No Carbers/ low Carbers

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Anita, those are great levels! I thought mine were good, but yours are spot on - well done! Have you had to modify your diet a lot since diagnosis?

Yes i have & lost just over a stone in weight since being t2, i never know what to eat as my cholestrol is slighty high too.
My Gp said follow a low gi diet, but i eat mainly salad & fruit & cut out all cake & chocolate:( very rare i hav small finger biscuit or strawbwerrys & diabetic ice cream🙂 thats the only treat i have.
I am now suffering & am having to take fibregel each day, was ok b4 all this happened.
Well let's just say at the moment my will power is rubbish!! I had my low carb lunch but at dinner time my mum offered me macarroni cheese hehe, I couldnt say no!! So im high now 🙄 I'll try again tomorrow!

I love the french dressing tuna light lunch, yum! must admin it smells and looks like cat food though.

Wow I wish I could do ballet! i'm not petite and dainty though :( lol. Ive just been doing my exercise video which is bad enough!!

Haha 😛 Trust me, I'm neither petite nor dainty!! I just thought I'd give it a go as have no motivation to go to the gym and yoga bores me to tears, plus it's good for posture and mine's terrible!

Today's another day 🙂 I went to bed at 9.6 last night (post ballet) thought I was ok at that level and wouldn't need a snack but woke up at half 5 at 3.3, bummer! On waking I was then 11.1 but still cut this morning's breakfast dose by 1... Will see what happens!

Today's a new day! Yesterday for you was ok - macaroni chees is alright, especially after a low carb lunch, baby steps! x

Hoping to get some help in getting started on a low carb diet, i never understand this carb thing nor labels Grrrrr
My BGs are anything from 4.2- 7.6, maybe the odd reading at 9.0 after eating.
My Hb1ac was 14 on diagnoses & Fasting was 8
My diet is rabbit food mainly lol

Yes, I agree with Northerner, I'd be chuffed with those levels! Well done! I'm afraid I'm in no postition to offer any low carb advice but as you can see I'm trying it out and learning everyday so maybe we can all learn together!!
Morning all you low carbers /semi low carbers !! have a good day and as Munjeeta said , baby steps !! each low carb meal is a step in the right direction .
Hoping to get some help in getting started on a low carb diet, i never understand this carb thing nor labels Grrrrr
My BGs are anything from 4.2- 7.6, maybe the odd reading at 9.0 after eating.
My Hb1ac was 14 on diagnoses & Fasting was 8
My diet is rabbit food mainly lol

Mid morning-Banana.
Lunch-Salad & muller light yoghurt.
Tea-Beans on toast or more salad.
Before bed- 2, finger Nice biscuits.

I love veg but dislike fish, but can tollerate tuns, i don't care much for bread only brown granary or soya & linseed bread, think thats what it's called.
i don't eat pastry, i like skinless chicken, lamb,& steak, not a pork fan at all.
Well i hope this has gave you some idea of my meals.

Sweetsatin, the only way I've found to get to grips with the carb issue is to count the little pesky things! And then to work out what my body can tolerate at different times and with the particular balance of medications I'm taking so for me a typical day is

Breakfast: 125g natural very low fat yoghurt with 30g dried apricots (23g chd)
Mid-morning: apple (16-20g chd depending on size)
Lunch: home made borlotti bean and vegetable soup with 2 oat and pumpkin seed ryvita and 30g cheese (about 33g chd)
Mid-afternoon: occasionally something like 2 clementines
Dinner: usually fish, chicken or turkey but occasionally red meat with vegetables or salad plus a little starchy carb of some sort
Pre-bed: Small sweet biscuit (5g chd) if bloods below 5mmol/l as my glucose levels drop very slowly over night

At moment I'm keeping to an average of 1250 kcals per day as really trying hard to lose a bit more weight and around 130g carbs. Even on that I will struggle to hit your occasional post meal levels of 9! As Type 2s, we will be at different stages possibly in what level of carbs our body can cope with and you seem to have found a good balance for you so congratulations

Thank you all for your advice, i am trying to keep the Bgs as low as possible but dont want to feel hungry.
I manage that through the day but before bed i really feel hungry & sick but darn't eat cos my bgs are 6.6 & am scared of going too high.
Think i'm not eating enough in the evening, but i'm not a big eater anyway.
Ok.. I was 11.1 this morning. Took LESS insulin than I normally do (8 units down to 7), had a snack at break and am STILL 4.4 before lunch. So including a correction dose that definitely means my morning insulin ratio seems to have come down...

Plus, just ate lunch and am trying (again) not having an injection! Fingers crossed, although not holding out hopes!
Hi Guys!

Have been reading this thread with interest (and for some advice and tips as needs to lose weight!). I have today had my first carb free lunch at work, tuna and salad, without an injection. Feels a bit odd to be eating and not injecting but am keen to try and and see how it goes. BS was 7.8 before lunch which was an hour ago, and is 8.9 now. Will check in another hour to see if it's going up or down and decide if to have a bit of insulin.

Have been having lots of problems with night time hypos and high BS in the mornings. Am thinking this might be to do with eating late and having quick acting still in my system as well as the background insulin at bed time. Maybe a carb free meal at tea time would help with this........

Well two hours after lunch my BS is 8.4 and the highest it's been in that two hours is 9.7 which is high I know and thinking about it I had a spoon full of sweetcorn in my salad so that's probably why.

Am definitely going to try eating no carb evening meal and see if that works better overnight so I stop having high BS in the morning and feeling rubbish from all the night time hypos.

