The Pumpers Thread!

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Thanks Adrienne -- yes it's the balancing of it isn't it. I've never heard of 'starting' at 50/50 for 2 hours -- but of course this makes sense. We have been wondering where to begin if we have to start all over...

What's confusing about dw of course is that the insulin is going in the *whole time*, so it's mysterious really why for us 'end of dw' hypos are the most common, eg 1.5 to 2 hours after it ends! Why not in the middle of the dw?!

I think you're right though and we need to see if he can 'take' more up front. His numbers were good yesterday, maybe even low-ish (6 and 7mmols) during the dw, so maybe it will work...What number, btw, do you try to aim for during a dw? My instinct says more like 8 or 9, but I'm not sure why...

I always talk too much about my weight. I get told off by one lady. I always feel I have to say something before anyone else does but why would they and anyway you guys can't see me !!!

I've seen you and you look lovely Adrienne.


Don't feel bad.
Aha! brightontez, you the man. I've just seen your HbA1c -- wow! Must have missed the post...Congratulations.

Adrienne, take notice!
I've seen you and you look lovely Adrienne.


Don't feel bad.

Ok then ! How have you seen me, have me met and my memory is being c**p but thank you.
What's confusing about dw of course is that the insulin is going in the *whole time*, so it's mysterious really why for us 'end of dw' hypos are the most common, eg 1.5 to 2 hours after it ends! Why not in the middle of the dw?!

I think you're right though and we need to see if he can 'take' more up front. His numbers were good yesterday, maybe even low-ish (6 and 7mmols) during the dw, so maybe it will work...What number, btw, do you try to aim for during a dw? My instinct says more like 8 or 9, but I'm not sure why...


Hi I think the reason why the hypo (or even hyper) is at the end of the dual wave is because of the way that particular food works. For us rice would give us a hypo immediately after eating if we bolused the whole lot beforehand as we found rice doesn't start to work quickly (but that is just us!) With pasta a high would happen 2 hours or more later because that is how pasta works, a steady rise which can peak at about 4 to 6 hours later after eating. Therefore as the dual wave works its magic after every bit of insulin that goes in a bit more the 'peak' will not happen. Does that make sense?

However get it slightly wrong, exercise not taken into account or forgotten about, any number of things and that magic is on the slide down and bang you have a hypo.

I think that anything under 10.0 during a dual wave is a jolly good reading this new into pumping. Even after 2 3/4 years that would be jolly good for us as well.
Wotcha all, Im pumped off!

Ive come home in my lunch time (on a skive, who knew you could get out of prison so easily?!) but me and the pump are NOT speaking today.

Ive just done a rapid set change. I found it unattatched this morning (dont know how long for) reattached 4 times, thing just kept falling off wouldnt click- what is that? Thats has never happened before. I changed the set yesterday and I didnt notice anything funny. I was 13.4mmols before lunch so higher than expected due to this I assume. I havent knocked it, there is nothing funny looking about it.

I panicd when this kept happening! I have just set changed at home (preferred) although I had the stuff on me (of course!). Now I am worried I am going to get parranoid about the thing clipped on all the time now....

Does this happen to everyone else??

Oh well, back to work and then the gym. Woop!

Hope you have all had a great weekend xx
Gosh who knew such goings on could happen here...

Lou: eek! No we've never had one 'fall off' in any way -- though we have had one 'not go on' properly after being removed, and then one that uh, wouldn't come off...

What we did in all cases we could was change the little connecting tube thingy rather than the whole set (to avoid another hole in the tummy!) -- this only worked for the one that wouldn't go back on, obviously...!

Thanks for thoughts re dw Adrienne -- yes the physics of the insulin fighting off the peak of the food makes sense to me, but I can only think of two reasons for hypo-ing after the official 'end' of the dual wave: 1) a 'double peak' which is what I think we have with pasta -- eg there is a good amount of food going in for the first three hours, but then everything sort of stops, so the tail end of the dw hits with no food. With us, we only know it's a double peak because it rises at 6 hours! 2) the dual wave is continuing too far after the peak of the food (and too much insulin in the dual wave, perhaps?)

SO: with rice I think the latter is true, as neither time in last week has E shown signs of rising much later. With both rice and pasta in the past, he hypos badly with whole bolus up front...

Hi everyone

We had one that would not go back on Lou! So frustrating! We ended up changing the set. Have not a clue what had happened!

Well our numbers are ok generally wth the odd one too high and hypos here and there. But he returns to school tomorrow so i am hoping to really get stuck in to getting better figures all round as he will have more of a routine.

It's odd hearing you all talk about dual wave etc because we still not taught this and i have not attempted it by myself. During this school term i would like to learn it (will be talking to his dsn next week).

Anyway, not much to say apart from we ok and i am enjoying reading all your posts.

Mand xx 🙂
Hi all,

After me being so smug yesterday - today A has had 2 x hypo's...

