Nathan.....Swine Flu

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So glad to hear that Nathan is on the mend. Good news!

Love to you both. Mand xx
Thats great news Heidi :D I hope you are managing to rest abit more yourself now that the worst is over . xx ((((hugs)))) 🙂

Thanks Hun.......🙂......I will try and catch up on some rest now....well as much as I can with a teenager in the house....although no sign still Kevin the Teenager is returning...funnily enough...I cant wait for him to come

Heidi, I'd particularly like to thank you for sharing how you and Nathan have been with the swine flu - to some extent I now know what to expect should I get it (although I appreciate 'we are all different!').

I think the uncertainty and fear of the unknown is what worries people the most, and you have helped set my mind at rest. Difficult and worrying - yes, but not something I will panic over.🙂
Thanks Hun.......🙂......I will try and catch up on some rest now....well as much as I can with a teenager in the house....although no sign still Kevin the Teenager is returning...funnily enough...I cant wait for him to come


Awww :( lets hope Kevin the, Dope (its a band) and Slipknot loving Teen is back soon to give your neighbours some headaches lol 😱 Im so pleased Naths getting better now , he'll probably take a little while to get back to full Teen Angst but I'm sure you'll let us know when he does lol xxxx
Glad to hear he is on the mend and still got the rest of the holidays to look forward to. For me the first 24-48 hours were the worst but it's taken me a long time to recover, over a week later and I am still very tired but only a slightly blocked nose and blood sugars are back to normal.
And well done to you mums are heros!
Heidi, I'd particularly like to thank you for sharing how you and Nathan have been with the swine flu - to some extent I now know what to expect should I get it (although I appreciate 'we are all different!').

I think the uncertainty and fear of the unknown is what worries people the most, and you have helped set my mind at rest. Difficult and worrying - yes, but not something I will panic over.🙂

Thank you Northerner....

I'm so glad me sharing Nathan and mine experience of dealing with Swine Flu..has helped..even though as you say we are all different..It may serve to alleviate concerns in both adults and parents/carers.

I wont deny that as a parent I had serious concerns more about Nathan's BG and ketones rather than the Swine Flu itself....and at one point in particular on Wednesday..I thought I was fighting a losing battle with regards in trying to stabalise BG and the point that I had braced myself that hospital was looking increasing likely.. But in hindsight I know feel that Wednesday was probably the Swine Flu reaching its peak..and had to sucumb to the Tamiflu....:D

Nor will I deny that as a parent it has totally shattered me...with the constant corrections, ketone well as the worry for Nathan..etc

My advice to any adult or parent/carer would be:

Do not hesitate in getting Tamiflu...if in any doubt...still get it...It is vital to start the course of treatment with in the first 24hrs of symptoms showing.

If you have a child who won't or can't swallow them up and put them in a spoonful of yoghurt, jam, apple sauce..or in Nathans case chocolate spread.

Correct all high readings with your correction ratio....Test for Ketones every one to two hours..Temperature and the same intervals.

Drink plenty of fluids.....Try to eat something...even if it is only toast....Rest and sleep when you need to..

Take Paracetomol, Ibuprophen....Calpol and Nurofen for children on a 2 hr first...2hrs later nuropen....4hrs later calpol...etc.

Please dont panic....🙂...If I can do all can....xx

Glad to hear he is on the mend and still got the rest of the holidays to look forward to. For me the first 24-48 hours were the worst but it's taken me a long time to recover, over a week later and I am still very tired but only a slightly blocked nose and blood sugars are back to normal.
And well done to you mums are heros!

Thank you Nikki,

Glad to hear you feeling a little better to..🙂

I think as you that the first 24-48 hrs were the worst..probably peaking on the wednesday..

Personally I think it will take a good couple of weeks after to recover fully..and may be a week or so more on top of that for the lethargy to go.

Thank for the advice. Have taken it all in. We bought a thermometer today (they like gold dust to find!) and are just keeping close eye out for symptoms. Hopefully he won't get it but at least we prepared.

