Technology - Libre Freestyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System

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Well if you went on the Libre website you could work your way through the Academy vids and thus see exactly how to use the thing interpret the results and everything, before getting one - and if you are only getting ONE and don't yet know whether you want to invest £48 a fortnight, or even request them on prescription should you be eligible I'd have thought it would be far more sensible to learn about it as much as you can before you get it.

I'm sorry - but your way of launching into things without reading the 'help to use things' whether it be this forum or the Libre is absolutely NOT sensible.
Seems the forums knowledge and experiences count for nothing with some members, they are in the right and everybody else is wrong, pfft 🙄
Seems the forums knowledge and experiences count for nothing with some members, they are in the right and everybody else is wrong, pfft 🙄


I thought I was in the user forum - perhaps I’ve gatecrashed the ‘Professional’ forum by mistake.

My bad.
Well if you went on the Libre website you could work your way through the Academy vids and thus see exactly how to use the thing interpret the results and everything, before getting one - and if you are only getting ONE and don't yet know whether you want to invest £48 a fortnight, or even request them on prescription should you be eligible I'd have thought it would be far more sensible to learn about it as much as you can before you get it.

I'm sorry - but your way of launching into things without reading the 'help to use things' whether it be this forum or the Libre is absolutely NOT sensible.

Alternatively, if you’re educated, reasonably IT literate and able to pick up on most concepts that are explained in layman’s terms - a full -time courses in LibreFreestyle isn’t totally necessary.
Technology - The Freestyle Libre System uses a Bluetooth sensor attached to your arm to read your BG using levels as often as you like, just by scanning it with a smart phone. Each sensor lasts for two weeks. It’s not for everyone but for some people - like me - it’s a game changer.

Libre is currently only available on NHS to people with T1 - and even then with strict eligibility criteria. But that could change.

I’m posting this thread for current and prospective users, carers, professionals and anyone else with an interest, to connect, inform and share experiences.


Taking a break.
All you've done is dismiss everyone that has said anything that disagrees with you, you haven't taken one bit of it in and you continue to dismiss when there are more than one person saying the same thing

Again the Libre is not a bluetooth sensor, it has bluetooth connectivity but that is not the same as a bluetooth sensor, the Libre Academy is a very useful tool (it allows people to understand the Libre system for one) regardless of how educated you are etc and is standard to do in order to obtain it on prescription unless you were self funding before in which case patients may be able to avoid it
I've recently downloaded the xDrip4iOS to my iPhone, and love that it gives me rtCGM from my Libre2. I've adjusted my notifications so that the readings show on a banner across the top, and on my lock screen. I'm still exploring all it can do.

I’ve just read your post again and seen the ‘xDrip4iOS’ looked interesting so I googled it. Can’t find a way to download it in apple apps - maybe it’s somewhere else?
I've recently downloaded the xDrip4iOS to my iPhone, and love that it gives me rtCGM from my Libre2. I've adjusted my notifications so that the readings show on a banner across the top, and on my lock screen. I'm still exploring all it can do.
The Android version looks worth a go as well.
It is no loss to Abbot Freestyle - they’re investing millions.
Many people will be able to use it.
Some may find their phones aren’t compatible and will put to them one side and reflect to come back later.
Others won’t bother.
But Abbot are making millions -whatever else you do - don’t have a false sense of altruism and believe you’ll be ‘wasting’ a sensor. They probably cost pennies to make.

It’s not just the waste and casual tossing away of something, it’s the disappointment for the person who thought they could trial the Libre. I saw the free trial - I was very excited. Then I saw my phone wasn’t listed as compatible so no free trial for me. It p****d me off. Anyone who can afford an expensive phone can probably afford the £50 to try the sensor. People who have cheaper phones do so because they have very little money - none spare to buy a sensor to try and none spare to buy a new, more expensive phone.
Then I saw my phone wasn’t listed as compatible
They aren't all listed unfortunately, my phone has never been stated on the list but has worked for almost 3 years with the sensors xx
Hmmm,… There are far more effective things individuals can do to impact waste and address Climate Change rather than ignore an opportunity that may have a chance of changing their lives.

It won’t change their life if they can’t use it due to not having a suitable phone!!
It won’t change their life if they can’t use it due to not having a suitable phone!!
I wouldn't bother Inka, it's wasted trying to get the bigger picture out there xx
It is no loss to Abbot Freestyle - they’re investing millions.
Many people will be able to use it.
Some may find their phones aren’t compatible and will put to them one side and reflect to come back later.
Others won’t bother.
But Abbot are making millions -whatever else you do - don’t have a false sense of altruism and believe you’ll be ‘wasting’ a sensor. They probably cost pennies to make.
I'm pretty sure people like me who pay out £100 a month to self fund the sensors, are funding that "free" trial. There is no point encouraging people to apply for it unless they know they can make use of the sensors.
I’ve just read your post again and seen the ‘xDrip4iOS’ looked interesting so I googled it. Can’t find a way to download it in apple apps - maybe it’s somewhere else?
This was mentioned on another thread.
I find the Search on the top right of the page (and Google) very useful when someone references something I don’t understand.
It’s not just the waste and casual tossing away of something, it’s the disappointment for the person who thought they could trial the Libre. I saw the free trial - I was very excited. Then I saw my phone wasn’t listed as compatible so no free trial for me. It p****d me off. Anyone who can afford an expensive phone can probably afford the £50 to try the sensor. People who have cheaper phones do so because they have very little money - none spare to buy a sensor to try and none spare to buy a new, more expensive phone.
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