No Carbers/ low Carbers

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Thanks for the suggestions jeeta :D I might have to get some of those jellies! I'm a it fed up of salad as ive been on a diet and replacing one meal a day with it urgh 🙄 haha. We don't have much food left in the house, wish I could drive!

My sugars have been so much better when im eating less carbs 🙂 i think partly because it's easier to guess how much you need but also you dont get any crazy spikes. I cheat alot though and have days where I eat loads of carbs because I have no will power 😛 Mainly when i'm hungover, I cant help binging on carbs after a night out hehe.

Thanks Twin, remember I dont eat red meat so a full english breakfast of veggie sausages and eggs isn't as appealing hehe

I might have chicken if we have some, yum!

Sorry Twin , I keep forgetting the red meat thing . What about Prawns , you can have them in a veg stir fry or salad . chicken roast with lots of veg, chicken /veg stir frys ??
Ooops I only tend to eat once a day, , an evening meal . Although I did have a snack at 3 am mmmm lovely . One of the things I have noticed since restricting Carbs is that I am never hungry .:confused: Carbs on the other hand make me want to eat and eat all day.

Wow! I'm amazed!! I truly cannot imagine only eating 1 meal a day, EVER, carbs or no carbs!! Good on ya if it works 🙂
Wow! I'm amazed!! I truly cannot imagine only eating 1 meal a day, EVER, carbs or no carbs!! Good on ya if it works 🙂

Ha ha ha well it seems to suit me but alas I would not recommend it to others , I do make sure to keep a close eye my sugar levels during the day to make sure my levels do not start to creep up . I also do not limit myself to one meal a day if I feel like eating 3/4 times I would and because Im low carb it will not effect my weight if I do eat more .
Thanks Twin, remember I dont eat red meat so a full english breakfast of veggie sausages and eggs isn't as appealing hehe

You could have a full english using Turkey rashers, Turkey/chicken Sausage etc?
Wow! I'm amazed!! I truly cannot imagine only eating 1 meal a day, EVER, carbs or no carbs!! Good on ya if it works 🙂

Don't encourage her, one meal a day is bad full stop 😉 hehe

Thanks for the link, I will read it all properly later!

You could have a full english using Turkey rashers, Turkey/chicken Sausage etc?

Thanks for the tips Proudspirit 🙂 I do like veggie sausages, but I will have to check out turkey rashers and chicken based things, because I dont usually have them!
Turkey rashers are fab, really low fat, they used to leave an aftertaste but not anymore 🙂


Ok... Monday I woke up at 5.3, ate my muesli, covered it with the usual 8 units of insulin and was fine, in fact great - perfect sugar levels. Tuesday I woke up at 5.6, did exactly the same and ran slightly low all morning.

Now today.. I woke up at 9.6. Was going to reduce my insulin after yesterday but as I was slightly higher I didn't - took the usual 8 units to cover my muesli. But now, 2 and a half hours later, I'm 3.3 - lower than I went yesterday!! :confused:

It seems that my body, through eating less carbs, seems to need less insulin to cover the same amount of carbs I always eat for breakfast... As in my ratios are changing... Is this normal?! I DON'T want to be hypoing continuously! 😱

Ok... Monday I woke up at 5.3, ate my muesli, covered it with the usual 8 units of insulin and was fine, in fact great - perfect sugar levels. Tuesday I woke up at 5.6, did exactly the same and ran slightly low all morning.

Now today.. I woke up at 9.6. Was going to reduce my insulin after yesterday but as I was slightly higher I didn't - took the usual 8 units to cover my muesli. But now, 2 and a half hours later, I'm 3.3 - lower than I went yesterday!! :confused:

It seems that my body, through eating less carbs, seems to need less insulin to cover the same amount of carbs I always eat for breakfast... As in my ratios are changing... Is this normal?! I DON'T want to be hypoing continuously! 😱

