My Poorly Leg

I will update more later but here is today's podiatry photograph:


One new thought is the diuretics (Furosemide) were reducing my eGFR (went from 67% to 35%) but once you reach a certain point the oedema actually worsens! Catch 22!
I think that looks really good. Obviously the old dry dead skin has darkened but once that eventually sheds it is going to look so much better. To me it looks a little less swollen today. Are you currently on the diuretics?
The skin in general just looks so much happier and healthier though.
Oooo that is looking so much better And a lot less swollen. Keep at it.
I think that looks really good. Obviously the old dry dead skin has darkened but once that eventually sheds it is going to look so much better. To me it looks a little less swollen today. Are you currently on the diuretics?
The skin in general just looks so much happier and healthier though.

The wound at the bottom of the toe is quite deep and on the long toe the swelling lifted the skin. Both cab be quite painful but one consultant wrote I had no sensation - total gibberish! Was very worrying at the time!
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Was on the phone a lot yesterday re multiple appointments and useless bank and their credit card. Useless plonker (to be polite) at credit card company said he would transfer me to a colleague who could help and chucked me back to the beginning of their Artificial Stupidity phone answering service. Felt like a ram raiding him with 100kg wheelchair! :rofl:

Anyway the good news is I am attending am MDT meeting re leg/foot in a fortnight. Feel it is being taken more seriously this time than by team I was under first time around who did not even see me till half my foot was black!
Was on the phone a lot yesterday re multiple appointments and useless bank and their credit card. Useless plonker (to be polite) at credit card company said he would transfer me to a colleague who could help and chucked me back to the beginning of their Artificial Stupidity phone answering service. Felt like a ram raiding him with 100kg wheelchair! :rofl:

Anyway the good news is I am attending am MDT meeting re leg/foot in a fortnight. Feel it is being taken more seriously this time than by team I was under first time around who did not even see me till half my foot was black!
Glad there is good news as the frustration … Lets hope you get a good plan to progress from them.
Glad there is good news as the frustration … Lets hope you get a good plan to progress from them.

The good (excellent even) thing is I am involved. Last time there was an MDT meeting about me I was not there and only found out the outcome a month later when I had a call asking if I wanted to go private for my heart bypass?! Up until that point they had only ever suggested stenting (lots of them)!
Yesterday was my weekly visit to Podiatry. I have not posted a photograph as it looks much the same apart from looking slightly more swollen. This may be due to the endless hanging around yesterday. I do wish they would fit ambulances with the kit taxis have so you can see where yours is or even if one has been allocated yet. As the controllers know exactly where they are this should not be hard. Mine arrived at the appointment time!

With regards to the swelling I will ask about Furosemide when I attend the MDT appointment next week. Daily is no good as it knocks my eGFR back which slowly recovers when they are stopped. Maybe one every second or third day, or a Mon-Wed-Fri scenario might work.
Yesterday was my weekly visit to Podiatry. I have not posted a photograph as it looks much the same apart from looking slightly more swollen. This may be due to the endless hanging around yesterday. I do wish they would fit ambulances with the kit taxis have so you can see where yours is or even if one has been allocated yet. As the controllers know exactly where they are this should not be hard. Mine arrived at the appointment time!

With regards to the swelling I will ask about Furosemide when I attend the MDT appointment next week. Daily is no good as it knocks my eGFR back which slowly recovers when they are stopped. Maybe one every second or third day, or a Mon-Wed-Fri scenario might work.
Yes , nothing worse than waiting for transport. With regards the Furosimide perhaps Prn woukd be better as when stuck on transport you would be better not taking .
i d
o get it affects you eGFR but is tgere no other diuretic they could suggest ?
Yes , nothing worse than waiting for transport. With regards the Furosimide perhaps Prn woukd be better as when stuck on transport you would be better not taking .
i d
o get it affects you eGFR but is tgere no other diuretic they could suggest ?

I am starting to wonder about dandelion or nettle tea, and if they affect the kidneys?

The podiatrist also took a "just in case" swab but said my foot smelt healthy!
I am starting to wonder about dandelion or nettle tea, and if they affect the kidneys?

The podiatrist also took a "just in case" swab but said my foot smelt healthy!
The natural diuretics like fennel, celery, parsley and quite a few others will make the kidneys work harder to get rid of excess fluid but whether that is a bad effect I don't know.
Dandelion tea has several benefits for the kidneys12:
  • Dandelion tea is an excellent source of potassium, which may help the kidney filter toxins more effectively and improve blood flow.
  • The polysaccharides in dandelion are known to reduce stress on the liver and support its ability to produce bile.
  • Dandelion roots are very beneficial in the case of kidney stones, it calms the inflammation and helps dissolve the kidney stones.
  • Sometimes, herbs like uva and ursi are added along with dandelion in the tea. These herbs increase the antibacterial properties of dandelion tea.
Nettle tea has several benefits for the kidneys1234:
Thats what i looked up.
So it was back to Podiatry after missing last week's appointment with Patient Transport issues. Today they got me there really early and I was finished before my appointment time confusing them again! 🙂 Still waiting...

The two week gap was not good as there was a calloused like build up of dried lymphatic fluid which doesn't come off in salty foot baths . I have attached before and after pictures.

Unfortunately what I thought would be an MDT meeting was not. I was delivered an hour late so unsure if vascular had left (another person waiting for transport home had seen him) or if it never was going to be an MDT meeting. Quite inconclusive and back in a few weeks (probably post Christmas now).


Oh , I am sorry this feels like its hone on for so long , I am sure you must feel so frustrated. Meetings cancelled too are hard.
I appreciate it is a bit of a setback Mikey but still looking much better than it was in the summer and you are clearly doing a great job looking after it at home.
I know the brown discoloured dead skin looks bad but there should be new healthy skin developing underneath and that scab is protecting it, so I still think there is reason to be optimistic. Has the sore on your heel completely cleared up and what is your leg wound like?
I appreciate it is a bit of a setback Mikey but still looking much better than it was in the summer and you are clearly doing a great job looking after it at home.
I know the brown discoloured dead skin looks bad but there should be new healthy skin developing underneath and that scab is protecting it, so I still think there is reason to be optimistic. Has the sore on your heel completely cleared up and what is your leg wound like?
Life is never simple @rebrascora . The problem is the build up contains dried lymphatic fluid (hence the brown colour) which seals in more fluid! As Furosemide causes a drop in eGFR which then recovers when it is stopped I asked at the Not-an-MDT meeting if it was worth trying a tablet every second or third day to promote healing but got "discontinue for now".

Currently the leg (had three at the worst times) and heel are wound free. The forefoot and yoes are resisting healin! :(
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Oh , I am sorry this feels like its hone on for so long , I am sure you must feel so frustrated. Meetings cancelled too are hard.

It has! I first reported the developing issue to a podiatrist last November but he dismissed it as reddening and dry skin. He seemed keen to get playing with his phone! :( Anyway the next appointment that was stretched out for extra weeks a newly qualified podiatrist realised something was not right a\nd called in a senior. The rfest as they say is history...