No Carbers/ low Carbers

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and tasty! I cannay have an omlette without ketchup mind! Is that weird??
i had that yesterday.

yes thats a bit odd rossi, and ruins the taste of a good omelette!
I had a mate at uni who put it on absolutely everything!!
Yeah I know what you mean, I wouldn't have tommy K on cheese on toast!
But I just can't do it! Maybe I'll try next time.
I had a mate at uni who put it on absolutely everything!!
Yeah I know what you mean, I wouldn't have tommy K on cheese on toast!
But I just can't do it! Maybe I'll try next time.

I know I'm weird but I hate ketchup !! ewww I love salad cream though 🙂 and mayo , with prawns mmm
Hello all! Sounds like a better day level-wise! A am indeed rushed off my feet at the moment, Lion king stuff is in full swing and I just have a list as long as my arm of things to do, I will try and pop on here as much as I can but I prob won't be around too much before the end of term! Keep keeping me posted though 🙂 My levels have been ok today, a bit on the low side, but I think that's just cos I'm running round like a mad thing! I will keep trying to read posts 🙂 Hope everyone's well though!
Hope it goes well munjeeta, I find that days when I'm running around on my feet all day (quite literally) my levels are much better behaved, even if I do carb it then too!
Hello fellow low-carbers (ehem, or at least people-who-try-to-reduce-carb-intake-ers), how is everyone?

Munjeeta, I hope the play is going well and you aren't too stressed.

So for me today has started out WONDERFULLY (I just lied).

I went to bed with a level of 10.4, which had come down a bit from 12.1, so I thought YAY by the time I wake up it will be fine. How wrong I was...

I felt a bit funny whilst I was trying to get to sleep so I tested again and I was 11.2 grr. Just did my morning test (4 hours later) and im 17.7. I couldnt have had a hypo because I only slept an hour. I guess it was partly to do with my crazy lack of sleep. It's made me feel even worse and I have a longer than usual day at work too, grr!
Hello fellow low-carbers (ehem, or at least people-who-try-to-reduce-carb-intake-ers), how is everyone?

Munjeeta, I hope the play is going well and you aren't too stressed.

So for me today has started out WONDERFULLY (I just lied).

I went to bed with a level of 10.4, which had come down a bit from 12.1, so I thought YAY by the time I wake up it will be fine. How wrong I was...

I felt a bit funny whilst I was trying to get to sleep so I tested again and I was 11.2 grr. Just did my morning test (4 hours later) and im 17.7. I couldnt have had a hypo because I only slept an hour. I guess it was partly to do with my crazy lack of sleep. It's made me feel even worse and I have a longer than usual day at work too, grr!

Awww sorry Twin . yeah I think lack of sleep does defo mess with your numbers grrr , you might have to up your Basal .
Hi Munjeeta , good luck with the play !! woo so holiday time for you soon then !, how long are the holidays now ? it seems that the children are always on holiday , everywhere i go the shops are full of kids not at school... ahh I do live in liverpool though 😛 hehehe Yes try and pop in , its not the same without your posts !! i look forward to reading them . take care all xxA.m
OOOps forgot to say ... good levels for me AGAIN !! normals and one 2+ hypos ..... thank god for Basal
Right I've just read a lot of this thread... Phew! Feels like I've been away years! I'm having an evening off from stressing tonight, I'm beginning to figure what will be will be...

Anne-Marie... I'm sorry to hear about your struggles with anorexia. It must be difficult now, but as you say, talking about it and being open about it are definitely important in moving forward.

And back to the sugars... Mine have been good since my massive period blip. Although running really quite low. I had a macaroni and lentil bake thing (fairly carb laden) took 3 units of novorapid and was only 8.8 2 hrs after... I'm a little confused! Had 2 hypos today, but no bounceback higher than 8, so can't really complain although really want to avoid hypoes... Think I'm still having a bit of a basal nightmare, even though I keep trying to test it!

How have yours been today since the highs, Katie? I think funny things happen in the night... Gremlins under the bed and whatnot... Mine are never normal over night! Have they been ok today?

Thanks, Rossi, yeah, i think being run off my feet does keep the levels down, but hey, I'm just eating to keep them up at the mo!!

Morning ladies,

Just popping in to say hi and ask for your thoughts as resident low carbers.

I never used to eat a breakfast, unless hungover or it was the weekend!

I'm now making a concious effort to and am enjoying my cereal, well I enjoy any meal I can eat with a spoon!

I know you'll all say egss and bacon, but are there any low, or lowish carb cereals out there that you know of??


Hey Jeeta,

Are the levels still pretty good?

Mine have been on the high side, but not too high, like about 10. It's a bit annoying. If I want them to be within range I have to think about it all day every day and watch what I eat & exercise 🙄

Rossi, I think by nature cereal is mainly carbohydrate. The best thing to do is have cereal with a low GI - something like Weetabix or Shreaded wheat etc. I have weetabix when Im being good and if im not i'll have weetos 😉
Morning ladies,
Just popping in to say hi and ask for your thoughts as resident low carbers.
I never used to eat a breakfast, unless hungover or it was the weekend!
I'm now making a concious effort to and am enjoying my cereal, well I enjoy any meal I can eat with a spoon!
I know you'll all say egss and bacon, but are there any low, or lowish carb cereals out there that you know of??

