No Carbers/ low Carbers

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Hi Tracey. I had exactly the same experience when I started low-carbing. I had brilliant blood sugars for a few days then they went haywire. I have since somewhat fallen off teh low-carbing wagon as it were, but found that after some time just reducing the amount of carbs I ate from what I was eating before helped. Shifting the focus from filling up on carbs to filling up on veg and protein was good. Although I did still eat carbs of some description with every meal - just less of them! I am trying very hard to get myself back and sorted with it!

thanks, yes this is what I have been trying too, but not every meal. Example, im not that keen on ommelette and cant face every day for breakkie, and cant see a boiled egg or scrambled without the toast!!

for other meals I have had either very low amounts of potatoes or rice, or none if I have meat and veg, or chicken stir fry, and have really noticed a difference in numbers. Not lost any weight though :(
Hmmm... Sounds like you're doing a good job though - numbers are half the battle! I know exactly what you mean about omelette and eggs! I like them but have to be in the mood, and you're right, boiled egg and no soldiers? 😱

The weight loss might come in time. Surely the laws of science say so if you're eating less carbs and more veg. Gradual weight loss is the best anyway. It has more chance of staying off. Partly due to the fact that it's lifestyle changes that are more sustainable. Good luck!
Morning Girls ...... and Lurkers Well Im not off to a good start this miserable wet Monday morning !! I woke up this morning to a Glucose Level of ......23.2 !!

Morning AM, thats not good!

Been reading your posts with interest and was motivated to go LOW carb for some days last week, mainly cos i need to shift a few pounds, could not believe the numbers, were soooo good. But over the wekend been bad and numbers have really swung

could not give up carbs totally though, but low carb is a good option. Just need some inspiration though, ate 6 eggs in one day 😱🙄 lol

Hi Tracy ... yes my levels have been bouncing alllll over the place this weekend and the culprit ?.......... CARBS 😱 hmmm I decided to add a few into my diet , just the odd thing and my levels have zoomed to the 20+'s and down to 1+'s , not good at all :( Im back on the Low Carb wagon with a vengence as from today .
How are your levels now, AM? Have they come down any?
How are your levels now, AM? Have they come down any?

I did a correction to bring me down to 6 , but Im still 10.3 so Im going to correct again as its been over 3 hours now :(:( Grrr bl**dy Carbs 😡
Hmmm... Pesky things! But sometimes it does take a while for corrections to bring you down fully. I've gone up to 18 now as well 😡 Correction dose for me too 🙄
Hmmm... Pesky things! But sometimes it does take a while for corrections to bring you down fully. I've gone up to 18 now as well 😡 Correction dose for me too 🙄

Not a good day levels wise for us today then , I hope Twin is having better luck than us ! Usually if a correction has'nt brought me down within 2/3 hours I have to do another small one , I'll just take a couple of units . Hope you get back into range soon !!
Morning Girls ...... and Lurkers Well Im not off to a good start this miserable wet Monday morning !! I woke up this morning to a Glucose Level of ......23.2 !! Hmm yes I did it AGAIN , over-corrected and caused a Glucose Dump Grrrrrr Consequently I have a banging Headache and Im moody , Breakfast is Coffee and a Correction !

aww poor twin, tha sucks. feeling any better? I really need a coffee right now. just have to... get up... and make it!

Hehe, yeah, it pays off being half Indian where food's concerned (if you like Indian food, that is...) Made some amazing dal and curries and chapattis 🙂 I woke up to a 12.6 today. No idea why. Although didn't test before bed and i probably should have. Back on the low carb wagon today. I really am going to try 😱

you have to like indian food if you are half indian 😉 I used to make dal, curry and kulfi - yummy!

It's not good for the low-carbing though hehe, so haven't had any indian food lately.

I woke up to a similar number! but went to bed at 4.9, what the...?! grr! I'm back to low-carbing today too, ive had a weekend off and it really didnt make me feel very good so im going to stick to low-carbing again for as long as possible 🙂
oops im so slow!

Hmmm... Pesky things! But sometimes it does take a while for corrections to bring you down fully. I've gone up to 18 now as well 😡 Correction dose for me too 🙄

woah that's annoying! did you eat something carby?
Me too Twin , Ive indulged in a few Carbs and felt like **** every since 😡 , Carbs are defo no friend of mine !! The sad thing is I didnt even enjoy them Grrr and Ive suffered numbers wise since :(
aww poor twin, tha sucks. feeling any better? I really need a coffee right now. just have to... get up... and make it!

you have to like indian food if you are half indian 😉 I used to make dal, curry and kulfi - yummy!

It's not good for the low-carbing though hehe, so haven't had any indian food lately.

I woke up to a similar number! but went to bed at 4.9, what the...?! grr! I'm back to low-carbing today too, ive had a weekend off and it really didnt make me feel very good so im going to stick to low-carbing again for as long as possible 🙂

Yes, that's what I've told myself too. Although it's hard. James is making macaroni cheese for tea... That's not low carb!! I need to be more forceful with my convictions. Low carb or not. I'm sitting on the fence at the moment!

