Nathan.....Swine Flu

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Hope Nathan feeling a bit better today? I hoping so. Take care. x x
Hi All,

Sorry I've only just come online.....Thank you for all your kind regards for Nathan...🙂

Well last night was a bit of a struggle trying to bring BG and Ketones back down...and 9pm Nathan was clear of ketones....🙂...and BG down to 9.4...Unfortunately by 11.30....Trace Ketones and BG back up to 15.4...😡
So the remainder of the night was dealt with by testing every hour...
Nathan was reading 16.8 at breakfast..had a little to eat and back to 1.0 Ketones.....Gave him his usual insulin dose plus 2 units.....Howerver just before DSN phoned Nathan was back up to 20.4....After a long discussion with the DSN..and her concerns that I must stabalise the BG...if it cannot be done in the next 24hrs...Nathan might have to be admitted to hospital...I am non to keen on this idea...for various must get cracking on the corrections...Well I gave Nathan 3 units at 10.30...and at 12.30 hes was 13...having a little dinner and insulin..Ketones back to 0.5..

Nathan himself...looks awful...still got headache, achey, and lying down..because lifting his head makes him feel dizzy..he is also very lethargic...and had the runs..which I think has more to do with the Tamiflu. His temp has settled at just under that ok..

Nathan is drinking as much as possible...the ketones have to go.

Suprisingly though Nathan is the first diabetic in our area with swine flu and being treated with the keen to see how it is panning out for order that she will then have knowledge and understanding if the other children contract it...she is phoning later on this afternoon for an update...She would have liked to come out and seen Nathan but for obvious reasons cannot.

Hello Heidi, I've only just caught up with this thread. I do hope Nathan will feel better soon - keep us posted as to progress and take care of yourself. Hugs Faith
Sounds like your having a real battle one minute the blood sugars are getting better and the ketones and the next they are high again. Poor nathan sounds like a horrible experience to go through, I really hope that he doesn't have to be admitted to hospital because I know myself i'd rather be at home feeling like that than in a hospital.

How are you feeling, have you had any signs of having it yourself?

Emma xx
Gosh Heidi! What a battle! You are coping well though. Nathan is unlucky to have swine flu but lucky to have such a devoted and caring mom to take care of him. I hope he begins to feel better soon. Hang on in there! Hope you do not get it too!

Do keep us posted on his progress.

Hi Heidi , Ive only just logged on and got up to date with Naths progress :(

I hope the bloods and ketones settle down soon , and he doesnt have to go

into hospital , Keep up the good work but try and rest when Nath is resting

so you dont make yourself ill. If you need anything you know where I am

honey , (((((HUGS))))) to both of you xxxx
Hi All...

Just a quick update.....

At the mo things certainly do seem to be going Nathan's and my way...BG at 2.30pm...20.8...and Ketones back to 1.0😱.

Nathan has now developed a sore throat and cough..besides the headache, lethargy, aching muscles and joints.

I myself do not seem to be showing any symptoms..thankfully...I have just managed to grab half hours doze on the sofa...I must admit I am a bit shattered with the constant testing, insulin doses, worry and being up every hour during the past 2 nights...

I just need for Nathan to get the BG and Ketones stable....I really dont want him to have to go in to hospital, nor does Nathan..I had to mention it to him before and he burst out crying.

Thank you all again for the regards, well wishes and support you are showing to Nathan and me......You are all the best....🙂


Heidi, thinking of you. It must pass soon, surely? You just need to hang in there and keep doing what you're doing. Poor Nathan. Poor you.

I'll keep checking the thread. All best.

Hi All...

Just a quick update....

Nathan has just read Negative for Ketones......:D..........fingers crossed they have vacated his body....🙂

Blood sugar still higher than normal.....14.0 at did correction..hopefully by 9pm..when Nathan has his will be about 10 or just under.

Temperature at that good.

Still unwell...understandably but hopefully by morning Nathan should be showing signs of improvement...Just had his fourth Tamiflu capsule

Great news, Heidi, I hope you get some sleep tonight ! Hope the news is even better in the morning.

Good news about the lack of Ketones Heidi :D , Keep up the good work !!

Is Nath managing to eat anything at all ? Hopefully by tomorrow his Glucose

levels will be more stable and he will start to feel abit better. 🙂

Good news about the lack of Ketones Heidi :D , Keep up the good work !!

Is Nath managing to eat anything at all ? Hopefully by tomorrow his Glucose

levels will be more stable and he will start to feel abit better. 🙂


Hiya Hun...

Nath is managing to eat...although it is under protest as he does'nt feel like it and is not hungry.....Today he has managed some toast, a bit of yoghurt, half a sandwich and some baked beans...I have told him he must eat..even if it is just a few mouthfuls of something at a time...He felt quite nauseous before but I think that could have been the that can be one of the side effects...but after Nathan had a little sleep, it did pass...

On wards and upwards hopefully now....:D

Hiya Hun...

Nath is managing to eat...although it is under protest as he does'nt feel like it and is not hungry.....Today he has managed some toast, a bit of yoghurt, half a sandwich and some baked beans...I have told him he must eat..even if it is just a few mouthfuls of something at a time...He felt quite nauseous before but I think that could have been the that can be one of the side effects...but after Nathan had a little sleep, it did pass...

On wards and upwards hopefully now....:D


Lets hope hes on the mend now then honey , hes doing well to eat , i went days and couldnt touch a bite , so small amounts and often are good.
has he still got the sore throat and cough ? if so what about small amounts of icecream ? , good for a sore throat and has the carbs in it that he needs.
how are you feeling ? you must be exhausted , physically and emotionally , try and get some rest when nath is resting too !! ((((hugs))))
So glad things improving. Thank goodness those ketones gone! Let's hope tomorrow brings an even better improvement. Hope you manage to get some rest.
Love to you both. xx 🙂
Hi Heidi

I'm really pleased that the ketones have gone, fingers crossed the other things will settle soon. You must be shattered, make sure you get a chance to rest as well x
Lets hope hes on the mend now then honey , hes doing well to eat , i went days and couldnt touch a bite , so small amounts and often are good.
has he still got the sore throat and cough ? if so what about small amounts of icecream ? , good for a sore throat and has the carbs in it that he needs.
how are you feeling ? you must be exhausted , physically and emotionally , try and get some rest when nath is resting too !! ((((hugs))))

Hi Hun...

Its been a struggle to get Nathan to eat...but I told himm that if he could'nt or would'nt..then undoubtedly he would have to go into hospital..and not eating would cause further complications as regards to BG and Ketones etc...If he was admitted to hospital they would have to put him on to a insulin drip and glucose drip...also he would be in isolation...So Nath has my admiration for attempting to eat even small amounts...cause I know myself if you are unwell food is about the last thing you want to do or be bothered with..

Still got sore throat and cough....He was sucking an ice cube before...Nath is'nt a fan of ice cream...but my mam got him a couple of pots of ambrosia custard and rice pudding before...

Me...oh I'm ok thanks....just focusing on Nath...thats a mam's job....🙂 long as he ok to me thats all that matters...once he is fully better then I will catch up...on rest etc...

One thing I must say though is a big thank you to all on the are all true stars...🙂

Hi, Just been catching up with you thread! Sorry Nathan been so poorly but glad he seems to be on the mend now.

Please take care of you too, you are important too you know 😉🙂
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