The Pumpers Thread!

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Great news Tracey! But if i were you i would ring medtronic and tell them you need a clip before you go live - it will help you until you decide where your going to keep it (pocket or bra or wherever).🙂

Patricia, if E is showing signs of more hunger than usual - could be hormones and growth spurt perhaps?😱

A didnt have a hypo at school - but he was 4 at the 2 hour check - so he had a cereal bar - then he was 6 ( i think) at lunch. So tonight i have changed his morning basal from 8am to 12noon and hopefully it will stop the low - but i have trouble thinking of such small numbers - when he was on mdi it seemed easier to think in terms of half units or whole - but these quarter ones dont seem to register in my brain! I think i have number dyslexia!

I often read this pumpers thread and chuckle to myself - i think if someone came accross the forum by accident - they would think we were talking a whole different language!

On another note - on the other 'list' we are on - it seems that everyone is buying a product called 'spibelt' - sports belts that stop the pump from moving when being active - think i might get one for A as his night time one that i made moves around a bit too much! i think is what the site is called - thought the pumpers may be interested.🙂Bev
All so exciting -- great to hear from you Tracey! Like everyone says though, bit poor no clip or saline. Sorry little disappointing for you. Drag. When is saline coming?

Re the amount of kit: find a cupboard (or a bread bin, like Bev!). It doesn't get any better.

I'm quite interested in those tubeless pumps, yes, but like everyone says, omnipod too big. Medtronic one *looks* better, but still from picture, quite big? What we are *most* interested in of course is anything that begins to close the loop...

Well E came down to 4.8 quite happily, has just propped up with apple juice (I'm thinking yay early night) then said he was hungry. AGAIN! Damn. So a 1 unit bolus with some yoghurt and honey should keep him around 8/9mmols, which is what we are starting on at the moment bedtime, because he's dropping a little overnight... So my guess is, yes, growth!

So it'll be a midnight bed for us, what with the 2.5 hour check. Which is better than it has been, admittedly.

I know what you mean about numbers Bev. I actually have some kind of weird block once we get to 3 decimal places...I don't know how you are keeping track of it. I guess I would do something really foolproof like write out a list of the increment possibilities for diff times of day, to keep track of what's more and what's less!

Spibelt thingies -- I can see the attraction, but E is into this free and easy sleeping thing, so the pump just floats around. He never clips it at night. But it would drive me crazy as a woman in a nightie -- the belt would DEF be the answer...


On another note - on the other 'list' we are on - it seems that everyone is buying a product called 'spibelt' - sports belts that stop the pump from moving when being active - think i might get one for A as his night time one that i made moves around a bit too much! i think is what the site is called - thought the pumpers may be interested.🙂Bev

Hi Bev

I posted this a while back on here i think, def. is a good idea if belts are how you want to wear it. Rose loves her's and i think running and jumping in the playground (and just generally being 7) will be a bit easier without the pump unclipping or her pouch flapping up. When she tried it on this evening for the first time and i told her to jump up and down, mid air she automatically went to hold it and was so pleased that she didn't have to. Just goes to show you what she's been doing automatically for the past year or so :( At least this will make it easier for her 🙂 is a good clip on them

For anyone else there's free shipping at the mo and other codes as well 🙂
Hi Bev

I posted this a while back on here i think, def. is a good idea if belts are how you want to wear it. Rose loves her's and i think running and jumping in the playground (and just generally being 7) will be a bit easier without the pump unclipping or her pouch flapping up. When she tried it on this evening for the first time and i told her to jump up and down, mid air she automatically went to hold it and was so pleased that she didn't have to. Just goes to show you what she's been doing automatically for the past year or so :( At least this will make it easier for her 🙂 is a good clip on them

For anyone else there's free shipping at the mo and other codes as well 🙂

I agree Becca they seem great. Lots on the email list have had theirs already haven't they and love them. I've ordered two for Jessica, adult size mind you !

