No Carbers/ low Carbers

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eek, yeah must have been a night time hypo and glucose dump!

You are doing so well with your levels throughout the day, im jealous.

Do you buy or make your garlic mushrooms?

I had a mushroom omlette and salad tonight, mm 🙂

Yeah defo a Glucose dump Grrr I bet it wouldnt do that when /if I really bloody needed it to 🙄 Yes good levels for some reason !!?? It wont last though I'll start getting random 20's or something lol
Errmm Im sooo lazy I got a take-out lol they do a superb Tuna Salad for me and no dressing and a small amount of tomatoes 😉 No I ordered them in , I could easily make them as they are just basically mushrooms cooked in Garlic . I'll make my own next time I think. I was just feeling lazy tonight 😱
Yeah defo a Glucose dump Grrr I bet it wouldnt do that when /if I really bloody needed it to 🙄 Yes good levels for some reason !!?? It wont last though I'll start getting random 20's or something lol
Errmm Im sooo lazy I got a take-out lol they do a superb Tuna Salad for me and no dressing and a small amount of tomatoes 😉 No I ordered them in , I could easily make them as they are just basically mushrooms cooked in Garlic . I'll make my own next time I think. I was just feeling lazy tonight 😱

Ooh, ive never bought that kind of take-away before, only unhealthy stuff hehe. Think I might make myself some garlic mushrooms too, I love mushrooms.

Right I really better sleep now, hospital in the morning woo 🙄
I had a glucose dump too :( I went to bed at 7.4 and woke to 16.5, I hadn't eaten for ours before bed and it was only an omlette and salad! grr
Thank you, AM. xx🙂

you're welcome Mand x AM 🙂
I had a glucose dump too :( I went to bed at 7.4 and woke to 16.5, I hadn't eaten for ours before bed and it was only an omlette and salad! grr

Grr I hate Glucose dumps 😡 you ok now levels wise Twin? hahaha yeah mine was an omlette and no salad when I had the same thing happen grr How many units do you take for a salad or an omlette out of interest Twin?
you're welcome Mand x AM 🙂

Grr I hate Glucose dumps 😡 you ok now levels wise Twin? hahaha yeah mine was an omlette and no salad when I had the same thing happen grr How many units do you take for a salad or an omlette out of interest Twin?

Not sure about the levels, i'm going to have lunch soon so will check then 🙂
I upped my lantus by 2units too because of the higher numbers ive been getting during the day, looks like it isnt a basal problem 🙄

I usually take 4 units for salad and an omlette or a salad & tuna etc. At the moment I keep needing more though grr, think it's lack of exercise tut tut!
Not sure about the levels, i'm going to have lunch soon so will check then 🙂
I upped my lantus by 2units too because of the higher numbers ive been getting during the day, looks like it isnt a basal problem 🙄

I usually take 4 units for salad and an omlette or a salad & tuna etc. At the moment I keep needing more though grr, think it's lack of exercise tut tut!

Hmmm I usually take anything from 2 /4 units for a tuna salad and mushrooms . I do like a decent sized meal though as Im only really eating once a day . Hehehe its quite funny really when Im sat around I have good levels , if Im working out they are rubbish :confused: Im 5.6 so good levels so far , woooo
Hmmm I usually take anything from 2 /4 units for a tuna salad and mushrooms . I do like a decent sized meal though as Im only really eating once a day . Hehehe its quite funny really when Im sat around I have good levels , if Im working out they are rubbish :confused: Im 5.6 so good levels so far , woooo

i'm 12.2 now and my skin is feeling all dry and horrible as usual :( :( Not sure what's wrong with me, i'm probably too fat and have insulin resistance or something 😉
i'm 12.2 now and my skin is feeling all dry and horrible as usual :( :( Not sure what's wrong with me, i'm probably too fat and have insulin resistance or something 😉

Twin !!! you are not fat ffs !!! I get times like that , sometimes I seem to need an awful lot more Insulin than usual , even for the same foods . Bloody Diabetes 🙄 I get really dry skin if Ive been higher than usual , its horrible .. thats why I moisturise about 20 times a day lol , to stop me turning in to a lizard hehehe
Twin !!! you are not fat ffs !!! I get times like that , sometimes I seem to need an awful lot more Insulin than usual , even for the same foods . Bloody Diabetes 🙄 I get really dry skin if Ive been higher than usual , its horrible .. thats why I moisturise about 20 times a day lol , to stop me turning in to a lizard hehehe

hehe it's my only explination! grr.

Yeah at the moment i'm just making up doses, adding a few on!

I have to moisturise all the time too and it doesnt seem to last long :( mostly my hands though, they really bug me! This is the only stuff that makes my hands feel ok for any length of time:

but ive run out grr!

hmmm what to have for lunch... :D
hehe it's my only explination! grr.

Yeah at the moment i'm just making up doses, adding a few on!

