what did you eat today?

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Steff, just out of interest and because the thought of marmalade made me smile I went and had a look at the information on a jar of Cooper's vintage Oxford marmalade. A 15g serving (level tablespoon) contains 40kcal and 9.9g carbohydrate. Have to confess my problem would be just sticking at one slice of toast and marmalade but otherwise we tend to eat jams/marmalades in relatively small quantities so probably ok for most Type 2s once in a while - even if that apple would be better for me

lol thank you i may venture to tesco tomoz and get a jar might go with the lime flavour over orange though if i dont like it my dustbin (aka o/h) will have it
im guna buy that marmalade i reckon off the site
Today I have had:

Toast and marmalade, OJ
Weetabix (I fancied them!), strawberry muller rice
Hobnob and Jelly babies to treat hypo (daft idea to mow lawn in this weather!)
Sweet and Sour chicken with basmati rice, peaches and ice cream
breakfast =porriadge
snack at 11 apple + bag of wotsits
lunch= ham salad batch
tea= chicken salad
pudding=ice cream and peach melba
at the moment im having 2 cookies small , i am terrible after 8
I bet the Cooks are as well!!!!............🙄

😱😱 natural reaction kicked in and i nearly scoffed the whole packet but ohh i got my serious diabetic head on and refrained and had the 2 :D
Morning - such self-control Steff - what's the secret! I'm not even gonna begin to tell you what I ate last night!
Oh dear, well it started with a bit more of the macoroni cheese I had for dinner, then the fudge I brought my Mum back from Center Parcs, but haven't had time to take to her.....just a couple of chunks! I think there were 2 fig rolls during the evening. Then some cheese nachos with hot jalapino dip whith a few glasses of wine, then a slice of 'spotty' bread (bread with dried fruit). Tried to cover all with insulin and was 8.4 this morning.

Well, it is only the first relapse I've had sinse the last one! 😱
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Morning - such self-control Steff - what's the secret! I'm not even gonna begin to tell you what I ate last night!

well i left earlier then planned to treat a hyper last night so once again teaches me 2 cookies are just to many 😡😡😡😡
I moved the dolphin stuff to 'Off the Subject'. I've decided to 'unstick' this thread, because it's been there a while now. Nothing to stop people adding to it though, just won't always be at the top of the screen!🙂

I've been quiet because I haven't eaten rubbish. I have haggis for dinner tonight though. Had to tell someone. I love Haggis and I saw it in Tescos and thought bingo! Not as good as the real thing but not damn bad.
This is technically yesterday as it was my birthday, but boy did I enjoy a splurge 🙂

Breakfast: Rice Crispies, whole milk with sugar on top. 7 units of humalog. Nice tame start to the day.

Brunch: Mars bar before swimming as I felt a bit low

Lunch: Chicken Soup, Half a Chicken & Garlic Mayo Baguette and Crepe (pancake) with Toffee Sauce and Ice Cream. Now we're talking. 8 units of humalog + 26 units of lantus (2 less of each insulin as I'd been swimming)

Supper: 3 Chicken Strips for starters, Chicken Parmigana (chicken escalope in batter with parma ham and cheese) plus spaghetti and fried herb potatoes, followed by banoffe sundae for dessert (bananas, toffee ice cream, toffee sauce, chocolate covered honeycomb pieces and whipped cream) 12 units humalog

BG next morning 12.1 - a little high but not bad considering and well worth it for a birthday treat.

NiVZ (aka Diabetic with a sweet tooth)
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Mmmmmm how lovely, wish I was at your birthday.
Ha ha Niv, you make my little indulgence yesterday look positivley virtous :D Except i didn't have the excuse of it being my birthday 😱 Hope you enjoyed your day.

Mmmm, enjoy your Haggis Adrienne, I occassionally like this too, especially the more 'peppery' ones.

Been quite good today
Breakfast: fruit
Lunch: poached eggs on wholemeal toast
dinner: haddock in batter, grilled tomato, coleslaw, an orange.
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