Patricia, Jessica never wears a belt at night, she also has the pump just lying loose and she is the world biggest fidget! However these spibelts are going to be for the day. Great for playing sports and running as they don't bounce around like the other belts.
Great news Tracey! But if i were you i would ring medtronic and tell them you need a clip before you go live - it will help you until you decide where your going to keep it (pocket or bra or wherever).🙂

thanks Bev, good idea, when i get round to the telephone numbers, i will call roche( ive got the spirit combo) i will call and see if i can get a clip. Lets see how good the service is, been told its excellent, lets see 😉
hello Patricia, no saline coming im afraid, lets just say i think some hospitals are more pump savvy than others, but im just so pleased to have got one and the rep and pump nurse are lovely and more than helpful so im sure i will be fine. Just need to stay chilled about it all, something im not good at im afraid.
Good to read all your posts. Glad you pleased so far with pump Tracey. Look forward to hearing when you go live. 🙂

Can someone please talk me through what to do for a pe lesson. We have never used the temporary basal. So would like to give it a go. His pe lesson is tomorrow morning at 9.30am. 🙂
Morning all

I take your point Adrienne about the spibelt -- hadn't really thought of that properly...I'm wondering if it's worth getting one as a standby. Because he's a teenager, he spends *most* of his time slouching about, and doesn't ever do more than a fast, cool slope when in a hurry...However, when we are on holiday etc or out walking/bike riding, I can suddenly see how this will work...

Tracey, sorry no saline. But if Bev can make it without saline on someone else (ack!), then I'm sure you'll be fine with a live start. Come here for support!

Chill-wise: I'm not good at this either so don't know what to say! My answer to everything is in times of stress always try to do something that brings you contentment. What's that for you?

Numbers-wise, we allowed a 10mmol reading to track through one last time, and he woke on 8.8. So in fact he's pretty stable, though too high. Now we can start letting him start the night lower. We really want things around 6mmol, so will aim to start the night more at 8mmols...

He is *exhausted*. His poor body just hates the early rise, and wants to stay up late, so it's all topsy-turvy. He could barely move this morning; we had a brief fear that he was very low...but no, he was just completely shattered.

For now!

Sorry Mand, didn't see your post re temp basal...

What we normally do is:

He tests before the lesson. If 7 or lower, he eats something. He removes his pump and does the lesson. He reconnects after the lesson, and tests again. If he's actually quite high, 9+ or so (maybe he didn't do much, or it was the 'short intensive bursts' kind of lesson), he corrects and does not set a temp basal.

If he's in range, he sets a temp basal on 75% for two hours. If he's low, he deals with that AND sets a temp basal on 75% for two hours.

In all of these cases, he stays alert and ready to set either a temp basal, or a lower temp basal, at any time if he's fighting lows.

Several times he has *believed* he's okay through much of the day, riding around 5mmols. But then when he gets home he just goes down, and feels pretty grim. So he now almost always sets a temp basal, even if he feels fine, after PE, because it seems that it *always* affects him (unless, as I say, he didn't do much and is tangibly higher than expected).

Hope that helps?
Im so impressed

Yes Im so impressed with roche,

taking Bevs advice i phoned the 24 hour careline as i had no belt clip in my pack. Told the guy i had only just registered a few minutes before online. Not a problem, he said he would already have all my details, and he did!

He even called me Tracey 🙂 i liked that. Certainly will send you a clip out today, was there anything else he could do for me?, I mentioned that i had read i woud recieve some nutri scales if i sent my letter by fax, but would they know who i was just from my name? of course they would! How lovely to get great service!🙂
That's fab news Tracey -- must say that I think the pump companies are completely aware of how vital all of this kit is, and really get their service together. I have nothing but praise for the three encounters with medtronic: each time stuff was with me almost instantly, and they were so pleasant and lovely on the phone!

Good for you.
Thanks Patricia. Will give it a go. How you feeling today? x 🙂

To all pumper moms - Do you work? I work 10 hours a week in an office (9am to 2pm two days a week). The rest of the time i am mom and housewife. 🙂
Hi Mand

Nope don't work, used to but since having second child have been a stay at home mum 🙂 and then problems with schools so it wasn't an option.... have 4 year old who is starting big school in January so then will have to rethink what i'm going to do. I really need to set up my business and i hope with the time that i will have will be used well 🙂

I am supposed to work 16 hours a week from home as a legal secretary for my dad. I used to run the office before I had Jessica. I'm a single mum so can't actually go out to work as I end up in school and we are under 3 or 4 different consultants so are in hospitals a lot.

