The Pumpers Thread!

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oops. So didn't know where to begin, actually accidentally hit the wrong button 🙂.

First, Tracey, best of luck. Please keep us up to date with how all is going. We are thinking about you!

Second,Bev: I'm sorry the ecg thing is continuing to worry. The absolute last thing you need. Listen to your boy. His numbers are very, very good. You are doing the right thing by leaving things another day and seeing how it goes. You don't need to jump on things instantly. Just try a few things out in time and see how it goes. A's numbers are good. Now take a breather.

Third,Mand: I'm a bit bummed for you that you are still in the land of no dual wave etc...! You are doing so well you deserved to 'graduate' weeks ago! I've forgotten when you say you are seeing the DSN...Anyway I think you should be as forthright as you can bear to be...How many others are on pumps in the clinic? Maybe it's their own lack of confidence? Anyway hope school starts well. And that college is good for your daughter. What a step!

Fourth,Adrienne: pleased Tez is your friend! Always nice to have a boost!

Fifth, Lou: I was almost in a heap with laughter over your post. Honestly. I have just got back from the gym (and boy was it boring and difficult) where I met a friend who I haven't seen in a while. Ended up crying for some reason, suddenly things a little on top of feeling a little fragile, and then you make me laugh. Thank you!

Everyone and cannulas: we've had stiff ones (steady on), but no popping off ones. That is a cause for concern, indeed. I think you must be right, the tubing is 'unscrewing' the cannula, no doubt too easily. It *could* be that you need another kind of set? Not sure what's available? OR you may have to give in and always point the blue thing outward? That's certainly what we were told to do, depending on the side of the tummy -- maybe it's for more than convenience?

But hang on a minute: E sleeps with his just floating free, tossing and turning and all twisted up, and has never encountered a problem. You'd think if they were going to pop, that would make it happen...Hmm. What's your dsn think? Is s/he experienced enough to have a view?!


First day back at school yesterday produced a distinct lack of numbers to be getting on with -- bassoon lesson in the middle of break so no test and no snack, but anyway 7.7mmols by lunch so that's not too bad. 6.6mmols at home. And 5mmols before dinner, 9.3 at 2.5 hours after dinner. Woke on 7.5mmols this morning. God knows what's happening between all these times, but at least he didn't have to deal with going low amidst all the faff of the first day back, which was our big concern.

We are steering clear of PASTA for a couple of days so that he's not up and down like a yo yo and neither are we. But we miss it *dreadfully*. We shall have to address by the weekend. Can't survive!

How did the straight out bolus go Lou? E would hit the floor with that, I'm sure...

Appreciate your support in the pasta corner. Together we will conquer or anyway subdue the pesky slow carbs...Sigh. So prefer the evenness of no pasta or rice, but actually just can't make it without either for long. SO BORING BORING BORING: new pots, mash, dauphenoise, oven chips, more new pots. Fried pots. I mean, potatoes potatoes! Sick of them. You have to have some kind of piece of meat or fish with them, or a pie...YAWN. Long for broccoli and blue cheese pasta. Bacon olive onion pasta. Courgette and garlic pasta. Spag bol. And rice: chili con carne. Chicken and pea risotto. Prawn risotto.

Going crazy. Anyone want to join me?!


By Tuesday then everyone was supposed to schedule or do something for themselves -- Tracey, insulinaddict, Lou, don't know if you picked this up along the way...but I declared that we all needed something, pretty much whether we did or not, so hey...

Anyway. Just to report that although I've not managed to write properly, I've *thought* a great deal about my next steps, alot. On the long-sleeved top front 🙂 I've purchased THREE. Whether they will all do the job who knows, but they are arriving by post I hope today. And, as I say, I've joined this -- gulp -- choir.

Bev and Tracey: esp thinking of you both as you go through medical stuff. Keep us informed.

Hi all,

Thanks for the advice about the basals. I think i will do what Patricia says - leave it a day or two to see if there are any patterns. I am just impatient - and after MDI it seems that at least getting levels within range is do-able!

We have found with lasagne that it works if we give 60% upfront - then 2 hours later 20% and then if required 2 hours later the remainder ( we are often finding that he doesnt need the full last 20% - not sure why - but we then give him either 10 or 5% depending on his level). Of course there isnt a huge amount of pasta in a lasagne - and we arent using dual wave or anything yet...

