I asked for a 'diet' coke......GRRRRRR :(

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I mentioned wanting to start a diet drinks campaign ages back, and have done nothing with it. Shame on me. I vote writing to the One Show, and coming up with some sort of campaign graphic for us with blogs to post, and people with facebooks to post on their 'boxes'.

dom littlewood has type one, so you could play on that fact 😉
"The Diet Drink Awareness Society - diabetes and full sugar drinks don't mix"
This is brilliant!!!!

This particular pub has NO alternative for "diet" drink in a bottle, like many places. Apart from tonic. Its poor.

Kei, I know what you mean, but Im of the virtual world! could "write" a letter now if you gave me a course in it!! Haha, bad isnt it? 😉

Sam, love the suggested name of your group. I can see it on a protest plackard as we speak...."Give me a DIET coke you muppet"!
I've created a facebook group! Those of you who I'm facebook friends with should be getting invites now. Invite all your friends, then let's get organised. :D

I've created a facebook group! Those of you who I'm facebook friends with should be getting invites now. Invite all your friends, then let's get organised. :D

Is it an open group? If so whats it called & I will come join it too!!
ive had a response from Dom littlewoods agent ....
" have you contacted the Diabetic charieties about this? "

Im off on the supermum trip shopping and kids picking up but will think of suitable response....unless anyone else has any ideas...at least contact has been made !
back soon x
I've created a facebook group! Those of you who I'm facebook friends with should be getting invites now. Invite all your friends, then let's get organised. :D

Joined, and invited all my friends (not that I have that many 😱 )
ok folks have replied to Dominic Littlewoods agent

Dear Hilary
Thank you for your quick response. The forum I am involved with is supported by DUK ' www.diabetessupport.co.uk' and this is something that we have been talking about for a while since one member whilst working at a KFC discovered that the pipes had been switched as a joke by other employees ...it seems to be a regular occurrence with other members writing in and posting about the hyper's they experienced as a consequence of this. Apparently DUK did look at it a while ago, but we have set up a Face book group and trying to raise awareness again. I have written to Federation of food and drink ,as well as the British Soft Drinks Association, and the consumer council for their advice regarding this sort of thing.
We thought that Dominic , being a diabetic would be concerned as well and be interested in this sort of thing as an investigation.
with kind regards
Amanda Minett.

i let you know if anymore comes of it🙂
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