No Carbers/ low Carbers

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hahaha no Im back to normal now Twin I did hit 10.1 after my binge though , quick correction back down to 6 though so all was good
good levels so far today apart from just then a 2.9 that I didnt feel 😱
its all good again now . Grrr bloody hypos . how are you doing today for levels twin? did you get much sleep in the end ?

Hmm what to have for my evening meal ....... Im still pondering

10.1, that's pretty good going!

My levels have been awful, Woke up to 12.2. I missed breakfast and had two coffees from the machine at work, I didnt add sugar but they were already sweet and I went up to 19.2 before lunch 😡 Just had a low-carb lunch and lots of insulin so should come down 🙄

It's Bournemouth Airshow this weekend and I'm at work watching the Re Arrow out of the window. They just made a heart with a bow through it aww!

Hmm I havent thought about tonight, might have to buy some more fish 🙂
afternoon ladies, how can anyone think about evening meal until at least 6pm???:confused:
afternoon ladies, how can anyone think about evening meal until at least 6pm???:confused:

lol! All I seem to think about is good. You kind of have to think about meals more when you are going low-carb because it's easy to grab something full of carbs but more difficult to think of something with protein and vegetables or whatever! Also, I don't want to eat the same low-carb thing all the time or i'll get bored and fall off the wagon hehe.

How are you Rossi? Been cutting down on carbs? 😉
lol! All I seem to think about is good. You kind of have to think about meals more when you are going low-carb because it's easy to grab something full of carbs but more difficult to think of something with protein and vegetables or whatever! Also, I don't want to eat the same low-carb thing all the time or i'll get bored and fall off the wagon hehe.

How are you Rossi? Been cutting down on carbs? 😉

fair enough! But I wreckon fish is a good way re low carb, gives more veriety than just meat!?! Maybe

Hmm last night Dominos pepperoni! 150grams carbs then ice cream and strawberries!!! But lite lunch today only 5grams, no idea about tonight, but I have been trying to well maybe not go low carb, but not go high carb!!
Numbers are okish, seem to be rubbish at carb guessing and keep going low, is that better than being high, I have no idea!!
fair enough! But I wreckon fish is a good way re low carb, gives more veriety than just meat!?! Maybe

Hmm last night Dominos pepperoni! 150grams carbs then ice cream and strawberries!!! But lite lunch today only 5grams, no idea about tonight, but I have been trying to well maybe not go low carb, but not go high carb!!
Numbers are okish, seem to be rubbish at carb guessing and keep going low, is that better than being high, I have no idea!!

yeah fish is good for you! I don't eat much meat anyway though, only chicken really. so i have veggie burgers and sausages alot - they really dont look appealing without any carbs on the plate haha.

eek 150g, i'd need 30units to cover that 😱

I guess it depends whether you mind hypos?! I guess it isn't good to have an imbalance in your blood whether it is high or low sugars :(
Hellooo Low Carbers ... Ive had two Hypos today a 2.9 at lunchtime and a 3.9 now 😡😡

For Tea I had Chicken salad , Fresh roasted Organic Chicken lovely .
Hellooo Low Carbers ... Ive had two Hypos today a 2.9 at lunchtime and a 3.9 now 😡😡

For Tea I had Chicken salad , Fresh roasted Organic Chicken lovely .

aww :( your dinner sounds good though. ive got a roast chicken in the oven, yay! no roast potatoes for me, but that's ok because chicken is better 😉
I reckon fish is a great low carb option, Rossi. Although, I have to be honest I've kinda forgotten the whole low carb thing recently... But now things are more settled I will be back! Have internet too now, so can keep up to date, I've been missing so much!!

First decent blood sugar in weeks (it feel like!) this morning - woke up to 5.8. I am going to try really hard to keep on top of them today. Had a 2.7 last night so was expecting a high one this morning but luckily not. Had risotto for tea and boiled eggs for brekkie (with 2 bits of toast - low carbing will start later...) Let me know how you guys are doing 🙂
I reckon fish is a great low carb option, Rossi. Although, I have to be honest I've kinda forgotten the whole low carb thing recently... But now things are more settled I will be back! Have internet too now, so can keep up to date, I've been missing so much!!

First decent blood sugar in weeks (it feel like!) this morning - woke up to 5.8. I am going to try really hard to keep on top of them today. Had a 2.7 last night so was expecting a high one this morning but luckily not. Had risotto for tea and boiled eggs for brekkie (with 2 bits of toast - low carbing will start later...) Let me know how you guys are doing 🙂

Hi Munjeeta , its hard to stick to low carbing when you are moving and its easier to eat whatever your boyf is eating I s'pose . Anyway nice low blood sugar !! Glad to see you back anyway , Twin and I have missed your posts , its only usually us three in here and the odd visitor lol :D
Good news on having the internet now !! I dont know how people manage without it 😱 Are you organised for work aswell , back to school soon isnt it ? catch up with you soon , take care xx A.M
Yay glad you are back online MJ.

today at the picnic thing we had I was good-ish at first and stuck to some low-carb things. but then came pudding! wow they were full of carbs :D Then I went to meet some friends in Bournemouth and they wanted to go to the traditional sweet shop! It is so cool in there, they have all the childhood sweets :D so i had to get some...

now i feel dodgy. Ive noticed that now when i eat loads of carbs I really dont feel good afterwards, at least it motivates me to stick to low-carbing 🙂
Hi Munjeeta , its hard to stick to low carbing when you are moving and its easier to eat whatever your boyf is eating I s'pose . Anyway nice low blood sugar !! Glad to see you back anyway , Twin and I have missed your posts , its only usually us three in here and the odd visitor lol
Good news on having the internet now !! I dont know how people manage without it Are you organised for work aswell , back to school soon isnt it ? catch up with you soon , take care xx A.M

Yeah... Internet all up and running and I've missed it! I'm getting there with getting ready for Sept, I can't believe the holidays are nearly over!! Time flies...

