Oh bother this bloomin' basal!

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Hi all

Northerner, just to say that E has quite often had instant lumps on his leg -- rather grosses him out...Something to do with leanness, I wonder?

Anyway. Pitching in here: numbers everywhere last 72 hours, once again. A cold, but also just something seems out... Growth clearly an issue. On something like 1.2 units per kg weight and rising....

Sigh. We were lucky that E never got to DKA point. Caught very early. Sounds dreadful, really awful.

Well done for keeping after all this Northerner -- you always seem so cheerful. But it must be hard.
You sound like a very understanding and tolerant Mum. It may well be his hormones affecting blood sugar (positively still raging at 14) - or he's sneaked in a choccy bar or something?

I am on a basal bolus regime - 1 long acting jab in the mornings, and fast-acting with meals or whenever I need them. Only been diagnosed 2 years and still learning. Management goes up and down and is directly related to pressure of work too - my ability to be self - disciplined. I do notice illness and stress affects my readings too - something also which might be affecting your son? I stared running last year, then had a break then stated again early this year, and still going, all be it very slow progress!

Hope all goes well with your son's treatment and things settle down. I know there are magazines and site for teens on Diabetes UK, but not much good if he's not accepting it all and blaming you, but maybe something to bear in mind... 🙂
Hi Runner,
Aye poss sneaked something, although he very open about things like that, i,ve asked him 2 be, and to his credit 99% of the time he does, all i ask is he honest as its vitally important, at end of the day he would only be lying to his self.
I've mentioned to him about the site for teenager, and he gets a couple of really good magazines from DUK.
Stress deffo affects his blood sugar. As with most diabetics, it's the increase in adrenaline, in turn cortisol, which then increases the output of glucose from the liver.. The fight or Flight legacy.
Good on you for starting the running again, it will help your body cope in stressful situations, any progess slow or not is an acheviement .. I couldnt run for a bus..haha..
Hi Runner,
Aye poss sneaked something, although he very open about things like that, i,ve asked him 2 be, and to his credit 99% of the time he does, all i ask is he honest as its vitally important, at end of the day he would only be lying to his self.
I've mentioned to him about the site for teenager, and he gets a couple of really good magazines from DUK.
Stress deffo affects his blood sugar. As with most diabetics, it's the increase in adrenaline, in turn cortisol, which then increases the output of glucose from the liver.. The fight or Flight legacy.
Good on you for starting the running again, it will help your body cope in stressful situations, any progess slow or not is an acheviement .. I couldnt run for a bus..haha..

Sounds like you have a nice open relationship with him. I think that's the difference between our genenration and our parent's. Sometimes, my sons and daughter tell me too much! LOL

Yep, I'm a strong believer in long-term or extreme stress being a trigger for diabetes. I certainly think it contributed to mine. That's not to say that everyone developing diabetes has suffered from this, just that it can be a significant factor. The medical profession seem to have mixed views about this, but are coming round to the idea.
Sounds like you have a nice open relationship with him. I think that's the difference between our genenration and our parent's. Sometimes, my sons and daughter tell me too much! LOL

Yep, I'm a strong believer in long-term or extreme stress being a trigger for diabetes. I certainly think it contributed to mine. That's not to say that everyone developing diabetes has suffered from this, just that it can be a significant factor. The medical profession seem to have mixed views about this, but are coming round to the idea.
Open relationships with children are a must,my view is i would rather he be able to talk to me about anything, not be embarrassed, than listen or ask someone who has'nt a clue,and get totally the wrong info. He been brought up to have an opinion and that counts whether your 10 or 110. I am sure in the next few years he'll be telling me things i dont want to know.. fore warned is fore armed suppose..LOL

Stress certainly brought the onset of nathan's diabetes on quicker, and i would argue with any medical profession that it did'nt. There is a some reason why there is a sudden surge in both types of diabetes, whether it be genetic, environmental, virus or other. I have an environmental theory, but that is only my opinion. Shame parliament can't channel there expenses bill to research..haha..its a total disgrace..thats my rant over..Happy days
Open relationships with children are a must,my view is i would rather he be able to talk to me about anything, not be embarrassed, than listen or ask someone who has'nt a clue,and get totally the wrong info. Couldn't agree more. He been brought up to have an opinion and that counts whether your 10 or 110. Absolutely. Shame young people don't seem to be treated with much trust and respect these days... I am sure in the next few years he'll be telling me things i dont want to know.. fore warned is fore armed suppose..LOL