My dad doesn't send me much work so I spend most of my time campaigning for better paediatric diabetes services (along with Becca). However my office is having a new server installed today and apparently I can see it remotely so that means I'll have to be working again properly rather than intermittently!

I'd rather not work, I'm knackered but needs must.

My dad doesn't send me much work so I spend most of my time campaigning for better paediatric diabetes services (along with Becca). However my office is having a new server installed today and apparently I can see it remotely so that means I'll have to be working again properly rather than intermittently!

I'd rather not work, I'm knackered but needs must.


Hi Adrienne

It's funny isn't it. I don't count the campaigning side of stuff or work on diabetes but you're so right it does take up a lot of time and it is kind of like work, hadn't thought of it till now.

OMG! When i think about it it adds up to a lot! So, by saying i don't work i actually am a secretary for the local children's diabetes group; campaign nationally and locally for better care in Essex for children with diabetes in schools (am now on working party working alongside CC, PCT and other parents now); did the campaign for Change4life this year; did the Artificial Pancreas trial (or rather Rose did!); am working on diagnosis stories with an organisation hoping to highlight better care and lastly did filming for DUK last week. So looking at it, i do think i could do with a break from diabetes?!?!?!

Good grief you all! Wow, what a lot of involvement. It *is* work.

Yes Mand I work, at least three days a week, but with very flexible university schedule. In term time with marking etc I am actually full time, but in the summer I just work part of each day not on holiday. And at Christmas and Easter, long breaks!

I also do a fair amount of free lance work, visiting writer stuff, readings and workshops. My husband and I pretty much split everything we can, but he has a much more demanding job of late and is out every day usually for ten hours or so, which didn't used to be the case, alas. He is also an academic, but in music.

So I do much of the child planning and organising, the domestic stuff that takes up so much time! And we split as much as possible the rest.

What with all the diabetes care and thought space it takes up, I certainly feel I work much more than full time anyway...I thought I was frantic before! Now I've let balls drop all over the place, and just accept that this will continue to happen. I can't do everything, and know where my priorities are.

Good luck with the temp basal, Mand!
Hi all,
This afternoon after lunch A had rugby.
Set a temp basal of 70% for 3 hours. Starting 1 hour before the rugby.
A was 8.8 before removing the pump as had not long eaten lunch. Left it off for 40 minutes - no snack or drink - then when he put it back on he was 13.2 - didnt bolus as he thought he may go down - but then another hour later he was 15! So bolused - but cautiously in case there is a later drop from rugby.
Does anyone have an explanation? 😱Thanks. Bev
Ergh, what a shame it didn't work like a dream...Several things occur, all of which will just need working out over time, trial and error. Argh.

1) Lunch didn't get covered properly because of the temp basal AND pump off so soon after lunch?
2) Need a higher temp basal for rugby?
3) Do not need a temp basal for rugby because one of those intensive things?
4) Excitement playing rugby etc?

I guess I would experiment with those things...

On the plus side, he considered bolus-ing and didn't, thinking he would go lower (good decision!), then later did bolus (good decision!). All the best it can be in these circumstances.

Has he dropped at all?
Ergh, what a shame it didn't work like a dream...Several things occur, all of which will just need working out over time, trial and error. Argh.

1) Lunch didn't get covered properly because of the temp basal AND pump off so soon after lunch?
2) Need a higher temp basal for rugby?
3) Do not need a temp basal for rugby because one of those intensive things?
4) Excitement playing rugby etc?

I guess I would experiment with those things...

On the plus side, he considered bolus-ing and didn't, thinking he would go lower (good decision!), then later did bolus (good decision!). All the best it can be in these circumstances.

Has he dropped at all?

Thanks Patricia,

Doh! I hadnt thought of the first one - cant believe i hadnt!
It makes sense though - too soon after lunch combined with the temp basal - too little insulin overall i think.

