Swine Flu Jab

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well I didn't get it done in the end. clinic was 9-12 turned up before 9am and the queue was out the surgery round the car park, didn't want to wait as it was going to be over an hour. went back down today to see when the next clinic is, and the receptionist said that they ran out on saturday before the end of the clinic time and won't be able to get any more for at least 2 weeks.
aww nikki and i waited for your report back hehe , well sacred had it and said it was about the same as normal flu jab
It all seems a bit chaotic doesn't it. Oh well, will ask everytime I'm in the surgery and hope eventually to get the jab! Probably next Summer by the seem of things!
Got mine tomorrow - saw a friend in nhs who said it makes your arm achey but thats all.

So fingers crossed - i only ever get slightly swollen glands from normal flu jab (and a sore arm if i poke it!) so hoping to have similar response with this one too.
I have mine next Thursday. Was in this morning for blood tests and asked about it. Annoyingly our surgery has the type that you need 2 sessions of!! Im kinda scared about having it but will do it.
I have mine next Thursday. Was in this morning for blood tests and asked about it. Annoyingly our surgery has the type that you need 2 sessions of!! Im kinda scared about having it but will do it.

good luck star let us know how it goes x
newly diagnosed T2

I have recently been diagnosed Type 2 and i have already had my seasonal flu jab and will have the swine flu jab when it is offered to me. I've been told to ring up the surgery in a couple of weeks time to see if they are in but yes i will have it.
Mine and Jessica's letters came today, with date for next Thursday. Now I have a dilema. Jessica has been off school all week with this nightmare cold, cough, feeling horrible thing. There is a child in her class this week diagnosed with swine flu and now off.

So do I now keep Jessica off for a second week until the vacination? If she is not totally better ie cold not gone by Monday I can't send her back as she will be even more vulnerable to getting things.

I'm inclined to keep her off now we have the vaccination in sight and swine flu is in her class. I've spoken the school who will speak to her form teacher. I wanted to speak to the head but he is not around till Monday. He would have told me what he thought.

Oh what to do.
thats a very tough call if it was me id be inclinded to keep my son off , espeically like you say as J is not at her best she will be more susceptable to catching it, and the fact a child has swine flu in her class , its best not to take any risks where our childs health is at risk x
Is the protection from the swine flu jab imediate? because I know with the regular seasonal one you aren't protected for 21 days. I didn't know that until this year where I had to sign a consent form and sign I'd read the information leaflet. My GP never normally gives any info leaflet, just stand in queue and get stabbed.

I've been told its a few days, don't know about 21 days. I'll have to find out.
Any chance they would bring her date forward a few days?
thats a very tough call if it was me id be inclinded to keep my son off , espeically like you say as J is not at her best she will be more susceptable to catching it, and the fact a child has swine flu in her class , its best not to take any risks where our childs health is at risk x

ive been keeping my son off for years as he has brittle asthma that is seasonal ...If you look back at school since he started 11years ago its always the same time of year absent when his asthma triggers kick in...but he is always susceptible to bugs going around school ...i have had to battle EWO over this for years...this year broke hand...a visual ailment and im having no problem with his absense at all!!! ...do whats best for J .. and dont worry ..Justkeep all informed to situation as you are doing.
ps son had 60% attendance for last year (year10) and he is still the highest acheiver in year group for english lang and lit A* and gifted and talented for music....
Another Worry?

I'va had my seasonal Flu Jab 3 weeks ago now....Today I got a phone call from the surgery today asking me to come in on Monday to have the Swine Flu Jab...I am confused? I don't know if I should have it done or not? Has it been properly tested does anyone know?...Is it safe?

Just seems like there is alsways something with Diabetes, tests, jabs and more tests...so tiring :(
Mine's booked in on the 24th November. The only time I could get was at 1pm though - right in the middle of the working day!!! Never mind...

Had my seasonal one a few weeks back and yes, Ellowyne, you do need both as they're different strains of the flu virus.
Well we've been and done it. We've just had the jabs. Poor Jessica had one and needs another in three weeks ! For under 10's they give half the dose and then half later, that's in all clinics or doctors.

It was ok. Tez, thanks for your help on this. I decided to talk my way through the injection and it was fine, talked rubbish I do believe but they didn't mind. I've had a bad bad day and been to the doctors today for 4 things starting off with bloods being taking, omigod another needle and she only went and missed the bloody vein.............. she got it next time though, phew and then to end the day with the pig jab. Lovely.

I am now all swine flued protected, allegedly.

It was a syringe by the way not like the normal flu jabs. The 'people' have put it in vials that are suitable for 10 people and it has to be used instantly. So once they've opened the vial they have to draw up the right amount individually with a syringe with a very long but very thin needle on it and do that 10 times for 10 people or 20 kids!!!

See look, I'm still in shock, I'm still rambling 😎
Finally got my appt for the 27th November. Was talking to a woman at a hospital appt on Tues and suddenly she told me her son is really ill with swine flu and she'd been with him 2 days earlier! I was really panicked and trying to edge away from her!! Asked my dr yesterday and he said I should be ok as she didn't have symptoms herself. In my opinion she shouldn't really have been sitting in the waiting area (she had accompanied a friend) I wouldn't have wanted to risk passing the germ to anyone if it had been me.
Well we've been and done it. We've just had the jabs. Poor Jessica had one and needs another in three weeks ! For under 10's they give half the dose and then half later, that's in all clinics or doctors.

It was ok. Tez, thanks for your help on this. I decided to talk my way through the injection and it was fine, talked rubbish I do believe but they didn't mind. I've had a bad bad day and been to the doctors today for 4 things starting off with bloods being taking, omigod another needle and she only went and missed the bloody vein.............. she got it next time though, phew and then to end the day with the pig jab. Lovely.

I am now all swine flued protected, allegedly.

It was a syringe by the way not like the normal flu jabs. The 'people' have put it in vials that are suitable for 10 people and it has to be used instantly. So once they've opened the vial they have to draw up the right amount individually with a syringe with a very long but very thin needle on it and do that 10 times for 10 people or 20 kids!!!

See look, I'm still in shock, I'm still rambling 😎

well done adrienne not so nice i guess for J , least we can say once we get it thats it we dnt need to go back . i still aint heard anything myself i might give it till the end of Nov and if i have heard nothing i will ring surgery
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