Stress certainly brought the onset of nathan's diabetes on quicker, and i would argue with any medical profession that it did'nt. There is a some reason why there is a sudden surge in both types of diabetes, whether it be genetic, environmental, virus or other. I have an environmental theory, but that is only my opinion. Shame parliament can't channel there expenses bill to research..haha..its a total disgrace..thats my rant over..Happy days
:D Environmental theory - there does seem to be higher rates in different areas of the county - where I live being one of them apparently.
:D Environmental theory - there does seem to be higher rates in different areas of the county - where I live being one of them apparently.
Just out of interest. is there a nuclear reprocessing plant or power station in your area?
:D Environmental theory - there does seem to be higher rates in different areas of the county - where I live being one of them apparently.

hey thats interesting.. i didnt know that :confused:

i dont really see that theory working for me though as all my family are type 1 and we are living all over the world...:confused:

p.s. what part of east anglia are you from? i lived in Duxford Cambridge for a while.. its lovely down there. 🙂
...Yep, I'm a strong believer in long-term or extreme stress being a trigger for diabetes. I certainly think it contributed to mine. That's not to say that everyone developing diabetes has suffered from this, just that it can be a significant factor. The medical profession seem to have mixed views about this, but are coming round to the idea.

I'm pretty sure it played a part in mine. A couple of years ago I was in a very stressful situation for a protracted period, and in the end ended up leaving my job. After that time I started gradually losing weight for no apparent reason - a couple of pounds or so a month, eventually dropping 2 stone, until I fell ill with a virus that triggered the final decline of my beta cells,DKA and a further 17 pound loss in 3 days. Given that I've always been a fairly skinny person, all this was a very significant weight loss. Going back to the running, the DSN suggested that this had helped me make best use of a declining insulin supply so my onset was very gradual and without major symptoms - until the end, of course!
Just out of interest. is there a nuclear reprocessing plant or power station in your area?

Sizewell B, Suffolk - some way from me, but I know there have been higher incidents of cancer reported around the power station. Don't know how the statistics for diabetes pan out accross E. Anglia...
:D Environmental theory - there does seem to be higher rates in different areas of the county - where I live being one of them apparently.

People moving from one part of the world with low risk to areas of higher risk, attain that higher risk after a period of time. Definitely environmetal factors at work. From what I've learned about the role of insulin, it doesn't really surprise me that a whole host of factors can affect the way our bodies use it - or fail to.
hey thats interesting.. i didnt know that :confused:

i dont really see that theory working for me though as all my family are type 1 and we are living all over the world...:confused:

p.s. what part of east anglia are you from? i lived in Duxford Cambridge for a while.. its lovely down there. 🙂

Norfolk, altho' I'm a Londoner by birth. Been here 30 odd years now, which qualifies me as being a local!

There can be many causes and factors affecting rates of diabetes and the developmnent of the condition in individuals. My brother is a type 2, but no-one else in my family has type 1 or 2. My ketones did go up in my 2nd pegnancy, and pregnancy related diabetes was queried at the time, but I didn't develop diabetes until 17 years after last child!
Sizewell B, Suffolk - some way from me, but I know there have been higher incidents of cancer reported around the power station. Don't know how the statistics for diabetes pan out accross E. Anglia...
Hi Runner.
Thats interesting though. Where we are ive got Heysham power station across the bay and Sellafield R P plant up the road about 40 miles away. As kids we used to swim and paddle in the bay. Yes there is a higher risk of cancer in this area to a certain cluster with fisherman to.

But in the late 50's Windscale now Sellafield had a massive fallout, still areas on the fells that sheep, cattle etc cant go. There has been an increase about 1 child per month being diagnosed type 1, for the past several years.:confused:
Hi Runner.
Thats interesting though. Where we are ive got Heysham power station across the bay and Sellafield R P plant up the road about 40 miles away. As kids we used to swim and paddle in the bay. Yes there is a higher risk of cancer in this area to a certain cluster with fisherman to.

But in the late 50's Windscale now Sellafield had a massive fallout, still areas on the fells that sheep, cattle etc cant go. There has been an increase about 1 child per month being diagnosed type 1, for the past several years.:confused:

I used to live in Folkestone, just up the coast from Dungeness...but was only there for a couple of years.
Norfolk, altho' I'm a Londoner by birth. Been here 30 odd years now, which qualifies me as being a local!