Hi Munjeeta , sorry for the delay , Ive only just come on line , right firstly.. have you had the same amount / portion size as yesterday? Dont forget that sometimes your bolus will still be in your system up to 5/6 hours after taking it so it may be that it has overlapped with your breakfast dose and brought you lower? As far as I know your ratio should not change just the amount of insulin that you would need to cover the meal ..... If anyone else knows any different please feel free to step in here......? My ratio has stayed the same 1/10 . that does vary though and depending on which food I have and how fast it hits my system sometimes I will go lower quicker than others. Your body is still atapting to less carbs at the moment and once it is used to it will settle down and the hypos will be less frequent. are you taking the right amount to cover the meal size/ less carb value etc , or still the amount you would normally take ? have you reduced the portion size? this will all play a factor. I hope you things get better for you as the day progresses 🙂

Best wishes Anne-Marie
I weigh my cereal every morning - 80g which equates to 42g CHO - same without fail every morning. I also take my levemir at exactly the same time and this has not changed, hence my confusion! I am also getting almost no bounce-back from my hypos - and hour and a half after i was 3.3 (and drank lucozade and ate 2 digestives) I am still only 5.1...

And yes, I am very carefully working out my dose to the amount of carbs I think I am eating according to the ratios i have been using for the past few months (1:5 at breakfast, 1:8 at lunch and 1:7 at dinner)

I think I may just need to think about increasing the ratios slightly... Especially the morning one it seems! And you're right, my body is still adjusting, and in all fairness even with hypos the most worrying bit isthe high spike after and I'm not getting that... Hopefully it'll settle down as I get more used to it 🙂 Thanks, Anne-Marie x
I weigh my cereal every morning - 80g which equates to 42g CHO - same without fail every morning. I also take my levemir at exactly the same time and this has not changed, hence my confusion! I am also getting almost no bounce-back from my hypos - and hour and a half after i was 3.3 (and drank lucozade and ate 2 digestives) I am still only 5.1...

And yes, I am very carefully working out my dose to the amount of carbs I think I am eating according to the ratios i have been using for the past few months (1:5 at breakfast, 1:8 at lunch and 1:7 at dinner)

I think I may just need to think about increasing the ratios slightly... Especially the morning one it seems! And you're right, my body is still adjusting, and in all fairness even with hypos the most worrying bit isthe high spike after and I'm not getting that... Hopefully it'll settle down as I get more used to it 🙂 Thanks, Anne-Marie x

Hi Munjeeta, sorry I cant help you more but it is difficult to gauge another persons ratios / dosage for insulin. I do hope you manage to stick with it as you already seem to be making progress on bringing those levels down , abit too much at the moment maybe but they are going in the right direction, which in the long run for your long term health and well being is so much better. So no high spike , well done you have obviously managed to take the right amoung of carbs to offset the hypo and not zoom the other way... i need some tips with that i think as i tend to get hypo munchies and want to eat and eat lol 😱 You may find that you go a little higher later though so its worth checking . let me know how it goes , have a good day 🙂
Best wishes Anne-Marie
Hi Munjeeta, sorry I cant help you more but it is difficult to gauge another persons ratios / dosage for insulin. I do hope you manage to stick with it as you already seem to be making progress on bringing those levels down , abit too much at the moment maybe but they are going in the right direction, which in the long run for your long term health and well being is so much better.

Not at all, you're being a great help. I feel like I'm asking a million and 1 questions! Yes 🙂 I am going to stick with it! No worries about the specifics, I can change that as I need to, i just don't want to change it too early then got the other way! My levels have been so much better, I just need to bring them UP a bit, not a problem I normally have for this long at a time!

So no high spike , well done you have obviously managed to take the right amoung of carbs to offset the hypo and not zoom the other way... i need some tips with that i think as i tend to get hypo munchies and want to eat and eat lol. You may find that you go a little higher later though so its worth checking . let me know how it goes , have a good day 🙂
Best wishes Anne-Marie