I have to moisturise all the time too and it doesnt seem to last long :( mostly my hands though, they really bug me! This is the only stuff that makes my hands feel ok for any length of time:

but ive run out grr!

hmmm what to have for lunch... :D

Yes my hands are the worst aswell , I did think it was because Im a compulsive hand washer but its not :( I might try this stuff then , it sounds good , and its cheap so I'll give it a go . Hmm lunch .. Im not hungry , Ill have a coffee though lol
Thank you, AM. xx🙂

Hi Mand , heres a link for you to have a look at , if you scroll down click on what foods you can eat and it gives quite a lot of Lower Carb alternatives for meals etc . I'll see what else I can find for you too. Oh I meant to say , you said your son has fresh fruit for desserts ? Did you know Bananas although good for you tend to be high Carb and sugar , I usually have them as a treat or as a post hypo carb. Some fruits have just as many carbs as a chocolate biscuit or a small slice of cake !!!
Yes my hands are the worst aswell , I did think it was because Im a compulsive hand washer but its not :( I might try this stuff then , it sounds good , and its cheap so I'll give it a go . Hmm lunch .. Im not hungry , Ill have a coffee though lol

yeah, im not sure why they are the worst?! oh well! Hope it works for you 🙂

Ok twin, hope you are having a big dinner to make up for lunch hehe. I had salad with 2 veggie burgers at lunchtime.

I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa for hours and now I feel awful :( I was hoping i'd be able to sleep tonight, but now I won't, grr.

at least my level came down, i'm 4.1. better eat dinner before I go hypo!
yeah, im not sure why they are the worst?! oh well! Hope it works for you

Ok twin, hope you are having a big dinner to make up for lunch hehe. I had salad with 2 veggie burgers at lunchtime.

I was so tired that I fell asleep on the sofa for hours and now I feel awful I was hoping i'd be able to sleep tonight, but now I won't, grr.

at least my level came down, i'm 4.1. better eat dinner before I go hypo!

Hey good levels Twin !!! you must have got your lunch dose perfect then :D
Ive already eaten , I had fish with peas ( yeah I know 😱 think of the carbs ) the fish was plain without batter though 😉 Ive had good levels too so far , I was 4.4 before my tea , which was still low carb so I should stay quite low and then I'll maybe have a small snack before bed to avoid another Toxic Dump aka Glucose Dump grrr 😡
Hey good levels Twin !!! you must have got your lunch dose perfect then :D
Ive already eaten , I had fish with peas ( yeah I know 😱 think of the carbs ) the fish was plain without batter though Ive had good levels too so far , I was 4.4 before my tea , which was still low carb so I should stay quite low and then I'll maybe have a small snack before bed to avoid another Toxic Dump aka Glucose Dump grrr

yeah woo good levels for once 😉

I think you can allow yourself some peas :D A snack before bed sounds like a plan. I'm going to reduce my lantus to what it was before. Hmm I can't think what to have for dinner now lol, all I seem to think about is what i'm going to eat next!
Yes, I know re bananas and do not give them to him too often. I usually save them as a desert to a low carb, small meal. It makes me so sad that fruit is a problem because i have never given my kids lots of cakes and goodies but always encouraged fruit as snacks and now even that is a problem. It makes me feel very sad. :(

Thanks for the link. I will take a look.

Mand xx 🙂
yeah woo good levels for once 😉

I think you can allow yourself some peas A snack before bed sounds like a plan. I'm going to reduce my lantus to what it was before. Hmm I can't think what to have for dinner now lol, all I seem to think about is what i'm going to eat next!

hehehe well if I can stay low but not hypo Ill be happy. Im craving Prawns still, I will have to go shoping and buy some tomorrow .
Yes, I know re bananas and do not give them to him too often. I usually save them as a desert to a low carb, small meal. It makes me so sad that fruit is a problem because i have never given my kids lots of cakes and goodies but always encouraged fruit as snacks and now even that is a problem. It makes me feel very sad. :(

Thanks for the link. I will take a look.

Mand xx 🙂

Hi Mand , yes I know what you mean about some fruit :( Saying that it is all natural sugar rather than processed and also important for a balanced diet. If the meal is quite Low Carb then fruit is fine . Apples are Low Carb and Low Gi so a good choice as a snack .
ive just had chicken and cauliflower cheese, i didnt have much and im reeaaally full 😱 the protein must be working it's magic lol.

levels still good twin?
ive just had chicken and cauliflower cheese, i didnt have much and im reeaaally full 😱 the protein must be working it's magic lol.

levels still good twin?

Yeah touch wood 7.6 , hopefully I'll stay quite stable now . Ive not had cauliflower cheese for agessssss , Ill get some stuff when I go shopping.
Wheres Munjeeta lately? I miss reading her posts .
Ive just had some supper to try and avoid another Glucose Dump in the morning .... heres hoping it works . I had a boiled Egg Mmmm lovely 🙂🙂🙂🙂
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