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Hi @Miss Daisy any exercise is good exercise and well done for your exercising. I’ve just taken up cycling and really getting into it. You’ll do great
I started jogging 7 weeks ago after doing nothing for 20 plus years.Started off with a half mile jog and today did 3 miles.Its not a lot ,but I’m out every weekday and hope to get to 5 miles. Feel a lot better for it.If I can do it then anyone can.
I started jogging 7 weeks ago after doing nothing for 20 plus years.Started off with a half mile jog and today did 3 miles.Its not a lot ,but I’m out every weekday and hope to get to 5 miles. Feel a lot better for it.If I can do it then anyone can.
Like yourself @Jamie M I only started exercising at the end of April, feeling 100% better every time I go out on my bike. Keep up the great work 😎
Thought it would be a good idea to open a new thread as to how much exercise we each do on a daily/weekly basis. I for one have resumed exercising on my exercise bike twice a day to help me stay as fit as I can atm & also to maintain a good bgls. My old back prevents me from walking too far for any length of time but I'm hoping to resume swimming soon, used to swim 1mile x 4times per wk (No back pain when swimming) Didn't learn to swim till I was 63! My right knee doesn't currently condone exercise so i start off slowly on my exercise bike then build up, a replacement knee could be on the cards! I also do stretching & floor exercises.

Type2 since April 2016
Diet & exercise only
I use these 2 free apps since not being able to go to the gym. The stretching one I do morning and night. The other I am working through the programme. Currently at 40 days. Takes only a few minutes

I also walk twice a day 2 X 3.7 km

Have lost weight since lock down and use these apps and not the gym. Will save me significant money.


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I use these 2 free apps since not being able to go to the gym. The stretching one I do morning and night. The other I am working through the programme. Currently at 40 days. Takes only a few minutes

I also walk twice a day 2 X 3.7 km

Have lost weight since lock down and use these apps and not the gym. Will save me significant money.
@Wirralass does not visit much these days so she might not reply.
I am thrilled that from tomorrow I shall be back in the pool. None of the 4 pools in a group that I have a membership for have any plans to re-open. But a friend told me her pool re-opened 2 weeks ago and they are re-starting Aquafit from Monday. Just 10 people instead of the usual 30 but I joined and booked a place, after looking at the advice from CDC about chlorinated pools and COVID. I expected the places to be quickly booked but people are still very cautious. Ideally I would like to do all 3 classes a week, but don't want to be selfish if lots of regular people can't get a place. As long as I get one, then I'll check to see if there are still vacancies just before the other classes.
I am thrilled that from tomorrow I shall be back in the pool. None of the 4 pools in a group that I have a membership for have any plans to re-open. But a friend told me her pool re-opened 2 weeks ago and they are re-starting Aquafit from Monday. Just 10 people instead of the usual 30 but I joined and booked a place, after looking at the advice from CDC about chlorinated pools and COVID. I expected the places to be quickly booked but people are still very cautious. Ideally I would like to do all 3 classes a week, but don't want to be selfish if lots of regular people can't get a place. As long as I get one, then I'll check to see if there are still vacancies just before the other classes.
Hope you enjoy.
First thing in the morning is a cup of coffee!

Then I do Tai Chi in the morning, after my coffee
Late afternoon, just before tea, I do some half forgotten Canadian Airforce Exercises

I try to go for a walk a couple of times a week, just a ramble around the local park, streets, and back lanes
That is easy enough, but for the past few months I've got into a bit of a rut, and although I do the indoor exercises, I haven't really been able to summon up the motivation to go out much, not even around the park or to the shops
I know this but doing it just seems to be an effort, yet I have no excuse - I have all the time as I'm retired, and loads of warm clothes
So I've given myself a good talking to, and on Monday I had a stroll round the local streets
Lets hope I can improve on that for the rest of the year.

