ive used to many test strips doctors are anoyyed

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I do have another metter actull that i pockef up as a Emergency one night those strips also seem eaiser enough to use so i might see if they change the strips to that if there cheaper to them and hope that works in cold. I didnt try it out and about fhough
The AccuChek meter (I’ve forgotten it’s name - is it Mobile, can’t remember) is good because all the strips are in a drum. So it’s easy to do one-handed or out and about, and the finger-pricker is attached to the side and has its own little drum of lancets too, so no fiddling with those.
Ah, right. Yes, I'm sure I had one where the strips were in a drum. It didn't have a built in finger pricker, though.
Ah, right. Yes, I'm sure I had one where the strips were in a drum. It didn't have a built in finger pricker, though.

I just checked and it is the Mobile. Looking for a pic now….


. It’s very accurate too. No idea of price but I get the strips and lancet drums on prescription with no problems. The Freestyle Lite I bought myself but get those strips prescribed too. I think they’re cheap.
The AccuChek meter (I’ve forgotten it’s name - is it Mobile, can’t remember) is good because all the strips are in a drum.
It is the Mobile. And the finger pricker is the FastClix. And the cassettes have 50 tests in. (I'm sure the drum-based one I had once had a lower number. 10 or something.)
If you are considering getting a new blood glucose monitor you might want to consider this one which has the cheapest strips of pretty well any of the monitors.
thanks for the sujuestion can you torch your finger to it or do you have lift up? that was the proberlem i had with my first one.
thanks for the sujuestion can you torch your finger to it or do you have lift up? that was the proberlem i had with my first one.
I take the strip out of the pot, prick my finger left hand make sure I have the drop of blood, insert the strip into the monitor which I am holding in my right hand then touch onto the blood drop.
Is the problem you don't have steady hands?
I think there is a YouTube video on using that monitor.
I take the strip out of the pot, prick my finger left hand make sure I have the drop of blood, insert the strip into the monitor which I am holding in my right hand then touch onto the blood drop.
I'm sure at one point I used to do that, but nowadays I always insert the strip, then get the drop of blood. (I'm much less likely to smear blood all over the place if I do it in that order, and I'm confident that I can get a suitable drop of blood within the time allowed.)
I take the strip out of the pot, prick my finger left hand make sure I have the drop of blood, insert the strip into the monitor which I am holding in my right hand then touch onto the blood drop.
Is the problem you don't have steady hands?
I think there is a YouTube video on using that monitor.
Ah no my first meter you had to left my finger to to aplly the blood. With my current there may some that fail but its okay its just at work when alot dont work.
I take the strip out of the pot, prick my finger left hand make sure I have the drop of blood, insert the strip into the monitor which I am holding in my right hand then touch onto the blood drop.
Is the problem you don't have steady hands?
I think there is a YouTube video on using that monitor.
Ah no my first meter you had to left my finger to to aplly the blood. With my current there may some that fail but its okay its just at work when alot dont work. I do have another meter that might work if they want to use cheaper test strips ehuch is fair enough. Thanks for sujestion but it sounds like any gulco machines arnt for me
ive used to many test strips this week my doctors are anoyed and wont give me more. alot did fail at work on saterday and i couldn' go by what my sensor told me because it was being supper off.
Ask for a flash monitor instead.. like a Freestyle Libre.. they didn't like to hand out Freestyle Libres but they actually work out cheaper if you are testing frequently..
Ask for a flash monitor instead.. like a Freestyle Libre.. they didn't like to hand out Freestyle Libres but they actually work out cheaper if you are testing frequently..
Im supossed to have one but it doesnt work for me they keep falling i can probelly start trusting the one have a bit more now between meels but it might not less the whole time
i just decided to stop using the libre for a bit as you said it isnt helful to my mental heath
You can convince yourself as much as you like, but bottom line is that if you can not attach the Libre properly then I doubt you will manage the Dexcom.

