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Hopefully the shakes will pass soon and your heart will calm down again, once you get enough sugar inside you.
I am fine. Feels exhausted. IT is on 4.2 now.. IT that okey?
So pleased to hear that Beccy. You have done really well but I would very much like you to have some longer acting carbs now like a slice of bread or a sandwich or a couple of biscuits to bring your levels up above 5. Can you do that for me please? You will feel exhausted but you need to eat a bit more before you have a sleep.
And definitely have something more to eat before you take Pongo out for a walk. What have you got in the house that you can eat?
If you don't have something more your levels could very easily drop again whilst you are out with Pongo, so it is really important you have something more to eat first.
Beccy, I need to go out to feed my horses soon but I need to know that you have had a sandwich or some biscuits and that your levels have come up above 5 before I head out...... so for the sake of my poor hungry horses 🙄 , can you let me know what else you have managed to eat?
I am almost certain your Toujeo dose is the problem and what worries me is that it could drop you low again whilst you are out walking Pongo, because walking drops you levels as well, so it would be very easy for you to end up hypo again, but a sandwich or some biscuits now could really help prevent that.
Low carb is not good in this instance Beccy. You need to have carbs to soak up some of that surplus insulin and raise your BG levels a bit more AND give you energy to walk Pongo and get back safely. Do you have some proper bread to go with the meat or proper full sugar biscuits?
I would be really happy if you managed to eat another 2 biscuits or a sandwich because it looks like your levels were trying to drop again. Can you let me know when you have managed to do that please. You are managing really well and I know you must be so sick of all this sweet stuff, so maybe a meat sandwich would be better.
Beccy, 4.0 is not high enough. It will drop again.
I know it must be difficult when you don't want to eat, but it is really important that you have some longer acting carbs to bring you up above 5 at least. A sandwich would be really good if you can manage it.
Please do not leave the house for a walk until your levels are above 5. This is very important.
Okey i make me one tiny slice of bread with ham and cucumber on
That would be great Beccy.
Will you also make sure to take some sweets or a small tin of coke or some orange juice with you when you walk Pongo please. That is really important too. I have a little back pack that I carry all my diabetes stuff in.... Test kit, Libre scanner, jelly babies, Glucose Tablets, dried fruit like apricots and figs and my phone so I can call friends and family if I feel unwell whilst I am treating a hypo, if I have one. Walking can have quite a dramatic effect on lowering your levels, so you need to be prepared.
Try to think of 5 to 10 as a 'safe' range for your body at the moment. Sometimes you might go above 10, but unless it is for an hour or two, you shouldn't worry too much.

If you stay below 4 for too long it can harm you. I think that is why everyone wants to help you and is giving you really helpful advice.
Beccy, I really need to go and feed my beasties now but would like to know your reading now before I head off??
You have done so well as that was obviosuly a really nasty one but want to be sure you are not at risk of having another one, so need those levels up above 5.
Of course i Will give you a answer. And your horses hafe to be hungry. The bloodsugar is 4.8 and Thats good. I am going out with pongo in 15 munuts
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