One before lunch - even though i have decreased his basal for this time (changed it today). But it was after p.e. - he did have a cereal bar though - so dont know if it was the basal not low enough or the cereal not enough!
Think i will leave it as is for tomorrow - no p.e. - and try to see if this was a blip.
Then he just had another one (3.4) at the 2 hour check - so again - not sure if it was his meal and maybe delayed spike (although only had beans on toast and a yoghurt) - will have to see if this is another pattern tomorrow.
I think its being at school that is doing it - he seems to be even lower. Today he woke on 7 - then he was 7 at the 2 hour check and then the hypo - then he was 5 coming home from school - then 6.5 when he came home from singing lessons - so all in all very pleased with the numbers apart from the 2 hypo's.🙂

Today i had another one of these ecg things - the nurse said it showed a possible problem on the left side - but may just be the ectopic rythm thing?
Have to go to cardiac clinic. Little bit worried - but glad i am being checked.:(

Anyway, A asked me how it went and i gave him a brief idea - but not to worry him. He said to me 'mum - you need to stop worrying about my diabetes now - i am on a pump - and i am a big boy - so i want you to start relaxing'. It made me want to cry that he is worried about me! He is only 11 and has a lot to cope with and he was just so thoughtful and caring.
Sorry for rambling. Bev

p.s. Forgot to say that we have had one that fell off and we dont know how long it was off - but no more than half an hour as he had just got out the shower - but a bit worrying though!
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Oh bless him, Bev. He sounds like a little darling. So loving and caring (wonder where he gets that from! 😉).

I hope all turns out to be ok with your heart. Perhaps you should listen to your lovely son and relax a little. Easier said than done, i know. But you must take care of yourself too, as well as of A.

Take good care, Bev. xx 🙂 xx
Stick the kettle on, its a long one....

ITS ALL ABOUT ME! Sod diabetes, I think I have an attension seeking problem!

WARNING: The whole post is likely to be about ME ME ME!

So, having ONE drama a day simply is worth getting out of bed for, I like to have 2 (or more). After I had the set change, exactly the same thing happened again to me. AGAIN! AND TO ME! AGAIN! Could I have a faulty batch? Is my subcutaneous fat completely full to the top after 5 years of injecting insulin in to it? Have I reached 'full capacity'? What is with the POPPING OFF all of a sudden for goodness sake???

Well, here comes the science bit.....

So the only theory I have (have I gone mad?) is the cannula is on my left, and that blue bit is pointing right (stay with me here....) so the line goes towards my belly button and then back round the corner because I was wearing a pouch on the left and it had to double back on itself. Was the direction of the line releasing it off the cannula? Although I was always sure it was very robust (I think Gasman dangles a small child off his or something), my bathroom laboratory style tests show it in actual fact ISNT and in actual fact the bloody thing when you move the line and dont touch the round bit- pops off like billeo. It unclicks just from the line moving. So this has really put the cat amongst the pigeons. I know you are supposed to point the blue bit the direction of whatever, but I dont wear the pump in the same place each time, so I probably need four cannulas in at once for a north, south, east and west locations then (If you think I have lost it, imagine how my DSN feels???😱).

I am admist another experiment this evening, (which I like to affectionately call "PATRICIA V's PASTA" :D) and I am trying out only eating pasta on gym days, post exercise, with a bolus and no dual wave (hisssssss.....)/temp basal. I am thinking that 24 hours of elevated metabolism will aid the blood sugar. It doesnt really help your cause patricia, but there's no "I" in "team" I dont want you to feel you are flying solo on this one. I will be your wingman. Im with you Patricia, even in these desperate times of BAD 😡 BAD pasta.

SO SOME MORE ABOUT ME THEN! Tomorrow I am going on some exciting GI Jane style work training in the army grounds which I think will be fun. When the going gets tough and all that, I hope the tough dont start "popping off" their cannulas!

OK, ok ok.... enough about me. How are all the muskateers?

Adrienne, are you being stalked by Tez? 🙂

Patricia, Im more worried you and E are being stalked by carbohydrates...

Mand, how goes it love? xx
Hellooo Everyone , Ive just sneaked in to say :::
Today i had another one of these ecg things - the nurse said it showed a possible problem on the left side - but may just be the ectopic rythm thing?
Have to go to cardiac clinic. Little bit worried - but glad i am being checked.:(

Hey Bev,

Sorry to hear that and I know its hard but try not to worry more. Think of it as a double reassurrance, in the clinic you will be seen by a cardiologist and that (obviously) is the best person to have look at you and your ECG's. It is considered really the norm if you have a slightly abnormal one, like your eptopics, just to get the best opinion. In the mean time, try not to worry and relax like A says! ......he sounds like a very lovely young man!

Take care of yourself xx
Thanks Lou,
Very kind of you to give me your support - and good that you say its considered normal if you have odd rythms.🙂

Just to say also that A had a twisty thing come off yesterday - i wonder if they have a faulty batch?😱Bev
We have literally changed to quick sets on Wednesday last week. We are on our third. All are very hard to put on ie attach the bit with the tube onto the cannula. They are really stiff before the turn around. I'm wondering if I have a dud batch. Jessica's friends one was not so stiff.

No Tez is not stalking me. He read Jessica story from the link I pasted which then had a link to the Sun newspaper which we were in a few years ago. I look a lot different then than I do now but it is me. By the way I wasn't page 3 !!!😉
Lou, you have me laughing out loud as usual! I do love the humour in your posts! You are a tonic!

But I am sorry to read out the problems with the cannula! How very annoying! Mind you, from reading what everyone else has said, plus taking our own experiences into consideration, the quicksets do not seem so robust and not without their problems. So i do not think the problem is you, i think it is with the sets!

I wish you and Patricia good luck in your fight with pasta!

Please keep us posted on your progress wth everything!

I am fine thanks, my kiddies too. My daughter started college yesterday and my son returns to school today.

Mand xx
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