I'm afraid I have no idea, Rossi... I don't think I could be counted as low carb really, I do eat carbs at most meals, I just eat a lot less than I used to (which was a LOT!) And I always eat muesli for breakfast, full of carbs!

Hey Jeeta,

Are the levels still pretty good?

Mine have been on the high side, but not too high, like about 10. It's a bit annoying. If I want them to be within range I have to think about it all day every day and watch what I eat & exercise 🙄

Rossi, I think by nature cereal is mainly carbohydrate. The best thing to do is have cereal with a low GI - something like Weetabix or Shreaded wheat etc. I have weetabix when Im being good and if im not i'll have weetos 😉

Yeah, levels have been good this week. A few too many lows for my liking, but no major spikes on the bounc back which is good. I've been testing a lot as I've been so busy, need to make sure they're not going funny on me and the highest I've been since last Friday is 11.9. Most of my readings have been in range, which I'm well pleased about! But I just know, I'll get to the summer holidays and have to start all over again, because I'll be being a lazy bones! Although... Might try and make a concerted effort to go to the gym this holiday...

10's not too bad... Many hypoes? But i know what you mean, the only way to get perfect levels is to be watching them minute to minute and that's just draining. But i don't know... I've been feeling a lot better with my sugar levels right: less tired; more energetic. And while it's a trade off, I'm starting to think that if being on top of it all the time means my levels are better then it's worth it. Better levels also means I don't get so worried about the threat of dreaded complications... When they're high all I can think about is the bad things that might happen! I think I'm just getting a bit old and boring! Although I have a hen weekend in York this weekend... Watch all my wise words go shooting out of the window 😛
Nothing above 11.9, that's awesome 🙂 It will be interesting to see how they are during the holidays. You never know, eating less carbs than you used to might be enough to keep the levels good.

Ive testing ALOT last night/today and ive noticed that morning thing happened again. I couldn't sleep, hence the crazy times...

2.30am: 9.9
3.00am: 8.7
3.50am: 6.9
4.00am: 6.6
I felt like I was on my way down so had 2 glucose tablets
Woke up at 7.20am (accidental lie-in, yay!) to: 5.1
by the time I got to work at 8.00am I was: 7.9
without touching food.
Ive had a coffee now with milk & 1 sugar and i'm now: 9.8
before breakfast.

No more testing until lunch :D

I cant believe I woke up to 5.1 and then once I got to work 40mins later I was 7.9, grr! I could tell as well because I felt slightly low when I woke up but by the time I got to work my hands felt all dry so felt a bit high.

I know what you mean about complications :( I'm really worried about my eye test next week because i had a little bit of retinopathy last time I went and I reeaaally hope it hasn't got worse! grr. Then there is the strangly numb tow which I haven't found out about yet, it better have nothing to do with diabetes 😱
Hi katie, some interesting figures! If it had been me, I wouldn't have had the glucose tabs if I was 5.1. In fact, I was 5.1 this morning when I woke! I don't worry unless it's under 4.0. If you haven't had any bolus insulin, then even though they are smalll amounts of glucose/sugar (15g total?), then they might be what's pushing you up. Personally, even though I know they say you can have 10g 'free carbs', it would raise me by 2 mmol.

It's a puzzle!
Hi northe. I had the glucose tablets at 4am before I went to sleep when I was at a level of 6.6 because I started at a level of 9.9 and felt I was going down. Then I woke up at 7.20am to a level of 5.1, so im glad I took the tablets or I would have had even less sleep 😉
Hi katie, some interesting figures! If it had been me, I wouldn't have had the glucose tabs if I was 5.1. In fact, I was 5.1 this morning when I woke! I don't worry unless it's under 4.0. If you haven't had any bolus insulin, then even though they are smalll amounts of glucose/sugar (15g total?), then they might be what's pushing you up. Personally, even though I know they say you can have 10g 'free carbs', it would raise me by 2 mmol.

It's a puzzle!

Dear Northerner,

I think you are correct the tabs used by katie must have caused the rise or at least stopped the drastic fall. The calculation below shows that, for example, just 10 gms of table sugar can cause a rise of 5.84mmols in blood sugar. This of course assumes that the person in question has no circulating insulin whatsoever.

If you consume 10gms of sucrose (29.21mmols), after it is broken down you finish up with 29.21 mmols of glucose and 29.21mmols of fructose (no I haven't made a mistake – trust me). Now the human body contains about 5L of blood, so the increase in blood sugar concentration is 29.21/5 mmols/L = 5.84mmols/L.

Regards Dodger
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So you guys think they made my levels rise 4 hours after consuming them?
So you guys think they made my levels rise 4 hours after consuming them?

Dear katie,

I cannot say exactly what is going on but one thing is for sure if you take a reading and then take a second reading later and it is higher, by definition, at the time of the second reading you must have more glucose in your bloodstream!

Warmest Regards Dodger 🙂
Hmm I don't see how they could I think you did right Katie, only you know how you works best! But good advise from them tho, even if they have confused simple old me!
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