Hope over the weekend Nathan keeps improving and that you get a well deserved rest.

Mand x
Thank for the advice. Have taken it all in. We bought a thermometer today (they like gold dust to find!) and are just keeping close eye out for symptoms. Hopefully he won't get it but at least we prepared.

Hope over the weekend Nathan keeps improving and that you get a well deserved rest.

Mand x

Hi Mand,

Thank you for your well wishes to Nathan...x

Boots in our town are struggling to keep up with the demand for thermometers.....Luckily I've had one for a couple of years.....The temperature is a key sign...anything 39c or above...although this is'nt a diagnosis alone..

I burst into song at Nathan's BG reading this morning....never been so ecstatic to see a reading of 7.2:D

Hi All...

Sorry to post again..

But Im so pleased......Checked Nathan's BG at 7pm 2hrs after eating...and he was correction needed.....Nathan was 8.0 befrore tea at 5pm....this is the first 2 hr reading I have'nt needed to correct since Tuesday....:D

Hi All...

Sorry to post again..

But Im so pleased......Checked Nathan's BG at 7pm 2hrs after eating...and he was correction needed.....Nathan was 8.0 befrore tea at 5pm....this is the first 2 hr reading I have'nt needed to correct since Tuesday....:D


Hi All...

Well all though Nathan feels a little better again..if not shattered....and generally looks washed out...

The BG level is on the rise again....mmmmm:confused:...Last night at bed he was 5.2...brilliant.....this morning he woke at 14.0...(growth spurt?) and was 16.2 mid correction given...and 10.8 at dinner...

I think I might increase his Lantus tonight by 1/2 I'm inclined to think hormones were out to play last night...aaarrrggghhh

So glad Nathan's on the mend!!

I just read the thread with your describing Nathan wanting to give his cats blood tests - nearly widdled myself laughing he he!! (mainly trying to imagine the mechanics of carrying out such a test with a cross moggy!! :D) Glad you vetoed that one!

All the best,

T 🙂
Feel better Nathan! Hope full recovery is on the cards soon. Much love xx
So glad Nathan's on the mend!!

I just read the thread with your describing Nathan wanting to give his cats blood tests - nearly widdled myself laughing he he!! (mainly trying to imagine the mechanics of carrying out such a test with a cross moggy!! :D) Glad you vetoed that one!

All the best,

T 🙂

Hi Twitchy....

Nathan's idea was for me to hold the cats..while he performed the a chance....I value my arms and hands.....:D...Yes the idea was vetoed very quickly...hahahaha...Instead I decided to sponser a Type 1 diabetic cat called Millie for Nathan..He was impressed with that..cause it made Nathan realise diabetes was'nt just restricted to humans

That's remarkable!! And how is the boy today? Better I hope. Hope you're good to young lady! Still celebrating I hope!?

Take care

Hi Twitchy....

Nathan's idea was for me to hold the cats..while he performed the a chance....I value my arms and hands.....:D...Yes the idea was vetoed very quickly...hahahaha...Instead I decided to sponser a Type 1 diabetic cat called Millie for Nathan..He was impressed with that..cause it made Nathan realise diabetes was'nt just restricted to humans


My neighbour has a diabetic cat called Tigger. Insulin usually given in the scruff of the neck and BG tests are done at the top of the ear right on the edge.

Tigger doesn't mind it at all when his owners are away and I puddy tat sit.
Hi Twitchy....

Nathan's idea was for me to hold the cats..while he performed the a chance....I value my arms and hands.....:D...Yes the idea was vetoed very quickly...hahahaha...Instead I decided to sponser a Type 1 diabetic cat called Millie for Nathan..He was impressed with that..cause it made Nathan realise diabetes was'nt just restricted to humans


Obviously testing the cat wouldn't have been a good idea but that really did make me laugh!

Where did you sponsor the cat from?
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