Night times are so hard. And I can never work out what exactly it is that affects it: basal? bolus? exercise effects? night time hypoes? Grrr. Too many factors!
Me too Twin , Ive indulged in a few Carbs and felt like **** every since 😡 , Carbs are defo no friend of mine !! The sad thing is I didnt even enjoy them Grrr and Ive suffered numbers wise since :(

yeah i know what u mean. every time ive had carb this weekend Ive just become really full and felt ill! Hmm, not sure what to eat now...
Yes, that's what I've told myself too. Although it's hard. James is making macaroni cheese for tea... That's not low carb!! I need to be more forceful with my convictions. Low carb or not. I'm sitting on the fence at the moment!

Night times are so hard. And I can never work out what exactly it is that affects it: basal? bolus? exercise effects? night time hypoes? Grrr. Too many factors!

mmm i loove macaroni cheese, but yeah that isnt low carb and i always go up to about 20 afterwards because I eat far too much of it. it's so nice though!

I know, the morning reading confuse me too, i never know what to do about it and mine havent been stable for a while. I used to be able to get it right and then at least wake to a good number but that doesnt seem to happen for more than a day in a row at the moment!?
yeah i know what u mean. every time ive had carb this weekend Ive just become really full and felt ill! Hmm, not sure what to eat now...

Yes Ive found that Carbs really seem to make you feel bloated , Im sure Ive put on a stone this weekend 😱 Its salad for me today , I need to Detox :D
Yes Ive found that Carbs really seem to make you feel bloated , Im sure Ive put on a stone this weekend 😱 Its salad for me today , I need to Detox :D

lol good plan. my salad has gone manky :( i'll have to wait til tomorrow for that. hmm veggie burgers it is then lol.
mmm i loove macaroni cheese, but yeah that isnt low carb and i always go up to about 20 afterwards because I eat far too much of it. it's so nice though!

I know, the morning reading confuse me too, i never know what to do about it and mine havent been stable for a while. I used to be able to get it right and then at least wake to a good number but that doesnt seem to happen for more than a day in a row at the moment!?

I just never see any correlation between bed time readings and mornings. If I'm in range at night sometimes I'll wake up high, sometimes hypo in the night but rarely wake up in range! If I go to bed high sometimes I'll wake up in range, sometimes I'll wake up high and sometimes I'll hypo. If I'm low in the evening and snack I sometimes wake up high, sometimes in range. If I'm low in the evening and don't snack I wake up high or hypo. I can never see any patterns!!

Yes Ive found that Carbs really seem to make you feel bloated , Im sure Ive put on a stone this weekend 😱 Its salad for me today , I need to Detox :D

lol good plan. my salad has gone manky :( i'll have to wait til tomorrow for that. hmm veggie burgers it is then lol.

Detox is a good idea. Although I just had fish fingers. Not detox but lowish carb... 🙂 I might compensate now with a plate of something green!
I just never see any correlation between bed time readings and mornings. If I'm in range at night sometimes I'll wake up high, sometimes hypo in the night but rarely wake up in range! If I go to bed high sometimes I'll wake up in range, sometimes I'll wake up high and sometimes I'll hypo. If I'm low in the evening and snack I sometimes wake up high, sometimes in range. If I'm low in the evening and don't snack I wake up high or hypo. I can never see any patterns!!

Same here :( It isn't fair! I really need to look at it more closely and work on it but it's such hard work!

Ive just remembered ive got my home made mushroom soup in the fridge so im going to have that for lunch, woo.
Woohoo! Mushroom soup 🙂

Yes - I think the same about my night time levels. And I do wake up quite often to test. But I've tried increasing and decreasing my night time basal and still see no patterns. They must be there somewhere!

Down to 4.4 finally 🙂 Although now it's trying to hold off the hypo fairy 🙄 Possibly over corrected with my fish fingers! Oops.
Hi Tracy ... yes my levels have been bouncing alllll over the place this weekend and the culprit ?.......... CARBS 😱 hmmm I decided to add a few into my diet , just the odd thing and my levels have zoomed to the 20+'s and down to 1+'s , not good at all :( Im back on the Low Carb wagon with a vengence as from today .[/QUOTE]

I know how you feel, had a panini this aft, result 18.8 😱cr*p!!

gonna have chicken and veg now for tea, but i have a bounty in the fridge just beckoning to me, and that time of the month when i just have to have it.......🙄

oh well always tomorow
Hi Tracy ... yes my levels have been bouncing alllll over the place this weekend and the culprit ?.......... CARBS 😱 hmmm I decided to add a few into my diet , just the odd thing and my levels have zoomed to the 20+'s and down to 1+'s , not good at all Im back on the Low Carb wagon with a vengence as from today .

I know how you feel, had a panini this aft, result 18.8 😱cr*p!!

gonna have chicken and veg now for tea, but i have a bounty in the fridge just beckoning to me, and that time of the month when i just have to have it.......🙄

oh well always tomorow[/QUOTE]

Im having Chicken salad for tea tonight , Low Carb and healthy ... pretty good detox :D Mmmm Tracy !!! I want a Bounty now too !! I love coconut
Well anyway Im back in the 4's so its all good in da hood again hehehe
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