Technology - Libre Freestyle Blood Glucose Monitoring System

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‘Loving my enthusiasm’ 🙂
It’s not that I couldn’t google the ‘anagrams’ or that I don’t know what some of them stand for already, more that jargon is often used to exclude people. Maybe this site is a little too conservative for me? 🙂
I can’t remember where I first heard about the Libre. It could well have been the Diabetes U.K. Balance magazine. I then did my own research through Google and this site. I find the Search facility here very useful as I can look for specific things rather than just plough through threads eg I was concerned about getting a reaction to the Libre adhesive so searched through for that.

Here’s a link to a more general search for anyone who simply wants to read through threads to get an idea about the Libre:

You can then focus your search by looking for additional words.
HI Inka, when I started using Libre I had to stop due to a severe skin reaction to the adhesive. Luckily my nurse advised that I use a barrier spray (Cavilon) which has completely solved the problem. I've been using this for over 2 years now without issue. No guarantee but I hope this helps.
Why? I pair my headphones, speaker, car and insulin pump with my phones using Bluetooth pairing. My expectation is that Libre 3 could use the same mechanism.
I'm guessing each of those has at least a button that can be pressed, and they all have way more power available to broadcast their Bluetooth advertisement.
Dexcom does not require NFC.
I imagine the transmitter has at least a button on it (or maybe it triggers on being clipped to the sensor?). But anyway, it'll also have more power available.
Sorry, I am just speculating and should wait until I get one to "play" with.
Yes, I'm also guessing.
It’s not that I couldn’t google the ‘anagrams’ or that I don’t know what some of them stand for already, more that jargon is often used to exclude people.
Nothing wrong with asking. (But that's another reason for liking rtCGM and isCGM: they're nice and easy to google, whereas CGM is a bit short.)
I'm guessing each of those has at least a button that can be pressed, and they all have way more power available to broadcast their Bluetooth advertisement.

I imagine the transmitter has at least a button on it (or maybe it triggers on being clipped to the sensor?). But anyway, it'll also have more power available.

Yes, I'm also guessing.
Nope - my pump has no button and nor does Dexcom.
Like Libre, both have a serial number which they use.
@helli, does the dexcom use data backfill to reclaim data after a lost connection?
I have to admit that the NFC scan to reclaim 8 hours of data on the Libre is a very useful feature, I would prefer to keep that feature moving forward. Also the NFC scan helps to reconnect a lost bluetooth connection.
Sorry, I only had a short Dexcom trial and do not know remember about backfill ... if I did know.
I guess it depends whether it has any "on chip" memory.

It will be interesting to know what happens with the Libre 3 and what they have removed to make it smaller. The 8 hours of memory could be one thing omitted.
It will be interesting to know what happens with the Libre 3 and what they have removed to make it smaller. The 8 hours of memory could be one thing omitted.
I hope not, if it’s reliant on transmitting to a phone and not a reader, for all the times when you have to leave your phone out of reach. Eg, Sports competition/training, Engineering/ technology company development area? You’d need some sort of memory on board the sensor to be able to catch up with the data afterwards. Especially the sports related ones where you want to monitor your glucose performance during the activity.
I hope not, if it’s reliant on transmitting to a phone and not a reader, for all the times when you have to leave your phone out of reach.
I'd guess the electronics is basically the same as the Libre 2, and the extra space is whatever's in the plastic disc. (Just plastic with the size just to make sure there's enough adhesive area or something?)
HI Inka, when I started using Libre I had to stop due to a severe skin reaction to the adhesive. Luckily my nurse advised that I use a barrier spray (Cavilon) which has completely solved the problem. I've been using this for over 2 years now without issue. No guarantee but I hope this helps.

Thank you @JDNK and welcome to this site 🙂
@helli, does the dexcom use data backfill to reclaim data after a lost connection?

In my experience, yes, but I don’t know exactly how long is filled, or where the data are stored.

My G6 sensors occasionally lose connection, for up to a few hours, but the trace is ‘filled in’ when connection is re-established.

Other times where there is a longer outage (eg I forget to restart dexcom app on my phone after my battery died) there will be a degree of backfill, but not necessarily the whole slot.

I’d say it’s 2-3 hours? But certainly not 8.
Does the Libre 2 sample regularly, then store the results until it's downloaded to the app?
How many samples can it store in one run?
My guess is it'll require NFC at least for initialisation (to pair the device that you then use with Bluetooth). (I'd also guess that it'll continue to allow scanning using NFC, but I'm less confident about that.)
That would also be my guess for initialisation, ie using NFC. I think the continuing updates will be from Bluetooth but might actually be Bluetooth Low Emission (another acronym for @AnnSebastian) (= BLE), which effectively minimises battery usage. I think NFC continuous scanning won't work; the phone would need to be very close to the sensor at all times - unless there have been significant changes in NFC capability in recent months.

On Diabox BLE allows the phone to be several metres from the sensor.
Kaylz - it isn't just you, he's told me off too. Very very sad that he feels like that - I had to damn well look it up to understand what he was moaning about ! Which I did not enjoy by the way - especially that my persona might be connected with the other meaning. Yes - of course I'd heard of it but good God, we are on a UK diabetes forum here and writing things for PWD to read and hopefully help themselves.
Sorry TW I only just saw your response, yeah I remember seeing you use the term and I quoted it saying "your brave" or something along those lines for the reason I'd already "been told" I too had to look up what the **** it could mean as like you say we're on a diabetes forum, this place is no longer what it once that's for sure! xx
Just seen on the UK Libre Facebook group that someone is getting a trial of :3 within the next few days xx
Just seen on the UK Libre Facebook group that someone is getting a trial of :3 within the next few days xx
That will be interesting.
I see the app is already available on the Android PlayStore.
I don't know about Apple.
That will be interesting.
I see the app is already available on the Android PlayStore.
I don't know about Apple.
I've turned notifications on for the post as will be intrigued to see how it goes for them xx
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