Hmm...there will be rugby for the next 4 weeks - so i will have to try something new next week.
I havent *actually* been told how to use temp basal or by how much to increase or decrease - so will try to do some research.

Perhaps - take pump off for the 40 minutes - then when pump back on do a temp basal then of 70%? Its all complete guesswork isnt it?

I gave him 1 correction when he came home - didnt realy work - then he needed a set change - so stayed at the same level 15! So just corrected again before evening meal. He has just gone to bed at level 5 - so i gave him one biscuit and a small amount of milk because i dont know if the affects of the rugby will catch up with him later as it seems to have been overshadowed by the 'fake high' - does that make sense to anyone?😱

I agree with you Patricia, i think A made a good choice about not bolusing etc - i am always impressed with how much he understands about the 'bigger picture'. I often think that as our children are that bit older than primary school children (i.e. 4 or 5 year olds) they are obviously a lot more involved so i think in a way that it is 'better' for them to have got diabetes at this age as they can take it all in and make good choices. I would imagine it would be difficult for a diabetic child who has always had a parent make decisions to suddenly be expected to take over control of their own diabetes.

Of course i dont mean its 'better' - i just mean that it is probably easier for an older child to get to grips with all the decision making.

I think all our children are brilliant and i am very proud of all of them and all the mums who try to make their childrens lives easier.🙂Bev

A lot of stuff has been going on....

Fantastic to read everything and because I hadnt heard of the roche pump I have googled with what you wrote and have read all about it, with a little jelousy I have to say! Sounds like it is very similar to the US Animas Ping, which I have to say if it were available here in the UK I would be SERIOUSLY interested. I had no idea about this pump so thanks for getting me into a really good read. I am gripped. PLEASE post- you made a ref at the end of one I read about your pump saying you hoped it wasnt boring- I can assure you I am very genuinly interested how you get on with this. This is an excellent feature. Dont get me wrong, I love pumping but my instincts are that the meter control on this is going to be so fantastic for you and I really wish I had that. Im pretty sure I would LOVE it! So excited for you...

Bonus that Roche have good customer care. Pleased to hear that as that is something you should not need to worry about while you have this going on.

I would how ever love to do something criminal to your healthcare team 😡 I am absolutely baffled beyond belief that someone could not get you some saline and instead decided the better option was to torture you by giving you the pump without getting going. Speachless, and to be honest, shocked!

I cannot live without the clip- I hope they get that to you asap, if not I would chase up. I can not imagine it without- it is essential!

Is this pump big? Heavy? I couldnt see the spec. But it is interesting the large reservior and canula being in for 6 days how that works out for you.

Sorry i will stop waffling on Trace, but please do (if you dont mind!) keep us updated- I really hope everything goes ok and any support we can offer please ask. Good luck, and enjoy!


Random- but do any of you eat white pasta? I had dinner with the girls last night, cooked by them and we had a white spag with a red wine bolognese sauce. Ice cream for pudding. I estimated, dual waved (sorry I didnt mean to swear) bolused again for the ice cream in the middle of the square (again another random guess). Got home at midnight and tested, 15 at the end of a 3 hour square and didnt correct as I had a lot of insulin on board and had eaten the ice cream much later so expected a peak. 1.5 glasses of white plonko later and woke up 6am for work at 5.4mmols. BINGO! So, turns out a whole load of guessing and no measuring or applying ANY theory whatsoever has turned out a good result. Ive never really got into white this the secret? (or is it operating your pump under the influence?). BTW Patricia, ignore Mondays experiment about eating pasta only after the gym, dire BM and clearly I need to get out more...🙄 Back to the drawing board.


I wish I could offer some support on some of the things over the last few pages. I suppose I dont really have the words or the solutions that help, but I do read it and take it all in. If I had the ability to I would love to take some of this stuff of your shoulders...big hugs to all.

Bev- I love temp basal. how do you find the explanation in the manual? It was Patricia and Adrienne if I remember correctly that encouraged me to give it a shot, although I dont go by percentage, I have set mine up on units and find that approach easier (for me). Good luck. Sounds like you are doing really well hun.

Sorry, I just looked back and its a really long post! Apologies xxx
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