Yay glad you are back online MJ.

today at the picnic thing we had I was good-ish at first and stuck to some low-carb things. but then came pudding! wow they were full of carbs Then I went to meet some friends in Bournemouth and they wanted to go to the traditional sweet shop! It is so cool in there, they have all the childhood sweets so i had to get some...

now i feel dodgy. Ive noticed that now when i eat loads of carbs I really dont feel good afterwards, at least it motivates me to stick to low-carbing

Sounds like you've found some good motivation there! I find the same. Although pigged out properly yesterday!! My dad came round and gave us a masterclass in Indian cooking, consequently I ate soooooo much!! Hehe... Ah well... Woke up with a 5.2 so not too bad, although won't tell you what happened in between yesterday's good morning and now 😛

What sweets did you buy? I love good old fashioned sweet shops!
Yeah... Internet all up and running and I've missed it! I'm getting there with getting ready for Sept, I can't believe the holidays are nearly over!! Time flies...

Sounds like you've found some good motivation there! I find the same. Although pigged out properly yesterday!! My dad came round and gave us a masterclass in Indian cooking, consequently I ate soooooo much!! Hehe... Ah well... Woke up with a 5.2 so not too bad, although won't tell you what happened in between yesterday's good morning and now 😛

What sweets did you buy? I love good old fashioned sweet shops!

Yeah time really does fly, the past 6 months has gone sooo quickly for me 😱

wow, a masterclass in indian cooking sounds awesome :D Good work on waking up to 5.2, I can't seem to get my levels stable so I at least wake up to a good number, which I used to be able to do :(

haha it cant be any worse than me going up to 32.2 after my crazy weekend last week?!

I just made mushroom soup again, mm it's so good!
Hmm Ive just had to correct 😡 I've had the munchies and havent stopped since Teatime 😱
Hi girls, just back from family do (and it wasn't a funeral hurrah!)

tea was a buffet thing, chocolate fountain, cake carbolicious stuff, guess what I had? A plate of sliced meat, various! and fish, and a splodge of colesaw! tasty and low carb I feel ( I won't mention the beer that I had!)
Hi girls, just back from family do (and it wasn't a funeral hurrah!)

tea was a buffet thing, chocolate fountain, cake carbolicious stuff, guess what I had? A plate of sliced meat, various! and fish, and a splodge of colesaw! tasty and low carb I feel ( I won't mention the beer that I had!)

Well done on the Low Carb option Ross , we can allow you the Beer as you ate a Low Carb meal . What sort of levels are you having ?
Well done on the Low Carb option Ross , we can allow you the Beer as you ate a Low Carb meal . What sort of levels are you having ?

been a hangover day so not sure, been okay low teens tops down to 5's no hypos at all for a couple of days now!! Can't remeber having my levemir but wifey said I did!!
Morning Girls ...... and Lurkers 😉 Well Im not off to a good start this miserable wet Monday morning !! I woke up this morning to a Glucose Level of ......23.2 !! 😱 Hmm yes I did it AGAIN , over-corrected and caused a Glucose Dump Grrrrrr 😡:( Consequently I have a banging Headache and Im moody , Breakfast is Coffee and a Correction !
wow, a masterclass in indian cooking sounds awesome :D Good work on waking up to 5.2, I can't seem to get my levels stable so I at least wake up to a good number, which I used to be able to do

haha it cant be any worse than me going up to 32.2 after my crazy weekend last week?!

I just made mushroom soup again, mm it's so good!

Hehe, yeah, it pays off being half Indian where food's concerned (if you like Indian food, that is...) Made some amazing dal and curries and chapattis 🙂 I woke up to a 12.6 today. No idea why. Although didn't test before bed and i probably should have. Back on the low carb wagon today. I really am going to try 😱

Hi girls, just back from family do (and it wasn't a funeral hurrah!)

tea was a buffet thing, chocolate fountain, cake carbolicious stuff, guess what I had? A plate of sliced meat, various! and fish, and a splodge of colesaw! tasty and low carb I feel ( I won't mention the beer that I had!)

Yay! well done, I'm impressed with the self control!

Morning Girls ...... and Lurkers 😉 Well Im not off to a good start this miserable wet Monday morning !! I woke up this morning to a Glucose Level of ......23.2 !! Hmm yes I did it AGAIN , over-corrected and caused a Glucose Dump Grrrrrr ( Consequently I have a banging Headache and Im moody , Breakfast is Coffee and a Correction !

Hmmm... Not a good way to start the day. A good plan though, batman. Get that coffee and insulin inside you and wait for the magic to work! Hope you feel better later!
Morning Girls ...... and Lurkers 😉 Well Im not off to a good start this miserable wet Monday morning !! I woke up this morning to a Glucose Level of ......23.2 !!

Morning AM, thats not good!

Been reading your posts with interest and was motivated to go LOW carb for some days last week, mainly cos i need to shift a few pounds, could not believe the numbers, were soooo good. But over the wekend been bad and numbers have really swung :(

could not give up carbs totally though, but low carb is a good option. Just need some inspiration though, ate 6 eggs in one day 😱🙄 lol
Hi Tracey. I had exactly the same experience when I started low-carbing. I had brilliant blood sugars for a few days then they went haywire. I have since somewhat fallen off teh low-carbing wagon as it were, but found that after some time just reducing the amount of carbs I ate from what I was eating before helped. Shifting the focus from filling up on carbs to filling up on veg and protein was good. Although I did still eat carbs of some description with every meal - just less of them! I am trying very hard to get myself back and sorted with it!
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