peanut butter ?

Cheese spread ???? Hey you DONT like Peanut butter??? it is a food from the gods Steff 😱😱
mmmm cheese spread will do me fine , im afraid i hate peanuts full stop guys , sorry :D:D
Stef, what about a different nut butter? I have almond nut butter from Holland and Barrett cos I can't eat peanuts, and it's wonderful. Does taste a bit like peanut butter though, so I don't know if you'd like it.

A day in the life of my pregnancy diet;
Breakfast - two scrambled eggs with mushroom on one slice of brown toast. Usually have seeded batch, but Tesco didn't have any. Usually have a banana too, but didn't fancy it. Two eggs are the only thing that keeps me going even til mid morning, I know the advice about eggs is conflicting but I do plan to cut back post-pregnancy. For now I'm enjoying them though.

Mid-morning - half can of fat coke and a slice of toast cos of stupid hypo. I'd normally have cracker bread/ryvita with cheese and an apple.

Lunch - Salad with grated cheese, hard boiled egg, anchovies and a brown pitta and humus. Probably my favourite post diagnosis meal. Banana and plain yogurt.

Mid afternoon - usually carrot sticks, celery stick, humus and a couple of wholegrain crackers. Not sure today though, I'm at home and feeling lazy.

Dinner (if all goes to plan) - baked salmon with pesto, lemon and parmesan with new potatoes and broccoli and maybe spinach.

I'm really enjoying this thread, and getting lots of ideas 🙂
Thanks for the info about the almond butter - my other half is allergic to peanuts, but can eat almonds.
Yuk to peanut butter...
I try & varry my breakfast, but mostly wheatabix, today i had bran flakes.
Had a ham sarnie at lunch time with a muller light yoghurt.
Stuck on what to have for tea tho.
Todays evening meal:

Boiled new potato's
wilted spinach
tuna steak

weight watchers chocolate mousse

Bit healthier today!

Breakfast: Toasted Linseed and soya seed bread with thick-cut marmalade, no spread.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs (from the hens on your left!), slice toasted soya and linseed bread, no spread. Satsuma.

Dinner: Lamb chops with Rosemary from garden, char-grilled veg: carrot thinnings and last of asparagus from garden, onion, crushed garlic cloves, green pepper, celery, mushrooms, aubergine, boiled Anya potatoes.

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Bit healthier today!

Breakfast: Toasted Linseed and soya seed bread with thick-cut marmalade, no spread.

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs (from the hens on your left!), slice toasted soya and linseed bread, no spread. Satsuma.

Dinner: Lamb chops with Rosemary from garden, char-grilled veg: carrot thinnings and last of asparagus from garden, onion, crushed garlic cloves, green pepper, celery, mushrooms, aubergine, boiled Anya potatoes.


Sounds delicious! I've been fairly boring today -

breakast: weetabix + OJ
Lunch: Cottage cheese with pineapple sandwich and wholegrain strawberry yoghurt, hobnob
Tea: Shortly to eat home-made corned beef pie and oven chips, carrots and peas followed by an apple muller rice🙂
We had homemade cauliflower soup, chicken breast (no skin) stuffed with garlic butter then wrapped in bacon, new potatoes sweetcorn and carrots, no pud (being good)
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Mmmmmm sounds lovely Carolyn, altho' not sure about the cauli soup!

Haven't had corned beef on the menu for ages! Think I used to make a hash and cover it with mashed potato....

Hope you enjoyed your meals. Not sure what to have tomorrow. Maybe fish pie from the freezer (it's a 'here's one I made earlier)
...Haven't had corned beef on the menu for ages! Think I used to make a hash and cover it with mashed potato....

I bought a tin on offer a while back bacause it reminded me of a recipe my mum made, so it was a not-so-healthy, but sentimental meal from happier times🙂
I always associate jelly and blancmange (haven't had that for years either) with Sunday tea when a wee lass, with 'Sing Something Simple' on the radio in the background....
for me haggis is one that always brings back childhood memories of spending time with the old man and me grandad up at a cabin on the shores of loch lomond fishing at day and letting tales at night. man how i miss them days
Breakfast: porridge

Lunch: 3 slices white bread tomato sandwich

evening: Home grown new potatoes boiled, home grown cabbage, home grown carrots (boiled whole after todays newspaper article!) & grilled chicken breast, gravy.

If only I could cut down on portion size perhaps I could lose a bit of weight, but I'm always SO hungry!!!
for my dinner I had:

A Chargrilled Chicken Fillet
Potato Wedges
Green Beans


A Chocolate Chip Muffin :D:D

Im going to be learning simple carb counting this fri :D then got my course in sept ! yeee haaaaa :D lol xx
for me haggis is one that always brings back childhood memories of spending time with the old man and me grandad up at a cabin on the shores of loch lomond fishing at day and letting tales at night. man how i miss them days

Sounds really peaceful and tranquil. I like Haggis - well, the version you get in a packet at Hogmany time in Sainsburys, but would like to try a 'proper' one.
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