Nathan.....Swine Flu

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glad nathan is feeling better and the ketones have gone. You're both doing really well 🙂
It's good to hear that Nathan is improving 🙂 Get well soon Nath! x
so glad to hear he is on the mend Heidi, how is he this morning? x
Any news on Nath today Heidi ?
Hello Heidi --echoing the others...glad to hear Nathan on the mend, how shattering for you. Look forward to knowing how he is today. Well done to both of you. Hang in there.

Hi All...

Well this morning Nathan is still clear of Ketones......:D....Woke up with a BG of 10.30..he was have done a correction...hopefully that will do the trick for the lunch time good.

He feels slightly better....🙂...Hope we have got the worse over with now.....fingers crossed.

I did however last night..increased his basal by 2 units.....I was advised by the DSN not to earlier in the day...and just do corrections with the N/R between meals...But after hitting a point of despair, and looking back at the readings for the past 2 days...and thinking I was fighting a losing battle trying to keep levels stable..I felt I had no other option..

Thank you again for all your kind regards...xx

Good news Heidi, hope all continues to onward and upward! (not the temp though...)

I'm with you on increasing the basal. When we were battling with consistently high numbers over Easter, we ended up feeling that the corrections were just kind of 'bouncing' things around. It was like banging your head against a wall. Hope the basal adjustment helps, anyway.
Good news Heidi, hope all continues to onward and upward! (not the temp though...)

I'm with you on increasing the basal. When we were battling with consistently high numbers over Easter, we ended up feeling that the corrections were just kind of 'bouncing' things around. It was like banging your head against a wall. Hope the basal adjustment helps, anyway.

Thank you Patricia...🙂

I'm not sure if the DSN will be in agreement with me though....But to be honest...I know hand on heart there was no other option for Nathan....They are usually happy with any adjustments to basal or bolus I make..and kind of leave me to get on with it..

Aha! Just remembered the "Profound" thought I had at 2am this morning...I was thinking how it's bad enough for the diabetic themselves with all the quirks & spikes etc, but how much more frustrating & scary it must be for the parents of diabetic kids, who are trying to control it one remove away, as it were...(hope that makes sense, it did this morning! ) I must say hats off to you all, you do an incredible job! No wonder the docs are happy with your adjustments, the reality is that you're the expert! 🙂

So so glad Nathan's on the mend - keep looking after yourself too! 🙂

All the best!
Glad Nathan is feeling much better Heidi, you both deserve a little treat for coping so well over the past few days. Although the weather doesnt make you feel much like going out does it?:(🙂

Twitchy, your right about being one step removed from the diabetes - but in a way it think it makes you worry even more! A looks terrible when he is having a hypo - and it probably looks worse than it is as a parent looking on and feeling helpless. I always wish i could take it away from him - even have it myself - so he doesnt have to suffer the ups and downs...Being a parent is a worry anyway, but then throw diabetes into the mix and hey presto - even more stress!! But i think you just have to plod on and make the most of things - otherwise the diabetes is ruling everything - and i always tell A that he will live the same sort of life he was going to pre-diabetes - he will go to college and uni - just like his sisters have - and he will achieve everything he wants to - possibily even more as he will have so much more support - so life goes on and as long as we love our children - and help them to achieve their goals - then thats the only thing we can do. I must admit, in the early days (8 months ago) - i couldnt imagine how A would take to all the faff of dealing with diabetes - but he has taken to it like a duck to water - which is a bonus as he remains very upbeat and extremely positive about the future. He does have the odd blip when he gets frustrated - but i think thats very normal. And i shed the odd tear when i see him sitting on the sidelines because he cant join in if he is hypo or hyper - but i dont let him see me do this - i just offer a different activity or some other form of fun.🙂Bev
Thanks Bev...

I agree also with what you have said to twichy...regarding how difficult it is being a parent of a child with diabetes..We just plod on and get on with it...I try to stay as positive as can be and try to instill the same positivity it to Nathan...I always say while diabetes is a terrible life long condition..and would a the drop of a hat take it from the big scheme of things there are far worse conditions, illnesses to deal with..and am thankful that I am not dealing with a child/teenager who has one of those..I have total respect and admiration for those parents..🙂

Good Afternoon Peeps,

Just a little update on Nathan.......Well he is quiet a bit better today, although still very lethargic, still got headache sore throat and cough......But Ketones... gone....Yesssss....Temperature...Normal.....and BG.......Woke at 7.2....10.30am...11.5.....Dinner....8.0....2.30.....14.0.....corrections have been done.

I think it is safe to say that Nathan is on the road to recovery and over the worst....Thank god..:D

So glad he's feeling better and over the worst of it.

Everytime I cough or sneeze Katie asks if I've got swine flu. She asked me this morning if it would kill her if she got it - not what a 5 yr old should be worrying about.
so pleased he seems over the worst hun must be big relief x
Thats great news Heidi :D I hope you are managing to rest abit more yourself now that the worst is over . xx ((((hugs)))) 🙂
Glad to hear Nathan is getting better. It is no fun having any child not well, and even less so with the added dimension of diabetes.
So glad he's feeling better and over the worst of it.

Everytime I cough or sneeze Katie asks if I've got swine flu. She asked me this morning if it would kill her if she got it - not what a 5 yr old should be worrying about.

Hi gewatts...

When swine flu first hit the headlines, Nathan was exactly the same as Katie..he panicked at the slightest sneeze...and asked if he caught it would he die...I agree fully with you this is certainly not what 5 yr olds or any other child should be worrying about...and although I agree that we all needed to be aware of its presence and take the usual precautions...The Media again have managed to create mass hysteria and panic amongst the population...and yes admittedly at one point feel into the bracket of a panicked parent..

But thankfully what has been a demanding, worrying and stressful week, Nathan is on the mend.....:D

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