I've given myself some motivation though - I am about 85kg and I'd like to be 80kg on my birthday in April
I think this is doable without being a struggle - I'll let you know how I go on
It depends for me but typically
- Monday climbing (about 2 hours)
- Tuesday walk to the supermarket (2 miles each way) and carry the weekly shop home up the hill
- Wednesday spin class (1 hour)
- Thursday/Friday - nothing specific but any travel is walking and train and I try to get out of the house (I wfh) at least once a day.
- Saturday/Sunday full gym work out of cardio (40 minutes) and weights (20 minutes) each day plus walking to shops, gardening, diy, etc..

This is far less than I have done in the past but work has become more intensive recently so I have less time. I will not say I have less energy as I find exercise increases my energy.
Just plain old walking for me! A mile first thing before I even have coffee, then several walks of varying lengths during the day. I aim for around 20k+ steps in spring, autumn and summer, but have to admit I'm happy to just get 12k in during the winter due to the short days.
As I am awaiting assessment for ME, and either have that or am still recovering from post viral fatigue 13 months later, my exercise is minimal.

4-5 days a week I walk to work, which is a gentle stroll of 15 minutes or 0.5 miles each way. I walk home again and generally get more steps in when I’m in the office as my flat is small.

Recently I’ve started swimming 3 mornings a week. At the moment just getting up and out of the flat by 8am and getting to the pool is more than enough additional exercise. I do try and do some lengths in the pool but I’m limited to 16-20 lengths of a 25metre pool maximum at the moment. That takes me about 15-20 minutes.

I’d like to do more but just that is enough to take me towards a crash. It is at least an improvement from when I couldn’t walk to work or needed a rest on the way
2+ hours "exercise" walking per day.

Now I've added a bit of resistance training hoping to add some muscle to my upper-body scrawn. Hopefully I'll get into the habit & stop feeling that it's just really tedious 🙂
Gym, (now superseded by an exercise class) followed by aqua aerobics Monday
Walk into town Tuesday
Exercise class and aqua Wednesday
Aqua Thursday
Walk Friday
Saturday and Sunday is weather dependent, but a day out and and a walk somewhere.
2+ hours "exercise" walking per day.

Now I've added a bit of resistance training hoping to add some muscle to my upper-body scrawn. Hopefully I'll get into the habit & stop feeling that it's just really tedious 🙂
Yes, the 'getting into the habit' is the hard part! ...

I've always done a reasonable amount of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, regularly-- brisk walking, and then in the past few years a little jogging 3 times a week.

But-- reading more and more things in the news about the importance of resistance training as well, especially as one gets older, and particularly getting and keeping strong core muscles-- I've been thinking for a couple of years I should add in some resistance exercises. And thinking-- at the very very least, I should do the plank regularly! The plank is supposed to be really the best exercise you can do to strengthen all of your core muscles, in your back and sides and abdomen; and it's very simple, doesn't require any equipment, and takes very little time. I thought I'd try to get into the habit of doing it on my non-jogging days; how hard could that be? ... Very, it turns out!!

Then a couple of weeks ago I thought I would just do a plank immediately after jogging-- in the door, on the floor, five minutes-- and that worked! And the next day after my usual walk-- in the door, on the floor, five minutes ... And so on; it's already starting to become a habit.

Turns out this is known to be the key to forming new habits: 'anchoring'. If you attach the new thing, the thing you want to become a habit, to an existing habit, the new thing is much more likely to become a habit. Once planking has settled in, I think I'll try attaching some upper-body resistance exercises to some other established habits; I think that's more likely to succeed for me than trying to make a habit of a separate 20-minute (or whatever) resistance-exercise routine.
For me it's the exercise bike if the weather is not favourable, use it three times a day for at least five miles at a time. Good weather anything above eight degrees and not raining it's on my mountain bike for anything from five miles to fifteen miles depending on how I'm feeling at the time.
Unfortunately, I can't manage a lot of walking due to arthritis in my knee and hip, on a good day I can just about manage around five miles, on a bad day its less than a mile - shame really as I enjoyed walking especially when on holiday which is when I miss it most......
Walk for around 2 hours daily, nothing really apart from that, have 2 gardens to maintain so that keeps me busy enough & adds to exercise count.