Technology - Libre Freestyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System

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I have been using the Libre sensors for a few years. I paid for them myself for the first 3 years and now have them on prescription.
I discovered the best way to fully utilise Libre was to add 3rd party apps and hardware to upgrade the Libre 1 to rtCGM.
I also use Abbot's app to allow my consultant to follow my progress.

Below I include a screenshot of xDrip that I use with a Blucon and Libre 1. The app is better and gives me all the features, and more, of Libre 2, and Libre 3.
View attachment 19979
Thank you. I’ve taken a screen shot and will google for options.
I'm pretty sure people like me who pay out £100 a month to self fund the sensors, are funding that "free" trial. There is no point encouraging people to apply for it unless they know they can make use of the sensors.

A bit harsh?
and meanwhile we try and encourage our children grandchildren and great grandchildren not to waste precious resources. If adults don't engage with it, how will kids?
Watch this space.

I use emojis a lot to replace complicated emotions - but I’m not sure if they get posted along with the text.

I think you missed my emoji reply on the ‘Dawn Phenomenon’ thread?

Emojis are a bit hidden in the forum text editor, but they do exist!

The forum software cannot interpret the massive library of emojis on many smart devices, but it will convert several of the old ‘punctuation’ versions, and various text shortcuts…

:) ;) :( :mad: 8) :D :eek: o_O :rofl: :rolleyes:  etc etc

Additionally there is a menu under the … menu by the link/image buttons in the toolbar. This is the current set of options:


The menu is here:

Hope that helps 🙂
I think you missed my emoji reply on the ‘Dawn Phenomenon’ thread?

Emojis are a bit hidden in the forum text editor, but they do exist!

The forum software cannot interpret the massive library of emojis on many smart devices, but it will convert several of the old ‘punctuation’ versions, and various text shortcuts…

:) ;) :( :mad: 8) :D :eek: o_O :rofl: :rolleyes:  etc etc

Additionally there is a menu under the … menu by the link/image buttons in the toolbar. This is the current set of options:


The menu is here:
View attachment 19981

Hope that helps 🙂

Thanks. I’ve only just seen this.
@AnnSebastian I was thinking this thread has been useful for new starters to find information about the Libre - how to get it, what it does, etc.
As you started it, I wondered if it would be useful for you to explain how you use the graphs to manage your diabetes? What do you look for in the graphs and how do you use it to adapt and improve your diabetes management?


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Not sure I have the energy to do this thoroughly. But I’ll make a start.

I won’t go into setting up the app and pairing it with the sensor right now. It’s not too difficult though.

My goal was to reduce my A1C by any means necessary ASAP and then focus on losing weight and forming better habits. I’d fallen off the wagon, I was still taking insulin but rarely checking my BG. When I did the levels were high - often 10-16. Not everyone has the same agenda this was just mine.

Once I’d set it up I started scanning. To scan, you hold the camera of your phone over the scanner on your arm and it registers. You can do it as often as you want to. You can choose the range of BG you want to achieve in ‘Settings’ And you can also change the numbers whenever you want to. At first I set my target range as 3.9 - 10.

To start with I paid attention to the ‘log book’ readings.

This is a screenshot of one day from a log - November last year. Needed two pages to fit it all in.

At this point my ‘range’ was set at 3.9-10.

Red represents low readings (risk of hypo) Green represents ‘in range’ yellow means high and orange means very high.

I have to say my current readings are nothing like as bad as this. But that’s another story.

This is actually hard work so taking a break. But I’ve made a start. I can screenshot pages from the LibreLink App if anyone would like to see them.

View attachment 19984View attachment 19985
Sorry. Double posted an image. Again.

This is the list of options you have in the app. 35A0D2AA-1461-4D39-94F4-1E010211AC41.png
I guess I wasn't clear @AnnSebastian I was asking to understand how you interpret the graphs to make a change to your diabetes management.

For example, as someone with Type 1 diabetes with an insulin pump, I keep any eye on my levels and, if they are rising, I can give myself some more insulin and if they are falling I can suspend my basal.
I was writing for anyone who knows nothing about it.
I have T2 diabetes.
I don’t have a consultant I use primary care.
I don’t have the option of short or long acting insulin.
My only options are - adjust the timing and content of my diet to make necessary changes.
I use Innulard long acting insulin. I don’t expect to be able to come off it anytime soon but my focus is on diet to change my BG lower my A1C and finding the best timing and dosage of insulin to stay on track indefinitely.