Haha... I normally have problems with hypo munchies too, but not so much at school when I'm teaching, I can't really stand in front of the ids and stuff sweets, I can just about manage lucozade and digestives before a riot starts! Although I do tend to drink too much lucozade in the rush to feel better to get my lesson back ontrack! 😛 I ate some cheries when I was 5.1 and STILL only 7.4, better but still no spike :D I much prefer to be around the6/7 mark at school so as to avoid this morning's incidence during lessons
Katie, how's the low-carbing going for you today?!
Haha... I normally have problems with hypo munchies too, but not so much at school when I'm teaching, I can't really stand in front of the ids and stuff sweets, I can just about manage lucozade and digestives before a riot starts! Although I do tend to drink too much lucozade in the rush to feel better to get my lesson back ontrack! 😛 I ate some cheries when I was 5.1 and STILL only 7.4, better but still no spike I much prefer to be around the6/7 mark at school so as to avoid this morning's incidence during lessons

Ah yes , Hypo munchies... I hate them , I can eat more in one sitting than I usually do in a whole day !!! its not fair 😡 There are a lot of foods that you can eat ans not get a spike afterwards , cherries are fine for me too but grapes Noooo I zoom sky high after a couple ... shame because I love them.
Keep up the good work !!!! Katie is in work so probably eating Pizza as we speak lol 😱 Sorry Katie 😱
oi watch it AM! Im not eating pizza 😛

Katie, how's the low-carbing going for you today?!

Hey jeeta, At the moment ive only has me cereal which is just average - a bowl of weetabix. Ive bought my lunch though and it's a tuna light lunch and a bit of extra salad. If you like tuna they are only 22.6g of carbs so that's 4-5 units for me! I used to be taking from between about 8-22 units at lunch time 🙂

Have you got anything exciting for lunch?
Yeah, I've had one of those tuna thingies before but didn't like it too much! I have to force myself to eat fish, it's not my favourite thing, although I wish it was because it's so healthy! It's good that you can take so much less insulin though 🙂

I had exactly the same for lunch as I've had the rest of the week! I'm thinking that I may be able to reduce my lunchtime dose to 1 unit to cover salad but I will give it a few days... Sugars seem to be stabilising a little now which is good and still not gone above 9 which is amazing for me!! Just been to a ballet class in the vain attempt of getting a little bit fitter and I find going to the gym such an effort. It was an intermediate class, and I haven't done ballet since I was 11, it nearly killed me 😛

How's your day gone?
Well let's just say at the moment my will power is rubbish!! I had my low carb lunch but at dinner time my mum offered me macarroni cheese hehe, I couldnt say no!! So im high now 🙄 I'll try again tomorrow!

I love the french dressing tuna light lunch, yum! must admin it smells and looks like cat food though.

Wow I wish I could do ballet! i'm not petite and dainty though :( lol. Ive just been doing my exercise video which is bad enough!!
Hoping to get some help in getting started on a low carb diet, i never understand this carb thing nor labels Grrrrr
My BGs are anything from 4.2- 7.6, maybe the odd reading at 9.0 after eating.
My Hb1ac was 14 on diagnoses & Fasting was 8
My diet is rabbit food mainly lol

Mid morning-Banana.
Lunch-Salad & muller light yoghurt.
Tea-Beans on toast or more salad.
Before bed- 2, finger Nice biscuits.

I love veg but dislike fish, but can tollerate tuns, i don't care much for bread only brown granary or soya & linseed bread, think thats what it's called.
i don't eat pastry, i like skinless chicken, lamb,& steak, not a pork fan at all.
Well i hope this has gave you some idea of my meals.
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Hoping to get some help in getting started on a low carb diet, i never understand this carb thing nor labels Grrrrr
My BGs are anything from 4.2- 7.6, maybe the odd reading at 9.0 after eating.
My Hb1ac was 14 on diagnoses & Fasting was 8
My diet is rabbit food mainly lol

Mid morning-Banana.
Lunch-Salad & muller light yoghurt.
Tea-Beans on toast or more salad.
Before bed- 2, finger Nice biscuits.

I love veg but dislike fish, but can tollerate tuns, i don't care much for bread only brown granary or soya & linseed bread, think thats what it's called.
i don't eat pastry, i like skinless chicken, lamb,& steak, not a pork fan at all.
Well i hope this has gave you some idea of my meals.

Anita, those are great levels! I thought mine were good, but yours are spot on - well done! Have you had to modify your diet a lot since diagnosis?
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