Patricia, does E like pearl barley? A hates it - so i dont know what the affect of spiking is - but thought it may be worth a try?
The other night i made a pearl barley rissoto - it really does taste like rice - but it is much better for you as its full of fiber!
Just boil it for 20 minutes - then add to pan with good quality sausages - so minimal fat content - then add shredded white cabbage - salt and pepper - and keep adding chicken stock until its all absorbed. Well this is how we like it - but perhaps you could use chicken or lamb and of course any herbs and spices as you like! Just be careful of the fat content of the meat used as it may delay absorption and create a late spike! Also adding mushrooms will help E to feel full - so he may feel like he has had his 'rice/pasta hit'!🙂Bev

p.s. Forgot to add - yes i am going crazy too so i will join you! Also i am feeling very guilty about restricting things off A's diet - just because i cant get a handle on the spike - so we have had good numbers - but sometimes its because i wont do pizza's or pasta etc - especially if i feel tired and dont want to test through the night! (or should i say do *extra* tests as i already test at 12 3 and 7).
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LOL! I'm getting sooo lost in posts at the mo but just a thought about the quicksets...have you contacted Medtronic? (You may have and i've just not read it - doh!) It may be a faulty batch as you say. A while ago, Rose's tubing actually came away from the reservoir so pump was not connected to her at all! eek! When i rang Medtronic they said this was the 2nd to happen in a few weeks so tehy decided to recall that particular batch.
Patricia, Bev - you are making me hungry with all your food talk! I am a little jealous though as sounds like you can both cook. I do cook but I am not a natural so desperate to improve. In fact, it is one of the things i am going to concentrate on now kids at school/college. I have so many cook books but where to start?! Also, I want to cook low fat, low sugar, low carb but child friendly as well as adult friendly, filling, not too fancy so practical! Do such recipes even exist??????????

Not sure how many on pumps at our clinic, Patricia. I had said i would give my son's dsn a ring when he back at school a week or so to enable us to decide where to do any tweaking. At the same time i will ask her about bolus wizard etc etc.

I really want to get stuck in to better numbers now he back at school. and to learn how different foods affect him.

Sorry to hear you feeling a bit low at the moment, Patricia. Anything in particular? Feel free to pm anytime. Glad you bought your new tops. Hope you enjoy wearing them. I am really looking forward to my pedicure on Friday morning!

Hi to you all. Hope everyone ok.

Mand xx
Hi Becca
Our posts came in at same time! Good idea re phoning Medtronic. 🙂
Hello again everyone

Two out of three tops workable -- not bad!

The truth is Mand I just *love* food...I don't actually cook it! My husband does. He is a brilliant cook and does it every day. I of course can do the basics, but don't really enjoy it and end up in a kind of ambivalent flap...Bev on the other hand obviously *does* cook -- and I confess I like barley v much, sounds just yummy... But the one time we tried it, E couldn't actually get it down...Bleh. AND he doesn't like mushrooms, though will eat them under duress...

Mand, don't know what to tell you about food... I guess I would start with the more straightforward but tasty things like Nigel Slater (okay, his stuff is sometimes quite high fat, but it's GOOD food and the recipes are common sense, not too flaffy... )Also we now use quite a lot of Gordon R -- the simpler stuff, like Sunday Lunch etc...We have found Delia generally (later stuff) a little fussy, Nigella even fussier but good for parties, and lots of hoopla around the writing so irritating sometimes. We also have the great big fat Italian cookbook which is just FAB but probably pretty darn overwhelming. I can't read it without giving up.

Try Nigel. He also makes filling food. This probably doesn't mean low carb, but he understands that people like to eat and enjoy their food. You may be able to adjust things anyway...

Re feeling fragile: I'm not sure why. I think that sometimes I just keep things at bay, won't let my heart turn to the grief I still feel...And then it just jumps on me when I try to be honest with a friend. I'm not a very surface-y person generally, so find it difficult to have an insincere conversation any time...And for some reason today I just felt sad for what our family has to go through. And she could do nothing but say she was there and...but there's the added grief of speaking to other parents without these difficulties, isn't there? Her son used to be one of E's closest friends (they now go to diff schools)...and her life is so different from ours in so many ways...