Very few people have Dexcom on prescription at the moment either and in all honesty I doubt this will change due to the very tight restraints on the NHS.

You need to sit down with your DSN and go through with him or her how to attach your sensor.

I must admit that reading or trying to read your posts is very frustrating, because every time someone makes a suggestion you shoot it down in flames or say what you wrote isn't what you meant.
People spend a lot of time trying to help so at the end of the day it's very demoralising each time the goal posts are changed.

As the written word is so difficult for you I honestly think for your own safety and do quote the reasonable adjustment, you need to ask for one to one tuition so you know how to use your equipment properly.
i'm sorry if i upset you. upseting people is somthing that borthers me quite a bit
i'm sorry if i upset you. upseting people is somthing that borthers me quite a bit
It's not a problem honestly 🙂 As a whole most of us are just so frustrated with the communication barrier which is stopping us trying to help you and you trying to explain the problems you are having.
Without being too personal, can I ask what causes the communication problem?. Do you hit the wrong keys on your phone due to a coordination problem or are you dyslexic?
If it is a problem with coordination and hitting the right letters/numbers, would that possibly impact how you would control a pump if you applied for one and were successful? I don't use a pump myself but I understand that many are operated from a phone or similar PDM so you would probably need to have enough coordination to hit the right keys to manage it safely.

Sometimes I have to read your messages 4 or 5 times to try to understand what you are trying to say and sometimes I just can't figure it out, so Lucy's suggestion of using a dictator function would be worth a try to see if that improves our understanding of you. I would like to say that I think it is very brave of you to post so much when this condition creates a communication difficulty and I really admire you for not letting it hold you back, but it would be helpful to us if you would give the translator feature a try if you have it on your phone, to perhaps make it easier for us.
Without being too personal, can I ask what causes the communication problem?. Do you hit the wrong keys on your phone due to a coordination problem or are you dyslexic?
If it is a problem with coordination and hitting the right letters/numbers, would that possibly impact how you would control a pump if you applied for one and were successful? I don't use a pump myself but I understand that many are operated from a phone or similar PDM so you would probably need to have enough coordination to hit the right keys to manage it safely.

Sometimes I have to read your messages 4 or 5 times to try to understand what you are trying to say and sometimes I just can't figure it out, so Lucy's suggestion of using a dictator function would be worth a try to see if that improves our understanding of you. I would like to say that I think it is very brave of you to post so much when this condition creates a communication difficulty and I really admire you for not letting it hold you back, but it would be helpful to us if you would give the translator feature a try if you have it on your phone, to perhaps make it easier for us.
I’m assuming here so apologies if I’m wrong but I think rayray has already mentioned having dyspraxia which is a coordination problem. I’ll explain my experience of dyspraxia since it is difficult to understand with the communication difficulties rayray has. I really would encourage trying the dictation options if they are available on your phone RayRay. It would be so much easier to help if we could understand what you’re trying to say.

I also have dyspraxia which is why I use dictation options when I’m tired then i just add in any corrections with typing. Dyspraxia causes difficulties with coordination, it can be difficulties with fiddly activities eg the difficulties with testing blood sugar mentioned previously, and I’m certain it would cause difficulties changing a pump and filling the different bits etc (you can tell I don’t use one as I don’t know the right words here). I have difficulties with ringpulls, opening medications, unwrapping those individual test strips, tin openers, grating cheese etc and have tools to help the kitchen activities. I also still can’t tie shoe laces, frequently walk into walls or doorframes (libre doesn’t like this!), and have difficulties with other coordination related activities such as writing. Some find difficulties with activities like typing because of it, the messages from your brain to tell your fingers where to move just seem to get jumbled on the way to your fingers sometimes. It’s worse for me when tired or stressed.
I’m assuming here so apologies if I’m wrong but I think rayray has already mentioned having dyspraxia which is a coordination problem.
Yes she has plus as an added bonus she is dyslexic as well :(
@Lucyr thank you so much for explaining things so well.
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