So we probably don’t have enough in common to make my own experience that relevant to yours.
Sorry @AnnSebastian I really am doing a very bad job at explaining myself.

I see this as a thread for people to learn and understand what they can do with a Libre beyond what they can get from the material on the official website which tell you how to start the sensor, scan the sensor and read the menus ... for people who know nothing about it.

I gave an example of what I do as someone with Type 1 with a pump ... this may be useful for other people in my situation.

I was asking what you do so that other people with type 2 on mixed insulin (from another thread you showed you were taking Insulatard) can a benefit from the data they get form the LIbre graph. How do you respond to your levels going high or low?

I am not doing this to learn myself (apart from when someone with type 2 asks for advice) but to make this thread more useful than a Libre instruction manual which is already available here.
I was asking what you do so that other people with type 2 on mixed insulin (from another thread you showed you were taking Insulatard) can a benefit from the data they get form the LIbre graph.
I think technically Insulatard is a long acting insulin, isn't it? (I know I used to use it with Actrapid as the fast acting one, before being moved to Levemir and Novorapid.)
Sorry @AnnSebastian I really am doing a very bad job at explaining myself.

I see this as a thread for people to learn and understand what they can do with a Libre beyond what they can get from the material on the official website which tell you how to start the sensor, scan the sensor and read the menus ... for people who know nothing about it.

I gave an example of what I do as someone with Type 1 with a pump ... this may be useful for other people in my situation.

I was asking what you do so that other people with type 2 on mixed insulin (from another thread you showed you were taking Insulatard) can a benefit from the data they get form the LIbre graph. How do you respond to your levels going high or low?

I am not doing this to learn myself (apart from when someone with type 2 asks for advice) but to make this thread more useful than a Libre instruction manual which is already available here.

I’m not quite sure what you want me to say. I signed up to this site but only recently started using it.

I started to ‘follow’ anyone posting about Libre- as a way to get to know people. Now I find that, suddenly, when I check out many of the members’ profiles who have replied - I only see this. (Image below)

From what I can see, this either means the account is closed to outsiders - or the account has clicked on ‘ignore’ any posts from my account.

Either way that’s fine. We’re all free agents. But for me, it does beg the question ‘why are you ‘trolling’ me with questions which seem to be designed to try to make me look ignorant?

I may well be mistaken here, if I am I apologise profusely, but if I’m not - why don’t we both step up and click on ‘ignore’ - that way we can disconnect indefinitely?

Sound like a plan?

I think technically Insulatard is a long acting insulin, isn't it? (I know I used to use it with Actrapid as the fast acting one, before being moved to Levemir and Novorapid.)

Yes. My understanding is also that Insulatard is a long-acting human insulin.
I completely apologise @AnnSebastian my intention has never been to make you look stupid or to troll you.
In fact it was the opposite - you have expressed your joy of the insights that Libre has given you so I was asking you to share those insights. The intelligence you have gained from having a sensor and how this has helped you manage your diabetes better. I thought it would be great for us to share our personal experience so that others who have just started using the Libre can learn from our combined knowledge.

As I said I have been unable to express myself in a way that you understand. That is totally my fault not yours.

Please accept my sincere apology. I will step away from this thread (once I have corrected another wrong on my part) as I have unintentionally upset you.
Inka is being patient. If someone doesn't understand how something works it is reasonable to expect them at the very least to read the operating instructions and videos that the manufacturers/suppliers provide for that very purpose. You freely admit you can't be bothered. It's time I walked away from you, too, for that reason.
I guess it may be one of those insulins that come in different flavours - I used Insulutard when I was very first diagnosed and it was a mixed insulin.


If you mean that - thanks. Apology 100 % accepted.

I use Social Media regularly. Particular Twitter. And politics. I am used to conflict and disagreement there and give as good as I get without feeling targeted. If I make a comment I ‘own it’ But the rules are different on Twitter - you have to make your own judgements about responding to people who may be vulnerable.

I dipped into this site to find something different. I was feeling a little fragile and thought it might offer some relief. I wasn’t expecting the abrasive replies I saw from some of the members.

Admittedly I reacted more than I would normally - so I apologise for that. But there were a few comments that were unequivocally intended to be nasty. I don’t forgive those.

Again. Thanks for that. If you mean it I hope we are good now?

Ann x
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