Technology - Libre Freestyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System

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The Libre 2 stores 8 hours of data on the sensor. All 8 hours are downloaded when you scan.
Which is 4 readings per hour (with something more for the immediate past to give the arrows), so not as gigantic a download as one might expect. I think rtCGMs have higher resolution than that, and likely Libre 3 will too (and likely Libre 2 is similarly sending data more often even though the app and readers won't show it except as alarms), though I'm guessing it'll have the same memory (so if your phone disconnects then if the data is backfilled you'll get 4 readings an hour for 8 hours).
Which is 4 readings per hour (with something more for the immediate past to give the arrows), so not as gigantic a download as one might expect. I think rtCGMs have higher resolution than that, and likely Libre 3 will too (and likely Libre 2 is similarly sending data more often even though the app and readers won't show it except as alarms), though I'm guessing it'll have the same memory (so if your phone disconnects then if the data is backfilled you'll get 4 readings an hour for 8 hours).
I feel sure that Libre 2 is taking readings more frequently than 4 per hour, but maybe only downloading 4 per hour to the app. Thinking about it it has to be pretty frequent, at least every 5 mins and possible every min, otherwise how will the alarms have any credibility?
Because Diabox piggy-backs on Libre and can provide CGM every minute (normally every 5 mins) the raw data minute be minute must be there. Have I misunderstood your comment?
That’s the thing - my phone has bluetooth and it’s how I control my insulin pump, but it’s not compatible with the Libre app (nor Dexcom). I simply can’t afford a new phone. I agree with @Bruce Stephens that ditching the Reader is a bad idea.

TBH, I’m happy with the Reader. It has the alarms and it works well.

Good point. If Libre hope to make their sensor available on the NHS to as many people as possible they need to factor in costs of a compatible phone - which might be a barrier for quite a few people. I think you’re right - I use an iphone - but there are a lot of others who either can’t afford one - or choose not to use one. They should keep the option of a ‘reader’
So - Is it really not obvious when you access the forum? It is when I go on the homepage by clicking 'Forums' in the top menu - it's the first thing. Welcome and getting started - how to use the forum and technical support. More than a hint the section could be useful I'd have thought, but clearly not.

I tend to just dip into something new. I go back to the instructions when I start to struggle. But that’s just me.

Looking at it from the perspective of ‘newbies’ and/ or people who may not use the internet enough to know how to follow the rules.

Also, I’m using a phone with a small screen not a desktop or laptop.
I feel sure that Libre 2 is taking readings more frequently than 4 per hour, but maybe only downloading 4 per hour to the app. Thinking about it it has to be pretty frequent, at least every 5 mins and possible every min, otherwise how will the alarms have any credibility?
Because Diabox piggy-backs on Libre and can provide CGM every minute (normally every 5 mins) the raw data minute be minute must be there. Have I misunderstood your comment?

My Libre ‘alarm’ goes off within a minute or so of my BG reaching the target I’ve set for myself.
Interesting re Libre 3 Kaylz! - that British chap who lives in Germany told us quite a bit about the 3 last year, didn't he? I've been trying to think of his user name recently to have a look and see what he said, but haven't remembered yet, there was no urgency as we were only just getting the 2, generally so all something comfortably in the future and no point clogging up brain with things I don't need at present, just to look forward to!!
Have I misunderstood your comment?
Probably. I agree that it's almost certainly sampling more often than that. There's a product (with different branding) being advertised to sports enthusiasts which uses Libre 2 sensors (or almost surely does, anyway), and the app for that gets a reading every minute, I think. (Which is compatible with my suspicion that the Libre 3 electronics is roughly the same as the Libre 2's.)

But we also know the resolution when downloaded is 4 readings an hour (at least, that's what the Libre 1 specification said). I'm guessing that'll follow through (because it seems good enough, and keeping things the same is safer than making changes, especially with devices requiring approval).

Hence my guesses: Libre 3 is a smaller Libre 2 with a new application (now approved to allow the system to be an rtCGM). I'd also guess it'll be able to fill in data should the phone lose connection, but I'd guess the resolution will be the same as for Libre 2 (so every 15 minutes for most of the 8 hours, but maybe per minute for the most recent, or whatever Libre 2 (and Libre 1) currently has). Will it support scanning over NFC? My guess is yes (because disabling that would be an unnecessary change) but I can believe the apps won't do that (since they can just use Bluetooth LE).
Interesting re Libre 3 Kaylz! - that British chap who lives in Germany told us quite a bit about the 3 last year, didn't he? I've been trying to think of his user name recently to have a look and see what he said, but haven't remembered yet, there was no urgency as we were only just getting the 2, generally so all something comfortably in the future and no point clogging up brain with things I don't need at present, just to look forward to!!
It was @Paulbreen I think.
I feel sure that Libre 2 is taking readings more frequently than 4 per hour, but maybe only downloading 4 per hour to the app. Thinking about it it has to be pretty frequent, at least every 5 mins and possible every min, otherwise how will the alarms have any credibility?
Because Diabox piggy-backs on Libre and can provide CGM every minute (normally every 5 mins) the raw data minute be minute must be there. Have I misunderstood your comment?
I had a Google, and I could only find something in the Canadian Abbott Libre site, but it’s probably the same. It stores and downloads one reading per 15 minutes, but it actually takes readings every minute, so if you scan, it gives you the up to date one (but then the algorithm alters it by trying to catch it up with a real-time blood reading, I think, just to confuse matters)
Sorry, it won’t link to the right question. you need to click on the 'sensors'option on the side menu, then it’s the 5th and 8th questions that are relevant here.
The Libre 2 integration to xDrip is defaulted to an update every 5 minutes but could be every minute.
The main reason I don't poll more frequently is the impact on my phone battery as I use my phone for my pump too.
Technology - The Freestyle Libre System uses a Bluetooth sensor attached to your arm to read your BG using levels as often as you like, just by scanning it with a smart phone. Each sensor lasts for two weeks. It’s not for everyone but for some people - like me - it’s a game changer.