Keep in touch about the cannula thing. Back to work.
Hi all,
The 'nice' consultant has just rung me out of the blue to ask how we were getting on with the pump! After discussing various tweaking problems - he asked me if there was anything i would do differently on a pump start -i said actually yes there is -i would have liked a lot more support - you are the first person to have rang me to ask how things are going! He had been away on holiday - so was only back to work today - he couldnt have been nicer and invited me to send an email with all my views on the pump start - good bad or indifferent - as he said they need to learn what works and what doesnt!

I am so pleased he asked me and took an interest in what i had to say. He said he is always happy to discuss changes and any improvements that are needed as he wants to offer the best care for our children - otherwise they wouldnt be doing their job! How refreshing! Now all i have to do is send an email that doesnt criticise our team too much! He also said dont worry about being critical - he values parents views and we wouldnt be treated any differently if we felt the need to complain etc...🙂

If it helps other families going through this then i am only too pleased to help where i can - its just a pity things werent right for our pump start.:(Bev
Hi all,
The 'nice' consultant has just rung me out of the blue to ask how we were getting on with the pump! After discussing various tweaking problems - he asked me if there was anything i would do differently on a pump start -i said actually yes there is -i would have liked a lot more support - you are the first person to have rang me to ask how things are going! He had been away on holiday - so was only back to work today - he couldnt have been nicer and invited me to send an email with all my views on the pump start - good bad or indifferent - as he said they need to learn what works and what doesnt!

I am so pleased he asked me and took an interest in what i had to say. He said he is always happy to discuss changes and any improvements that are needed as he wants to offer the best care for our children - otherwise they wouldnt be doing their job! How refreshing! Now all i have to do is send an email that doesnt criticise our team too much! He also said dont worry about being critical - he values parents views and we wouldnt be treated any differently if we felt the need to complain etc...🙂

If it helps other families going through this then i am only too pleased to help where i can - its just a pity things werent right for our pump start.:(Bev

Hi Bev ...

Thats fantastic news .. that your lovely consultant has taken the time to phone you ... I give him a gold star ....

Absolutely vitally important that all families and diabetics should have this kind of support ...

Hi all,
Thanks Heidi!

Quick question : when you do set a temp basal - do you also give a snack for the exercise?

A wanted to play football - so set a temp basal for 1.5 hours of 60%. After half an hour he came in on 2.3mmols. I thought the point of the temp basal was to be able to cope with exercise?:confused:Bev
Hi Bev

For us it depends on E's starting level. If he's 7 or below, we give a snack for exercise, THEN set temp basal for at least a couple of hours, depending on type and duration of exercise.

It takes at least an hour for a temp basal to have effect...So you *could* start a temp basal ahead of time, I guess, if you knew he was going to play...Otherwise we do need carb to cope with exercise is starting level isn't high-ish. E is guaranteed to go low or nearly go low if he starts around 6 or 7mmols...

Any help?!
Hi Bev. like Patricia says, temp basals don't work straightaway, the temp basal you set for 1.5 hours will have an effect that much on from when basals affect A. So after the half an hour when he came in the temp basal wouldn't have taken effect yet.
Thanks Patricia and Becca!

He was 7 before exercise - so i should have given him a snack - i will remember for next time!😱Bev
We keep forgetting to check even though we *know* we have to! Argh.

Another good number day for E, brilliant until -- 15 before dinner! Huh?! When he was 5 almost the same time yesterday.

I smack my hand against my forehead. Who knows? Whacked a LOAD of insulin into him and he just kept on eating, bolus-ing like mad, dinner then pudding then actually a packet of crisps. Fortunately it's early so if it hits hard, we will have plenty of time before bed.

But suspect just some kind of hunger/growth thing. Argh, again.

The roller-coaster is leaving from this location every five minutes. Hold on.
It is so annoying when this happens isnt it? Like you say - its probably a growth spurt or a sign that ratios may need tweaking?😱

The best bit of advice i took from the DUK weekend - was that - there *is* always a reason for either high or low levels out of the blue - the hardest part is trying to pin it down to something! Of course it could be hormonal as E is the right age for this. Also just excitement or feeling anxious at being back at school?