There can be many causes and factors affecting rates of diabetes and the developmnent of the condition in individuals. My brother is a type 2, but no-one else in my family has type 1 or 2. My ketones did go up in my 2nd pegnancy, and pregnancy related diabetes was queried at the time, but I didn't develop diabetes until 17 years after last child!

Hey.. small world.. i was born in Reading Berkshire, just outside London 🙂
I'm pretty sure it played a part in mine. A couple of years ago I was in a very stressful situation for a protracted period, and in the end ended up leaving my job. After that time I started gradually losing weight for no apparent reason - a couple of pounds or so a month, eventually dropping 2 stone, until I fell ill with a virus that triggered the final decline of my beta cells,DKA and a further 17 pound loss in 3 days. Given that I've always been a fairly skinny person, all this was a very significant weight loss. Going back to the running, the DSN suggested that this had helped me make best use of a declining insulin supply so my onset was very gradual and without major symptoms - until the end, of course!

Why is it that some are so reluctant to accept stress is a major factor? Perhaps risk of being sued in an employment situation for lack of duty of care? Or is it the old 'medical model' viewpoint do you think?

Prior to developing diabetes, I left my full-time employment because I felt my lifestyle was poor and I would be seriously ill if I carried on. It was a stressful job and I put my exhuastion down to grief and stress, due to the nature of the work, and after my parents were both taken ill and the family had a long battle to get them properly assessed and provided with apropriate care, then suffering two major bereavements. A year after going self-employed I went to docs with bad chest pains and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and diabetes. Had only just started to loose a bit of weight inexplicabley, and was overweight at the time (hypothyroidism explained why I couldn't loose weight when I did try, altho' I have to confess overeating, which I do when sressed, was the main reason!) DSN reckoned the old pancreas failed fairly quickly. Year later it was decided I was type 1 and went onto insulin last year. Been a junkie ever since!🙂
Going back to my bloomin' basal, I'm not sure what to do tonight. I went for a fairly long run this morning (in between the downpours!) and have been using less bolus - my levle before evening meal was 4.3. Might risk dropping the lantus a unit to avoid possibility of night hypo - it's either that or stuff my face and go to bed 'high'. Decisions, decisions!😱:confused:🙂
One theory about why children develop type 1 is being 'middle class'! I was astounded by this - but it was explained over the weekend by DUK that if you had 5 kids living and sleeping in the same bed, poor diet and fairly unhygienic, then their immune system is constantly being made stronger by having illnesses and fighting off infections etc - this in turn helps to make their immune system amazingly healthy.

If you take the child of a middle class famly, they will generally be eating a healthier diet, generally be cleaner, generally be less exposed to 'swopping' illness's infections etc off their siblings/friends and this in turn can give them a 'weaker' immune system and so if they are already pre-disposed to being type 1 - then the inevitable will happen, but this also has to be in conjuction with an environmental factor (nobody yet knows what this is)- which of course is the million dollar question! Very interesting though!🙂Bev
Hi again Runner,
Unfortunately some of the medical profession do not accept stress as any illness, not to many years ago when I was going through a very bad patch, my then doctor said 'stress was in the mind,and a self imagined illness' I personally had never heard such s***e in my life and proceeded to sack him.
In Nathans case, whilst in some respect I accept maybe he would have eventually been diabetic, he as a child was under major stress, the break down of relationship with his dad and in that sept06 started secondary school and the nightmare began, he was ruthlessly bullied to the point he was stabbed with a pencil, deodrant sprayed in eyes the list goes on, to the point i went to education office and the local and national papers. The then head denied any problems, by feb07 nathan had reached crisis point was rushed to hospital in DKA and blood sugar or 48.2 the rest is history, he gave up and his body took over. This still haunts me because as his mother i should have protected him form it. I personally would stand up in any court defy any medical doctor and say open your eyes.
Sorry to go on Runner 🙂
Going back to my bloomin' basal, I'm not sure what to do tonight. I went for a fairly long run this morning (in between the downpours!) and have been using less bolus - my levle before evening meal was 4.3. Might risk dropping the lantus a unit to avoid possibility of night hypo - it's either that or stuff my face and go to bed 'high'. Decisions, decisions!😱:confused:🙂
Hi Northerner
Seeing as you had a long run this morning, and you were only 4.3 at tea..excellent reading.. I think you would be safe to drop it another 1 or poss 2 units,depending how you feel..its only my opinion and what i would do for Nathan without any second thoughts. Or as you say stuff yourself..or just have something a little extra and still drop Lantus by 1 unit.
Decisions rather you than me..haha😱
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