Well two hours after lunch my BS is 8.4 and the highest it's been in that two hours is 9.7 which is high I know and thinking about it I had a spoon full of sweetcorn in my salad so that's probably why.

Am definitely going to try eating no carb evening meal and see if that works better overnight so I stop having high BS in the morning and feeling rubbish from all the night time hypos.

Hey good luck witht the Low Carbing , I hope you continue to get lower readings 🙂 Let me know how it goes , I am interested to see how the Low Carbing goes for other people , I have been doing it a while now , but I tend to extreme Low Carb.
Ok.. I was 11.1 this morning. Took LESS insulin than I normally do (8 units down to 7), had a snack at break and am STILL 4.4 before lunch. So including a correction dose that definitely means my morning insulin ratio seems to have come down...

Plus, just ate lunch and am trying (again) not having an injection! Fingers crossed, although not holding out hopes!

Hi munjeeta , let me know how that goes :confused: your levels seem to be very low ... what sort of levels do you normally have ? are they usually quite high?
Hi munjeeta , let me know how that goes :confused: your levels seem to be very low ... what sort of levels do you normally have ? are they usually quite high?

Yes. My levels usually bounce all over the place. They are running low... But in all honesty, even though I'm having to correct a bit more with snacks I'm actually having fewer hypos than I normally would and having better levels in between. My big problem has always been bounsing levels: lows being over corrected to highs then being re-over-corrected back to lows!

I ate lunch without an injection and tested an hour after (6.3) then an hour later (8.9) so panicked and gave myself a unit because I didn't want to go too high. After schol they were then 5.8 and I ate a biscuit before doing Rounders club (!), which means I probably could've left it without the unit of insulin and then wouldn't have neeed the biscuit... Trial and error!

I think tomorrow I am going to cut my breakfast dose down to 6 units and then try and not take a unit with my lunch...
Yes. My levels usually bounce all over the place. They are running low... But in all honesty, even though I'm having to correct a bit more with snacks I'm actually having fewer hypos than I normally would and having better levels in between. My big problem has always been bounsing levels: lows being over corrected to highs then being re-over-corrected back to lows!

I ate lunch without an injection and tested an hour after (6.3) then an hour later (8.9) so panicked and gave myself a unit because I didn't want to go too high. After schol they were then 5.8 and I ate a biscuit before doing Rounders club (!), which means I probably could've left it without the unit of insulin and then wouldn't have neeed the biscuit... Trial and error!

I think tomorrow I am going to cut my breakfast dose down to 6 units and then try and not take a unit with my lunch...

this is a good example of the point i have made about us all being different , we have to see what works best for us and our bodies . We are all so different . you are working in the right direction and being pro-active with trying to do something constructive with your levels , well done !!!! hey i would be pleased with those levels , yes it is trial and error , but you are and will get there in the end and you will be much healthier as well , it is as simple as reducing the odd carb and in turn needing less insulin.
Haha 😛 Trust me, I'm neither petite nor dainty!! I just thought I'd give it a go as have no motivation to go to the gym and yoga bores me to tears, plus it's good for posture and mine's terrible!

Today's another day 🙂 I went to bed at 9.6 last night (post ballet) thought I was ok at that level and wouldn't need a snack but woke up at half 5 at 3.3, bummer! On waking I was then 11.1 but still cut this morning's breakfast dose by 1... Will see what happens!

Today's a new day! Yesterday for you was ok - macaroni chees is alright, especially after a low carb lunch, baby steps! x

hehehe im also not flexible at all :D I did it when I was very young and I'm pretty sure they told my mum I was too rubbish lol.

It's a shame you keep hypoing at night, maybe as you are exercising now and low carbing you might need to reduce your long acting insulin?

I had a low carb lunch again and think i'll have salad for dinner with some kind of protein, that's all we have in the house anyway!
oh can I just say... ROUNDERS!!! love that at school :D Next time it's sunny i'm going to suggest to my friends that we should play rounders hehe!
this is a good example of the point i have made about us all being different , we have to see what works best for us and our bodies . We are all so different . you are working in the right direction and being pro-active with trying to do something constructive with your levels , well done !!!! hey i would be pleased with those levels , yes it is trial and error , but you are and will get there in the end and you will be much healthier as well , it is as simple as reducing the odd carb and in turn needing less insulin.

Yes... You're right, it's just getting the balance. I will keep perservering... I had soup and some poppadoms (random combo but left over from last night's curry 😛) for dinner, counted the carbs, ratio-ed it all up, gave myself 1 unit less and STILL hypoed!! I think drastic reductions might be called for... But as Katie suggested, maybe it's my Levemir I need to think about. I will do some over-meal fasting at the weekend and see my long-acting responsible for the drops... Thanks (again) for all your help though, it's nice to know I can ask!

hehehe im also not flexible at all. I did it when I was very young and I'm pretty sure they told my mum I was too rubbish lol.

It's a shame you keep hypoing at night, maybe as you are exercising now and low carbing you might need to reduce your long acting insulin?

I had a low carb lunch again and think i'll have salad for dinner with some kind of protein, that's all we have in the house anyway!

Sounds good! How have your blood sugars been? No dramatic changes like my silly levels?!

oh can I just say... ROUNDERS!!! love that at school :D Next time it's sunny i'm going to suggest to my friends that we should play rounders hehe!

Good call 🙂 Although running a rounders club isn't as exciting as playing yourself! Instead I just get to laugh when the kids are going for a catch and run into each other, or get thwacked in the tummy by a badly aimed hit... :D
Munjeeta, can I just say what a tonic you are to the forum, I love to read your posts!🙂
Even ones where I attempt to 'defend' DUK and the big bad nurse?! 😱
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