Libre is currently only available on NHS to people with T1 - and even then with strict eligibility criteria. But that could change.

I’m posting this thread for current and prospective users, carers, professionals and anyone else with an interest, to connect, inform and share experiences.


It’s a little against my principles to promote private healthcare devices and shareholder profits - but I’m going to post this link to the FreestyleLibre 14 day trial offer in UK because it’s worth a try.

The free trial has no strings. You just need to have a phone that is compatible with the LibreLink app.

Suggest trying to download the app first to check.

I’m posting this because a few people have asked how much it costs and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for encouraging people to take a chance by paying for it.

If you can get the free trial offer it will cost you nothing just to check it out. Then you can decide for yourself.

People that are new to diabetes though and google for more information on libre might just copy the intitials into Google and not get what they are looking for.

If you type Flash GM into google the first link is freestyle libre and the second is more info from diabetes uk. If you just type in the three initials you get a description of the other meaning and a helpline. Which of those is more helpful for people wanting info on libre…
And no - I’m not hoping to profit from promoting FreestyleLibre - except maybe by making them pay more attention to issues that come up and making their customer services 100 % accessible to anyone, anytime, anywhere who needs a response?
It’s a little against my principles to promote private healthcare devices and shareholder profits - but I’m going to post this link to the FreestyleLibre 14 day trial offer in UK because it’s worth a try.

The free trial has no strings. You just need to have a phone that is compatible with the LibreLink app.

Suggest trying to download the app first to check.

I’m posting this because a few people have asked how much it costs and I wouldn’t want to be responsible for encouraging people to take a chance by paying for it.

If you can get the free trial offer it will cost you nothing just to check it out. Then you can decide for yourself.

Shareholders would still make more profit by putting the money in the bank.
And can you imagine the cost to taxpayers if the NHS attempted to develop and manufacture a product like this?
It’s a little against my principles to promote private healthcare devices and shareholder profits - but I’m going to post this link to the FreestyleLibre 14 day trial offer in UK because it’s worth a try.
Repeating a link from an earlier post is promoting a private healthcare device less than setting up a thread about it.
I think it is great to discuss it so not questioning the value of this thread (and the many many others about LIbre on the forum).
Repeating a link from an earlier post is promoting a private healthcare device less than setting up a thread about it.
I think it is great to discuss it so not questioning the value of this thread (and the many many others about LIbre on the forum).

Watch this space.

I use emojis a lot to replace complicated emotions - but I’m not sure if they get posted along with the text.
Watch this space.

I use emojis a lot to replace complicated emotions - but I’m not sure if they get posted along with the text.

For any of you who use Twitter - or may consider using it in the future - or don’t know this already - The Libre Twitter account is @FreeStyleDiabet
Repeating a link from an earlier post is promoting a private healthcare device less than setting up a thread about it.
I think it is great to discuss it so not questioning the value of this thread (and the many many others about LIbre on the forum).

Maybe if we could pull everything together that is about the technology - and availability - not just daily feedback - although that matters too - we could make some kind of a difference ?
I'm a type 2 who has also taken advantage of the 14 day free trial of Libre 2. I found it very insightful, as I could see what my b.g. was doing at times I'd never done fingerprick tests or when it's impractical to do so, such as when sleeping, exercising or when out and about. I also got a clearer idea of the impact of meals. I'm a "follow the data" person, so for me it was great, but I realise it wouldn't suit everyone.
The sensor packed in on day 8 of 14 so Abbott sent me a free replacement which I'm yet to use. At £50 a go, and with my diabetes under reasonable control, I only plan to use one occasionally. I'll start the second free trial when life is a bit less "Groundhog Day" as we emerge from winter and Covid.
As others have said, I don't get test strips on prescription any longer, so self fund these, but I only test every few days to check I'm not drifting.
I shared a summary of my Libre results with my GP when she was reviewing my progress, but it was my HbA1c which was critical to her decision that I can remain off medication.
Hope this is helpful to others.
@trophywench @Robin is correct, it was Paul who was going to let us know how it went but last he posted he was just about to start using them but life was busy, sadly most in this thread don't stand much of a chance of getting :3 but yourself, helli and Inka would have the advantage with being pumpers xx
I'm a type 2 who has also taken advantage of the 14 day free trial of Libre 2. I found it very insightful, as I could see what my b.g. was doing at times I'd never done fingerprick tests or when it's impractical to do so, such as when sleeping, exercising or when out and about. I also got a clearer idea of the impact of meals. I'm a "follow the data" person, so for me it was great, but I realise it wouldn't suit everyone.
The sensor packed in on day 8 of 14 so Abbott sent me a free replacement which I'm yet to use. At £50 a go, and with my diabetes under reasonable control, I only plan to use one occasionally. I'll start the second free trial when life is a bit less "Groundhog Day" as we emerge from winter and Covid.
As others have said, I don't get test strips on prescription any longer, so self fund these, but I only test every few days to check I'm not drifting.
I shared a summary of my Libre results with my GP when she was reviewing my progress, but it was my HbA1c which was critical to her decision that I can remain off medication.
Hope this is helpful to others.

I could be wrong - but as far as I know - the test strips are only available on NHS to people injecting insulin. It wouldn’t make sense not to be - risk of hypos and diabetic coma.

Agree that it’s a very useful exercise to try the ‘free trial’ even if it’s just to get a better understanding of how BG goes up and down.

I had only intended to use it to understand it more and establish better patterns. But I’m going to keep using until either it’s available on NHS or I have set up habits to support ‘remission’.
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