No Carbers/ low Carbers

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I've just read the whole thread too, such a lot of info! I''m very interested! I might give a no carb dinner a go tonight. I was talking to a dietition the other day and she seemed very happy to promote me, as a type 1, eating a meal of salad/ protein and not injecting... I have to say, the idea of eating a meal without having to inject is heaven! 🙂
I've just read the whole thread too, such a lot of info! I''m very interested! I might give a no carb dinner a go tonight. I was talking to a dietition the other day and she seemed very happy to promote me, as a type 1, eating a meal of salad/ protein and not injecting... I have to say, the idea of eating a meal without having to inject is heaven! 🙂

Good luck with that and let me know how you get on , no injection at all ?
careful with that munjeeta. I usually take 4 units for a salad - there are still some carbs in it. If you need less insulin than me though (i take 2:10g, so you probably do take less!) and you are on the lower side of normal number, you will probably get away without injecting 🙂
careful with that munjeeta. I usually take 4 units for a salad - there are still some carbs in it. If you need less insulin than me though (i take 2:10g, so you probably do take less!) and you are on the lower side of normal number, you will probably get away without injecting 🙂

Yes exactly Carbs are still in lettuce etc , keep an eye on your levels to see how it goes 🙂
Thank you for the advice. Yes... I'm going to test in an hour and see what happens. I can't believe I won't need any insulin myself but I'm going to give it an hour and see! Imagine! She did say not to count carbs in veg when carb counting. But I guess everyone's different so will just wait and see...
Thank you for the advice. Yes... I'm going to test in an hour and see what happens. I can't believe I won't need any insulin myself but I'm going to give it an hour and see! Imagine! She did say not to count carbs in veg when carb counting. But I guess everyone's different so will just wait and see...

Yes let me know how it goes , this could be very interesting from a scientific point of view . I have noticed since Low Carbing that I do need less Insulin though.
Protein v Carbs

I thought I would just share this with you ; Carbohydrate; any of a large group of energy producing compounds in food such as sugars and starches .

Proteins ; any of a group of complex organic compounds that are essential for life ; I rest my case :D:D
Yes let me know how it goes , this could be very interesting from a scientific point of view . I have noticed since Low Carbing that I do need less Insulin though.

Haha, the perpetual science experiment that is diabetes 😛 Ok... An hour after eating my blood sugar is 10.0. It was 6.2 before so I probably should have taken a unit or 2. Now... Do I take a unit now, or wait and see if it begins to fall before bed?!
Haha, the perpetual science experiment that is diabetes 😛 Ok... An hour after eating my blood sugar is 10.0. It was 6.2 before so I probably should have taken a unit or 2. Now... Do I take a unit now, or wait and see if it begins to fall before bed?!

Do you take your basal later then? if so when you take your sugars then if you have still risen then correct if not then i wouldnt bother really . you may stay the same or drop lower , we are all different . you might find that you have already peaked and will now drop again , just check in a while . Im about for a while so ill be here if you want to ask anything .
well 10 isnt too high so you could see how it goes? personally i would leave it a bit longer (im not sure northerner would though :D)
Thank you! Yep, take basal before bed... Will test about quarter to 10 and see. As you say, if it's the same or lower then maybe I really can get away without insulin 🙂 If it's higher I'll correct and see what happens then!
Thank you! Yep, take basal before bed... Will test about quarter to 10 and see. As you say, if it's the same or lower then maybe I really can get away without insulin 🙂 If it's higher I'll correct and see what happens then!

Ok , I'm always online so just shout if you want anything , or pm me if you prefer , I hope it all goes well later , fingers crossed xx 🙂🙂
You can uncross your fingers, hehe, I coupldn't wait and just tested again, I'm 13.3 so can safely say I needed to take insulin with my ham salad. Rubbish - and there was me being all hopeful! I've corrected so hopefully not too much damage done! And it would've been nnice if it had worked!! Thanks for bouncing my ideas back x
Haha... And I've just realised I must've reached senior member status somewhere along teh way - milestone!!
Hi low carbers folk.

Just a thought I had meat and salad for tea, and cus cus, which is 20% carbs, but as it's light is it low carb? I know it doesn't matter just wondered if you classified it as low carb?

PS I'm on a pint of cider now so it's all wasted! Maybe I will be later!!
You can uncross your fingers, hehe, I coupldn't wait and just tested again, I'm 13.3 so can safely say I needed to take insulin with my ham salad. Rubbish - and there was me being all hopeful! I've corrected so hopefully not too much damage done! And it would've been nnice if it had worked!! Thanks for bouncing my ideas back x[/QUOT

You are so welcome , anytime 🙂 Hey well done on the senior member status !! WOOOOO 🙂
Hi low carbers folk.

Just a thought I had meat and salad for tea, and cus cus, which is 20% carbs, but as it's light is it low carb? I know it doesn't matter just wondered if you classified it as low carb?

PS I'm on a pint of cider now so it's all wasted! Maybe I will be later!!

Ha ha so the usual downfall then , alcohol lol pmsl , hey the meal was pretty Low Carb , Woo well done , i wouldnt have had the cous cous but thats because i tend to extreme Low Carb but as you are not then that is a good meal choice and very healthy . Keep up the good work Rossi 🙂
just realised, I'm off round my bro's tomorrow night for pizza and wii!!
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