We are on the 'basal rollercoaster' at the moment - i thought we had it sussed - but it seems not - so have spent half an hour trawling through his log book to try to indentify by how much and when to make the changes.:(

Hope you can get to the bottom of why E was high.:(Bev x
Thanks Bev -- I can't tell you what a difference it makes to speak to someone who understands!

I hear what you're saying (as they say in the US!) about reasons for highs and lows. My prob is that I could half kill myself obsessing about what it might be. So sometimes I have to say okay we'll wait and see if it shows tomorrow -- then we'll do something about it. Otherwise I really do sometimes wonder if I can think about anything else...

Saying that, prob not lunch ratio as was 5 hours before! Though if he'd eaten everything in his box (I always send him with extra, separately counted) but didn't take account of it...See! That's what I do. I'll ask him and he'll say no because I've never known him to do that. And he didn't have a snack when came home. AND although I remembered he should test, I forgot to remind again and we didn't...So don't have a true reading of lunch...

And then he was ravenously hungry. Practically emptied the house.

Confess with finding patterns I absolutely have to use the spreadsheet I sent you -- I can't keep figures 'lined up' otherwise, into times of day, and can't spot anything. Do you line things up according to times of day and testing?

Good luck with all that. Did he hypo again today?

Hi all 🙂

Well got my pump, and almost needed a truck to get everything home lol, what a lot of stuff, thats without the insulin, canulas etc

not live yet, have sooooooo much reading to do, have started, got to play with pump and wear it, but not attached as they had no saline 🙄

to be honest im not going to wear it as they had no belt clips either, so can basically only put in bra or pocket and the tubing will be just hanging?

the rep from roche was very good though, and it seems i have to take tiny steps, just bolus, use pump, no handset allowed yet. Can understand why but not allowed to use anything other than standard bolus when i begin next week so may be a long haul.

Fantastic piece of kit i must say and cant wait to get fully operational. The rep was saying the life is 4 years and then you can keep using the pump or change onto something else, she was saying that things will be changing in pumping world over next few years, but was not allowed to say, all very exciting stuff im sure though. Hope ive not bored you all!:D
Hi all 🙂

Well got my pump, and almost needed a truck to get everything home lol, what a lot of stuff, thats without the insulin, canulas etc

not live yet, have sooooooo much reading to do, have started, got to play with pump and wear it, but not attached as they had no saline 🙄

to be honest im not going to wear it as they had no belt clips either, so can basically only put in bra or pocket and the tubing will be just hanging?

the rep from roche was very good though, and it seems i have to take tiny steps, just bolus, use pump, no handset allowed yet. Can understand why but not allowed to use anything other than standard bolus when i begin next week so may be a long haul.

Fantastic piece of kit i must say and cant wait to get fully operational. The rep was saying the life is 4 years and then you can keep using the pump or change onto something else, she was saying that things will be changing in pumping world over next few years, but was not allowed to say, all very exciting stuff im sure though. Hope ive not bored you all!:D

Excellent. Naughty they didn't have saline or a clip, they normally come in the box with the new pump ! What pump have to got?

I know with Medtronic in the next year or so they are bringing out the patch pump which is supposed to rival the Omnipod but be much smaller, the Omnipod sticks out from the body far too much.

When are you going live on insulin?
Excellent. Naughty they didn't have saline or a clip, they normally come in the box with the new pump ! What pump have to got?

I know with Medtronic in the next year or so they are bringing out the patch pump which is supposed to rival the Omnipod but be much smaller, the Omnipod sticks out from the body far too much.

When are you going live on insulin?

the rep said all the boxes (think was 100) been sent with no clips, but will bring one in few weeks, no saline bit poor, would have been good to practice properly.

I have the spirit combo, like the fact of wireless handset, takes 315u insulin so only need change approx every 6 days, delivers insulin every 3 minutes not hourly, and increments are vers small, not sure of numbers but go up in small increments not doubles. Yes she said there would be changes in next few years, i mentioned the omnipod and she said we would never get a liscence for those but im sure there will be more and more improvements for pumpers!

Go live next tuesday.
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